View Full Version : Accounted for Quincy Looper Serial Numbers

11-30-2014, 10:05 AM
I have been compiling a list of "out in the open"/"currently accounted for"/"surviving" Quincy Looper serial numbers so as to get a handle on how many are left and of what class. I don't have the pedigree for the fast majority of the engines, it is not the point of this little project. All of this information has either: a) been obtained by people mentioning their engine serial numbers online b) having people tell me their serial numbers or c) seeing engines in person. I do have names of the individuals who own some of them, but that also is NOT the point of this project. I will NOT publish who owns these engines; honestly for the ones I have already it really doesn't matter because anyone who really cares can simply do a Google search and find out who posted it out in the open. But, for any serial numbers people send me directly, I will assume unless told otherwise, not to publish.

Again, I have compiled a list of "currently discovered/owned/accounted for" Quincy Loopers. If you would like to participate you can PM me the numbers you have and I will add them to the list. Here below are the known serial numbers that I have according to class. Sidenote: For "F" class engines, please tell me if it is a 4 cylinder 44ci, 6 cylinder 60ci or 66ci, or "D and a half" engine. If it has serial numbers of the D or B engines to make it that would be nice to know. Thanks!

"A" Class Quincy Loopers (40)

+one without a serial number

"B" Class Quincy Loopers (47)

XB-1: “Super B”
FB-Prototype: (original looper prototype block, does not have a serial #)
FB 74:
FB 180:

"C" Class Quincy Loopers (23)

+3 without serial numbers

"D" Class Quincy Loopers (25)

FD-39: 44ci

"F" Class Quincy Loopers (15: 44ci, 7: 60ci, 1: 66ci)

60ci #1 (was never given a serial number)
XF-5: 44ci
XF-6: 44ci
XF-7: 60ci (#2 60ci)
XF-14: 44ci
XF-18: 44ci
XF-23: 44ci
XF-25: 60ci
XF-27: 44ci
FX-34: 44ci
XF-35: 44ci
XF-36: 44ci
XF-37: 44ci
XF-41: 60ci
XF-42: 60ci
XF-44: 44ci
FX-51: 44ci
XF-52: 66ci (yes that's correct. One of the billet blocks)
FX-54: 44ci
FX-57: 44ci
Last 44ci NOS: never stamped with number, never drilled for bolts/studs.
60ci: another with no number
60ci: put together by Bruce Summers (FD-78 and FD-35)

Some additional information provided by Paul Christner to give a better idea of total production numbers:

O. F. Christner stated that Quincy Welding built a total of 759 Loopers between 11/30/63 to 7/15/76 when a newer model (the Quincy Z) was designed. The number of engines made was as follows: FA = 218, FB = 243, FC = 103, FD = 121, FX = 74.

As to the engine numbers, the only thing I would add is that the F numbers of 74 in total was made up of both 44 ci Alky Deflector and Looper designs. The same with the 60 ci and 66ci engines, both Alky Deflector & Looper designs. I do know Quincy made a total of 2 66 ci Loopers, and only 1 is in existence. Which totals 759 engines, plus 3 90 ci Looper engines (known as The Beast) of which only 1 may exist somewhere in the midwest. It was used in a tractor for mini-tractor pulling events. So that makes a total of 762 engines - which does not count the 1881 Quincy Mercs that were strictly Deflectors (both gas and alky) that were configured prior to the later 762 total.

O. F. Christner was well known as an innovator in racing and outboards. According to Christner, Quincy Welding produced a total of 1881 Merc Alky engines between 1/10/48 and 3/15/63. He stated that the number of Alky engines built using all Mercury parts which had padded cylinders to bring up the compression ratio to 14:1 for alky use was broken down as follows - A class = 349, B class = 463, C class = 311, D class = 430 and F class = 328.

I would add there were at least 30-40 other non-numbered engines made as R&D motors for the shop. Some were sold, some were replacement engines for customers, some were scrapped after testing.

That does not count the Quincy Z engine production, as those records were lost in the move when the Quincy Welding/Precision Machine building was sold in 1984.

So that totals 2683 engines under 100 ci from Quincy Welding/ Precision Machine not counting the Z's.

Note: some of these engines were re-configured from core Mercury engines sent to us at Quincy Welding to be made into Quincy Mercs, and some of those were Quincy Mercs originated from us at Quincy Welding, where we supplied the Merc block and crankcase also. However, all the Looper and Z engines were created by us at Quincy Welding, then later Precision Machine with the Z production.

Final point: These numbers above do not include all the Quincy Modified engines made up of various configurations that were over 100 ci in displacement. I am still trying to compile all of the production information on those engines.

Master Oil Racing Team
11-30-2014, 11:54 AM
I know the whereabouts of FA179 and a B that may be a prototype. No number and different porting and exhaust bolt pattern. The owner is up north texas right now, and when he gets back I'll have him contact you. He is currently trying to figure out the non serial no. B.

11-30-2014, 02:29 PM
Thanks for the info. I have already added several engines since the first post.

12-01-2014, 01:14 PM
I have 13 loopers and will send you all the S/N when I get a chance to dig them out. One of the engines is Bruce Summers D+1/2 waiting to be restored.


12-01-2014, 02:57 PM
Here is what I have found so far with my loopers.

FA-88 Champion Spark Plugs

FB-115 Hank Tiege

FC-89 Donald Mason

FD-67 Phil Crown

FD-88 Rich Fuschlin

XF-5 Kirt Almase

XF-27 Gary Delast

FB-231 Dick O'Dea

FB-204 Henry Grupe

FC-96 Larry Latta

4+1/2 Bruce Summers (60)

66 Clone Oloff (being assembled)


12-01-2014, 03:58 PM
Thanks Alan, I had most of yours :D, but did not have FB-204 and FC-96. They are now added.

Master Oil Racing Team
12-01-2014, 08:05 PM
Would FB 204 be Henry Grupe out of Dallas, Texas? He was one heck of a motor man and helped Denny Henderson and friends of my Dad, myself and the guy who has the motors I mentioned earlier.

12-02-2014, 06:41 AM
Yes FB204 is a Henry Grupe engine. Once were moved into the new hobby shop I hope to get back into restoring a number of engine this winter. Next weekend we will start the move in that is going to take a bit of time. Once were moved in anyone that would like to come by for a visit is more then welcome. Will be setting up a display of the engine and boats I have for all to view.


12-15-2014, 07:57 PM
Alan, don't you also have FD-84? You mentioned it awhile back about it winning again at a race. Perhaps that was a typo? Or do you no longer have it.

Ed Provini
12-16-2014, 06:41 AM
Alan, don't you also have FD-84? You mentioned it awhile back about it winning again at a race. Perhaps that was a typo? Or do you no longer have it.

I have Looper FA-8 with stick tower and Konig gearcase.
Ed Provini

12-16-2014, 07:05 AM
Thanks Ed. That's an early one, it has been added.

Gene East
12-16-2014, 09:38 AM
I guess now that people are going crazy over some projects currently underway and giving a lot of focus to the loopers now is as good a time as any to unveil a project I have been working on.

I have been compiling a list of "out in the open", "currently accounted for", and "surviving" Quincy Looper serial numbers so as to get a handle on how many are left and of what class. I don't have the pedigree for the fast majority of the engines, it is not the point of this little project. All of this information has either: a) been obtained by people mentioning their engine serial numbers online b) having people tell me their serial numbers or c) seeing engines in person. I do have names of the individuals who own some of them, but that also is NOT the point of this project. I will NOT publish who owns these engines; honestly for the ones I have already it really doesn't matter because anyone who really cares can simply do a Google search and find out who posted it out in the open. But, for any serial numbers people send me directly, I will assume unless told otherwise, not to publish.

Again, I have compiled a list of "currently discovered/owned/accounted for" Quincy Loopers. If you would like to participate you can PM me the numbers you have and I will add them to the list. Here below are the known serial numbers that I have according to class. Sidenote: For "F" class engines, please tell me if it is a 4 cylinder 44ci, 6 cylinder 60ci or 66ci, or "D and a half" engine. If it is a D and a half, please if possible, provide the serial numbers of the D and B engines it came from to form the 6. Thanks!

"A" Class Quincy Loopers


"B" Class Quincy Loopers

XB-1: “Super B”
FB-1: (original looper prototype)

"C" Class Quincy Loopers


"D" Class Quincy Loopers


"F" Class Quincy Loopers

60ci #1 (was never given a serial number, is either XF-2, 3, or 4)
XF-5: 44ci
XF-6: 44ci
XF-7: 60ci (#2 60ci)
XF-14: 44ci
XF-25: 60ci
XF-27: 44ci
FX-34: 44ci
XF-41: 60ci
FX-51: 44ci
XF-52: 66ci (yes that's correct)
FX-54: 44ci
FX-57: 44ci
Last 44ci NOS: never stamped with number

I think what you are doing is GREAT! I'd like to provide some insight on the 6 bangers.

You asked for information on the S/N's of the engines the sixes were built from.

To the best of my knowledge, the only six cylinder Looper ever built from an existing four cylinder is the one built by my friend Bruce Summers.

All the others, with the exception perhaps two who were built by someone other than Quincy Welding were built from RAW castings. Three D blocks and rear crankcase halves were cut and welded to make 2 six bangers. The front crankcase halves were Mercury raw castings.

There were also a couple of sixes milled from a solid billet of aluminum much in the same manner as Dick Austin's "Beast".

Yes there were a lot of aluminum chips left over from those.

If anyone else built a six in the manner Bruce Summers built his, I love to hear about it.

Your efforts to ID the Loopers still in existence is greatly appreciated by all of us who loved those sweet screamers.

I hope this information helps you.

Keep up the good work!

Got to sign off, I've got to buy new batteries for my hearing aids!

12-16-2014, 10:07 AM

Thank you very much for that detailed information. As with most discussions with historical topics, it is the nuances that are most important, case in point; I was not aware that most of the 6's were from "Raw" castings, but assumed that more people had made them like Bruce Summers' engine, when in fact as you have now cleared up for me, that Quincy made a lot of them from the D's. This solves a general question that was always in my mind. "Why are those two 'billet aluminum' 6's mentioned specifically?" in regard to the looper history and more importantly why they are referred to with such reverence (the billet blocks). Now I know that it is because the 6's weren't built that way other than those few cases. That is good to know!

P.S. Yes get those hearing aid batteries replaced as there are MANY looper restorations going on at once! I know that my restorations will all have videos documenting their first start as well as run's on their period accurate hydros, and JW has already given excellent mouth watering videos of his 6 cylinder. Get ready for this coming season! ;) :cool:

Also: I know this has been mentioned before, but I don't think any definitive answer was given. Does anyone know why some of the "F" loopers have "XF" and others are "FX" in front of their serial numbers?

Gene East
12-16-2014, 11:09 AM
XF v FX. What's the difference?

I don't know!

Steve Litzell
12-16-2014, 04:48 PM
XF v FX. What's the difference?

I don't know!

How about this one Gene, Stamp Boy at factory was dislexic (sp):D! Oh I have a six in my shop now for sleeves and it is billet. Also have one from Bruce that he is making as well. And Brandon, your D is all but done now just putting the finishing touches to it, At This time I have more flatheads in my shop for work than I do Konig's and VRP's! Am I back in the late 60's again?? Fun times

12-16-2014, 05:23 PM
well now that is winter time in ga and striper fishing has not turned on,will go over to the brother's house and get serial off motor.it has been in a couple boxes since '65 or'66,when dad won at either Alex or Lakeland and was tore down for inspection.should be a B or C.was back home in Savannah a couple weeks ago and went by Charlie Redmonds old shop location.now a convience store(wasn't 2 years ago) and wondered what happened to his stuff and also someone elses.will have to find out.Thank you for doing this BJ

Gene East
12-16-2014, 07:35 PM
How about this one Gene, Stamp Boy at factory was dislexic (sp):D! Oh I have a six in my shop now for sleeves and it is billet. Also have one from Bruce that he is making as well. And Brandon, your D is all but done now just putting the finishing touches to it, At This time I have more flatheads in my shop for work than I do Konig's and VRP's! Am I back in the late 60's again?? Fun times

How about this? If we're talking about a 44 with an XF number; remember the very first 44 was built without O.F. Christner's approval for a Class X Free-for-all race in Knoxville. I don't know this to be a fact, but it is an interesting theory. Wouldn't that be treasure?

Gene East
12-16-2014, 07:54 PM
Re: FA-8

I just got a phone call from Paul Christner about this engine.

Paul has identified FA-8 as a Quincy Welding Team engine.

This power head was actually raced by Jim Schoch or Earle Hull; possibly even David Christner or the "Boss Man" himself O.F. Christner.

It's even possible that I have driven this motor. Chris used to let me take a ride after the races were over, and sometimes when we were testing at Twin Oaks.

Doc Collins used to rib me about my driving position. He said he could always tell when I was in the boat, "because my *** was higher than my head".

I eventually learned how to get my body properly positioned and did fairly well in "Wildcat" racing around the Quincy area.

I did drive in a few heats of sanctioned events however, and once finished in 2nd place behind Jim Schoch.

There are a lot of drivers with better resumes than myself who wish they could make that statement!

My favorite position in sanctioned races was in the back of a two-man runabout, but now I'm too old and weigh about 125# too much to be competitive.

I do watch longingly as 100# girls now fill that role.

God bless them! They do a great job!

Gene East
12-16-2014, 08:14 PM
I have Looper FA-8 with stick tower and Konig gearcase.
Ed Provini

Ed, see my earlier post


12-18-2014, 05:57 AM
How about this one Gene, Stamp Boy at factory was dyslexic :D! Oh I have a six in my shop now for sleeves and it is billet. Also have one from Bruce that he is making as well. And Brandon, your D is all but done now just putting the finishing touches to it, At This time I have more flatheads in my shop for work than I do Konig's and VRP's! Am I back in the late 60's again?? Fun times

I know you're enjoying it all! I look forward to getting it back and putting it all together!

01-08-2015, 11:10 AM
Anyone know of FX-18? It is a 44ci looper that is mentioned by John Gabrowski in one of the first threads on this forum. I hope it still exists. I will add it to the list once I have confirmation from someone or him (I sent him an email previously).

Another thought about the lineage of the first "F" Loopers. Is it presumed that the first "F" looper (both 44 OR 60) was the 44ci created without OF Christner's permission? Or could Dick Austin's first 60ci have been created before the 44ci. I am only curious.

Gene East
01-08-2015, 02:18 PM
Anyone know of FX-18? It is a 44ci looper that is mentioned by John Gabrowski in one of the first threads on this forum. I hope it still exists. I will add it to the list once I have confirmation from someone or him (I sent him an email previously).

Another thought about the lineage of the first "F" Loopers. Is it presumed that the first "F" looper (both 44 OR 60) was the 44 ci created without OF Christner's permission? Or could Dick Austin's first 60ci have been created before the 44ci. I am only curious.

The 44 Looper came first!

Basically; at that time, the "F" class was comprised of 44 and 60 ci Mercury deflectors with a few over bored D Konigs and even fewer very rare 460 Evinrudes & P-500 OMC's.

The P-500 was a pump built by OMC for the USN. P-500 indicated a pump with the capacity of 500 gallons per minute.

The power head was very similar to the 460 and surplus pumps were often converted to an outboard.

The ship I served on had 2 P-500's and we were only authorized to have only 1.

I was responsible for the pumps on our ship and when I was instructed to get rid of the extra P-500, I asked for permission to purchase it for salvage.

The Navy in it's wisdom saw fit to allow me to pitch it overboard and watch it sink out of sight.

A classic example of our tax dollars at work!

Back to the original question. Remember, the first 44 ci Looper was NOT built as an "F". It was built to compete in the "X" class in Knoxville.

The demand for the 44 Looper as an "F" engine was the result of that one-off engine.

The first deflector 44 I ever saw run was in a combined "CDF" class in 1958. The engine was basically a stock MK-58 driven by Bill Seebold Jr.

Bill Seebold Sr. fitted the P/H with alky carbs and raised the ports to stock 55-H specs, nothing else not even a cut down flywheel.

If anyone thinks that extra 4 ci doesn't make a difference, Think again!

Billy (that's what everyone called him then) won both heats. It wasn't long before 44 deflectors became popular in the "F" class!

Re; Your question about Dick Austin, he did build a deflector around that time and like everything else he has done, it was a fantastic piece of craftsmanship.

Perhaps he might post some info on that engine when he finds the time.

01-08-2015, 05:45 PM
Gene thanks! Exactly the information I was looking for. Yeah, I had forgotten the fact that the first 44 Looper was for that "X" class. Was that an APBA class or a local racing organization?

Steve Litzell
01-08-2015, 06:04 PM
It was mainly a NOA class. Steve

Gene East
01-08-2015, 07:07 PM
Correct Steve, it was an NOA event.

Knoxville was the home of NOA.

02-05-2015, 12:45 PM
I know the whereabouts of FA179 and a B that may be a prototype. No number and different porting and exhaust bolt pattern. The owner is up north texas right now, and when he gets back I'll have him contact you. He is currently trying to figure out the non serial no. B.

Did you ever contact this gentleman regarding the B looper that might be a prototype? I tried to PM you but your box is full.

I added another D engine to the list. I know there are more out there! :)

02-09-2015, 09:18 PM
I put my eyes on three Loopers today at a Buddy's place. FA199, FD58, and another 4 cylinder without a number... Maybe a 44... It took everything I had not peel a head off it to see...


02-10-2015, 08:05 AM
Thanks buddy. I know why you want to know about that other 4 cylinder :p

02-13-2015, 07:21 AM
I was looking at the list. I find it hard to believe there are only six 6 cylinder loopers left (that includes Bruce Summers'). But guess it makes a little sense because I think Paul Christner has said there were only 15 total 60ci's made. I need to clarify that. I have heard that there are some others, but they don't want to be bothered with constant purchase offers, so they are keeping it to themselves. :p

03-02-2015, 08:34 AM
I have 2 As, 1 B, and 1 D to add to the list, just need their serial numbers.

Gene East
03-02-2015, 04:16 PM
Did you ever contact this gentleman regarding the B looper that might be a prototype? I tried to PM you but your box is full.

I added another D engine to the list. I know there are more out there! :)

RE: The FB with no S/N.

I just got off the phone with Loren Kaus. He tells me he had an FB with no S/N. He states he went to a race in Canada with his Dad and brother. Canadian Customs would not admit a motor without a S/N.

Loren said his Dad made 3 straight lines with a screwdriver to serve as a S/N.

Could this be the missing link??

03-02-2015, 04:38 PM
RE: The FB with no S/N.

I just got off the phone with Loren Kaus. He tells me he had an FB with no S/N. He states he went to a race in Canada with his Dad and brother. Canadian Customs would not admit a motor without a S/N.

Loren said his Dad made 3 straight lines with a screwdriver to serve as a S/N.

Could this be the missing link??

Interesting Gene. What can you tell us about loopers leaving the factory without serial numbers? I know of one other, Dick Austin's 60ci Looper that was the first sold does not have a serial number. The #2 60ci which he also owns, DOES have a serial number. Steve has told me he knows of one C looper without serial numbers.

Steve Litzell
03-02-2015, 04:57 PM
You forgot to add FA 208 and FC 76, Steve

03-04-2015, 09:45 AM
Looking for people's opinions on what the serial number is of the pictured B looper I saw in person last weekend. Lots of numbers there. I think I know what it is, but wanted people's opinions. Thanks


Gene East
03-04-2015, 12:34 PM
I suppose a motor could have been raced by a QW driver that did not get stamped, then someone bought the motor from QW at a race site thinking it was better than what was available to the general public.

Most improvements were always in the cylinder block. It's possible a new set of cylinders was installed on an existing crankcase assembly before the block was stamped.

I personally am not aware of any motors being shipped without a stamp.

Dick Austin has a 60 c/i motor with my name on it.

Some one who raced boats prior to the Quincy Looper engines was at a boat show in Muscatine, IA a few years ago. I was standing near Dick's display (which is awesome, 4 fully rigged F-Hydros on one trailer). The trailer alone is an engineering marvel that you would have to see to believe!

The gentleman was well versed in cross flow Mercurys, but he was puzzled about the strange looking motors. He asked if I knew anything about them.

I showed him the motor with my name. He agreed that perhaps I might know something about them.

We had a good talk. I explained how the loop scavenge system worked and he went away happy.

While QW was always trying to improve the product, I can assure you we NEVER built special motors for our team drivers. Every motor we ever built was available for sale at the advertised price on a first come, first served basis.

In fact, on two separate occasions we had a customer accuse us of that. Twice, Chris instructed me to swap our P/H with theirs. Twice, we beat them using their own motor while they ran the "special" Quincy motor.

John Schubert T*A*R*T
03-04-2015, 03:32 PM
I suppose a motor could have been raced by a QW driver that did not get stamped, then someone bought the motor from QW at a race site thinking it was better than what was available to the general public.

Most improvements were always in the cylinder block. It's possible a new set of cylinders was installed on an existing crankcase assembly before the block was stamped.

I personally am not aware of any motors being shipped without a stamp.

Dick Austin has a 60 c/i motor with my name on it.

Some one who raced prior to the Quincy Looper engines was at a boat show in Muscatine, IA was curious about Dick's motors. I was standing near Dick's display and the gentleman asked me if I knew anything about the strange looking motors. I showed him the motor with my name. He agreed that perhaps I might know something about them.

We had a good talk. I explained how the loop scavenge system worked and he went away happy.

While QW was always trying to improve the product, I can assure you we NEVER built special motors for our team drivers. Every motor we ever built was available for sale at the advertised price on a first come, first served basis.

In fact, twice we had customer accuse us of that. Twice, Chris instructed me to swap our P/H with theirs. Twice we beat them using their own motor while they ran the "special" Quincy motor.
Ahhhh, isn't that special. LOL Couldn't help myself Gene. After I won the 68 "B"Hydro nationals we were on the ramp to the HI right behind you guys. Chris leaned out the rear window & yelled "Johnny, if you want a really fast motor, let us build it. WE did get one but the one my dad & I built was better. Just Saying!!!!
I'm enjoying the warm weather if Florida.

Gene East
03-04-2015, 07:04 PM
John, don't tell me you don't miss the ice and snow. I'll forgive you for the "special" remark only because I think you're "special" yourself.

Hope to see you in DePue.

WhiteTrash 148
03-05-2015, 11:56 AM
I figure this is good a place as any for my first post. Have been reading the entire site and reliving some of the best racing times I ever had. I used to race (quit in 1970 after alex.) in the alky C D & F classes out of the Texas clubs and C & D gas burners in Texas and Okla. I still have four Quincy loopers (we called them flatheads) along with many spare parts. Was wondering if they were worth anything? Took down S/N's this morning, they are-FC-71, FD-86, FD-107 and XF-107. The XF is a 44ci.

03-05-2015, 01:06 PM
Value depends on condition. I sent you a PM. Thanks for the serial numbers. Welcome to the website!

03-05-2015, 04:00 PM
Ronald , I am glad you are on here with us. Wayne Baldwin and I had a good time with you and Donald. You guys had along drive to race in LSBRA. Thank you for the all the effort.

04-07-2015, 08:09 PM
If you find out that he still has it in his possession then I will add it to the list. Thanks!

Karen Cadle
04-08-2015, 07:19 PM
He did say has enough of Grandad's flat head parts to put a full B back together. I asked him to try and find any serial numbers for this project.

As of December last year he's on BRF as: mike v1.

He sent me photo's of the engine stamps - attached as photos.

04-29-2015, 05:16 AM
Karen I didn't see your edit. I will add those 2 serial numbers to the list. Thanks!

09-13-2015, 11:19 AM
My brother David and I just bought a ton of Looper parts. By the end of October we should be able to add 11 Looper S/N to the list that is being collected.


10-27-2015, 08:40 AM
David and I just finished a 3,500 mile road trip and along the way we picked up some Looper stuff. We also obtained the very, very rare B Looper adaptor that allowed the power head to be installed on a D tower that was specially made by Mercury for Jerry Waldman. We believe that no more then 7 were made in total, ones is brand new never used and the other one we have is installed on a B Waldman engine we acquired. In this collection of parts we also obtained the last Looper block that was made by Quincy in 1976 that was in production, it is FC-100.

1. FC-100 Last produced Looper at Quincy Welding. In production in 1976 at time of plant closing
2. FA-147 Block
3. FB-75 Block
4. FB-216 New block partially machined
5. FB-136 Block
6. Pre Z-242 Jerry Waldman "B" engine This is a one of engines between the Looper 2.3 and the Z
7. FC-60 Block
8. FD-47 Block
9. FB-41 Block
10. FC-XXX New block
11. FC-XXX New block

10-27-2015, 09:33 AM

10-27-2015, 11:58 AM
Alan how was the weather in North Woods of Wisconsin.

10-27-2015, 12:25 PM
Well during the trip we had great weather. Nights were 35 degrees up north and days in the low 60's. Took the north route into Michigan to attend Mark Sutters AOMCI meet. Beautiful drive with all the color in the forests.

02-04-2016, 03:27 PM
FB 222 for sale on ebay search quincy looper outboard

03-09-2016, 05:57 AM
Karen, congratulations on your new loopers. It is SO WEIRD how someone was just asking about how many of the #1 engines were known and here you come the NEXT day with FB-1! Can't wait to see the pictures.

This puts the total of known #1 engines at three. FA-1, FB-1, and the first 6 cylinder looper built.

John Schubert T*A*R*T
03-09-2016, 06:35 AM
FB 222 for sale on ebay search quincy looper outboard
Doesn't come up. Can you please show the item number

03-09-2016, 06:53 AM
It is no longer for sale. It was up twice on eBay.


03-09-2016, 09:55 AM

Why must you toy with our emotions... LOL! :p:confused::eek: Email me the picture and I will re-size it and email it back to you, or post it for you!

03-09-2016, 08:08 PM

03-10-2016, 06:53 AM
Karen clear some private message space, your storage is full! I can't respond to your last message :)

Master Oil Racing Team
12-07-2016, 07:47 PM
Got a couple to add BJuby. Had to scroll through a lot of pages. Very interesting to reread, but could you maybe do an updated list for those that do not have such an interest to follow this thread?

Steve Wetherbee from Corpus Christi, Texas picked up FA44 and FB131 yesterday. FB131 was gummed up as Steve turned the crank. FA44 did not move. Maybe locked up. As of this afternoon when Steve called, both were turning freely after his initial treatment. Steve wants to be able to crank his motors after he gets them pulled apart and put back together.

Here's the part where Paul Christner got excited and Steve called me to report. FA44 was Bruce Nicholson's first looper. FB131 was an RD motor driven by Dick Hoppenwrath. Steve told Paul that the crankcase was unlike any he had every seen. Paul said they were experimenting with intakes and only two or three like that were ever made. Dick was the R&D guy driving when Kikaefer and Quincy were developing the looper motors.

12-08-2016, 05:58 AM
Wayne thanks for the new looper engines recently discovered. I have been updating the list on the front first page. I do that, rather than redoing the list every time because those posts will get lost in this thread. I could always make a new thread, have it locked so no one can respond, but then people like you can't post their new finds.

I would love to see pictures of that R&D crankcase. Also, speaking of pictures I tried messaging you regarding a photo I was not able to find on this website but your PM inbox is full! I was wondering if you could post or email me (brandon.juby@gmail.com) the photo you took of Jerry Waldman roping over one of his 4 cylinder loopers while in the hydro. The engine has just started and there are people holding up the boat.

Thanks again.

Master Oil Racing Team
12-09-2016, 07:12 PM
That's a good way to handle it Brandon. I didn't know that before. I had checked before I posted to look for the numbers and they weren't there. I checked yesterday and you had already done the update. Maybe at the heading you could add a line "Updated....then have the date". That way people like me or occasional visitors will know that they are looking at the most current info, then wade in to see the stories. This is a very good thread to follow.

I know the picture of Jerry you are talking about Brandon. I looked earlier, but it is mixed in with some other photos I scanned. If I can't find it, I will rescan the negative. It was taken at the race where Jerry was killed. I need to take a look at the photo first because I was in all the heats that Jerry ran and there were no qualifying heats. It was an invitational race. All the drivers were hand picked by the respective team captains. So if it wasn't testing, then it might have been my sister Jan who took the picture.

12-10-2016, 07:40 AM
Wayne thanks for the great idea. I will change the title of the first post (as I did now) each time there are numbers updated. I have also typed a total count of each type that I will also update that makes it easier to see how many there are. Thanks for looking for the photo. Not surprised you remember it as it is a great shot! As it currently stands there are approximately:

A: 28
B: 29
C: 17
D: 16
F (44): 11
F (60): 7
F (66): 1

Master Oil Racing Team
12-10-2016, 10:47 AM
I like it Brandon.

I found the photo, and I scanned it, but I had trouble downloading it. I haven't had this problem since a number of years ago when the procedure changed. I'm going to try again, but first a little bit about the picture. I didn't take it. Must have been Baldy or possible pit man Gerel Malmstrom who took a semester of photography at Southwest Texas State.

It was pretty underexposed and took a little work to improve it. It was frame OA preceeded by a half frame. The first good exposed photo was 1-1A and was with Jerry on the water making some laps. Think he was probably breaking in the motor or maybe seating new rings. He was one of the first to arrive and you can see there are no trailers on the other side where there would have been.

It was taken the day before the race. Jerry was in the center of the shot, so I would not have taken it. I would have included the bottom of the boat and propeller for good composition. I think the reason most people would consider it a great picture is because it is not only one of the last taken of Jerry, but as far as I can remember, the only one of him standing in his boat cranking a big motor.

I will try once more to download the picture. If it doesn't work this time, I'm going to have to figure out what has changed or what I'm doing wrong.

Can't make it work.

12-10-2016, 06:36 PM

Master Oil Racing Team
12-10-2016, 08:39 PM
Thanks Brandon. We had computer failure yesterday due to surge protector or a number of factors, and this morning they kept going off and on. I think I must have punched a wrong button. Anyway, I have two new surge protectors, but my son-in-law says I need to plug them into the backup battery rather than direct to the wall plugs like they were. I might have done something to prevent my pictures from being downloaded during all of this. Tomorrow I will try some more pic on another thread like Lone Star or Random Shots to see what happens.

I have some photos of some of the recently purchased motors that are now in the hands of the buyers and are being renovated. You have the numbers already posted.

A/B Speedliner
02-03-2017, 07:04 AM
I have FY 20 a stock 20H conversion.

A/B Speedliner
05-28-2017, 01:59 PM
In latest purchase Alan & I acquired FB 193 along with a few other looper parts. This engine is on 20H conversion mid section

05-29-2017, 11:38 AM

10-27-2017, 07:42 AM
I added 2 B loopers, 1 C looper, and 1 44ci looper to the list.

02-24-2018, 01:47 PM
I don't know what happened to the website. Maybe I missed a posting, but this thread is no longer stickied and I had a heck of a time finding it buried. Nonetheless. I have added some new serial numbers to the list. As of now. There are far more "B" Quincy Loopers known than any other class of Loopers.

03-05-2018, 09:41 AM
Just added 7 more Loopers to the list.

Master Oil Racing Team
01-29-2019, 07:11 PM
Got another one located for you to add Brandon. FA 188. It is currently in possession of Jim Trimble's cousin John from Springfield, Illinois. I forget John's last name. He raced some with Jim back in the 70's. The motor belonged to Jim's wife Mary, formerly Mary Barto who raced out of DePue. The motor needed some ignition work after they went to the CD ignition used on loopers, and finally Mary told Jim "Let's just give it to John" instead of messing with trying to find parts to fix it. Mary got the looper from her cousin Manuel Martinez, who I think is Marty Martinez whom I first met at DePue pitting with Tim Butts. Tim had his first picklefork boat there and my Dad and I first got acquainted with both Tim and Marty. They were both running loopers. Mary doesn't know if Manuel was the original owner or bought it from someone else. I will call Paul Christner to see what he knows.

Master Oil Racing Team
01-30-2019, 07:57 PM
I called Paul this morning. He had already read the thread earlier, and when I gave him a ring he said, "Hold on. Let me go get my book" I waited on him and when he got back to the phone he said "FA 188....Guess who this was!" I said, "Tim Butts" Surprised...Paul said "How the he11 did you know?" I proceeded to tell him that Mary had told Jim she got it from her cousin Manuel Martinez. I had already figured out the connection and when I talked to Joe this morning he said "Marty got that motor from Tim" I asked him how he knew, and did he ever meet Marty. Joe thought he had met Marty many years later, but it was over the years of talking with Tim, and he and Tim almost neighbors in Houston for some years that Joe knew Marty from the friendship Tim had talked about. Joe, Jim, Paul and I (and I suppose Mary...didn't talk to her) all got a kick out of tracking the ownership down in such a short time. Jim and Mary are snowbound (59 degrees below at this time....well it warmed up to 29 the last time I talked to him) so they were very happy to have something like this enlighten their day. To top it off, Paul tells me that this was the last looper Tim bought, and that is was when Tim had built and was developing his first Aerowing.

02-03-2019, 07:11 PM
Thanks for the new serial number and a great story.

Master Oil Racing Team
02-03-2019, 08:55 PM
I never owned or raced a quincy motor, but you have started a fantastic and most interesting thread. I am very happy to contribute where I can. I hope more will continue to surface and be added to your list.

02-11-2019, 06:00 PM
I never owned or raced a quincy motor, but you have started a fantastic and most interesting thread. I am very happy to contribute where I can. I hope more will continue to surface and be added to your list.

Thanks a lot. If you see this, can you clear message space? I can’t message you. Or email me at Brandon.juby@gmail.com. Thanks!

Master Oil Racing Team
02-11-2019, 07:47 PM
I cleared some messages Brandon. They were all 9 to 12 years old.

08-26-2019, 03:28 PM
Added a couple motors.

10-17-2019, 06:09 AM
Saw this on E-bay today.

https://www.ebay.com/itm/Mercury-Outboard-Racing-B-Quincy-Looper-Powerhead-with-Pipes/163905245445?hash=item2629839105:g:bKMAAOSwrqtdpIn 0:sc:FedExHomeDelivery!48307!US!-1

serial number is said to be B15 - B-PRO - F22A

12-30-2019, 03:00 PM
Updated with 5 more loopers acquired out of an estate sale by a private individual. 2 A's, 2 B's, and 1 D. Other than F engines, 40ci D engines are still the least common survivors.

05-09-2020, 06:44 PM
Been updating but not posting. To date I’ve identified with the help of many, 140 still existing Quincy Loopers. The most common being 20ci and least common (other than the obvious 6’s) being 44ci.

05-10-2020, 07:35 AM
Been updating but not posting. To date I’ve identified with the help of many, 140 still existing Quincy Loopers. The most common being 20ci and least common (other than the obvious 6’s) being 44ci.
yep,when Charlie Redmond passed a few years ago, I asked Bob Dunlap if he obtained any F's from estate.they told him they threw 'them tall motors in a scrap metal dumpster'.Shame.

Karen Cadle
05-22-2020, 09:48 PM
Oh, boy... that makes me sick.

John Schubert T*A*R*T
06-07-2020, 07:03 AM
Been updating but not posting. To date I’ve identified with the help of many, 140 still existing Quincy Loopers. The most common being 20ci and least common (other than the obvious 6’s) being 44ci.

I need to ask a question but I do not have your email address. Please email me jschubert19j@gmail.com so I can send the message to you.

06-17-2020, 05:32 PM
Added 2 B’s and a D. The D joins two other serial numbers within that class that are 100 or above. It is also now the highest serial number D.

Joe Johnson
09-20-2020, 06:46 PM
You can add FD-105 to your list of D Loopers. Currently being restored by me.

05-07-2022, 03:16 PM
I’ve added a couple serial numbers recently.

04-06-2023, 07:53 AM
Oh by the way Brandon its XF-51 not FX-51797957979679795

08-01-2024, 06:06 AM
It's been a long time. I've just added 8 recently discovered Quincy Loopers to the serial number registry.

08-12-2024, 08:59 AM
Hey Brandon- are you tracking Z's at all?