View Full Version : research project-PRO Division

Master Oil Racing Team
11-06-2005, 09:48 AM
I need some info from some of you guys still out there racing PRO division or anybody that has current information. I've been away too long to know what's going on these days.

First, what is considered a starting class these days. Is the Yamato 80 still the engine? Any ready to go rigs out there? What would it cost to get in with new Equipment? Suggestions on boats.

Now to the more important info. Are there any PRO races in Texas anymore? Where would the closest races from South Texas be held. Where are the top races besides Alexandria and DePue?

Any information would be greatly appreciated.

11-06-2005, 10:43 AM
I need some info from some of you guys still out there racing PRO division or anybody that has current information. I've been away too long to know what's going on these days.

First, what is considered a starting class these days. Is the Yamato 80 still the engine? Any ready to go rigs out there? What would it cost to get in with new Equipment? Suggestions on boats.

Now to the more important info. Are there any PRO races in Texas anymore? Where would the closest races from South Texas be held. Where are the top races besides Alexandria and DePue?

Any information would be greatly appreciated.

I'll pass on the little I know. Sure there are ready to go rigs out there. I just picked up a Dawecraft that I'm going to run 20SSH and CSH next season. These are stock classes and will be my first races. I also picked up a Y80. The boat is completely equipped ready to go - I paid $2350 for the setup, which I think I got a great deal.

If a guy wanted to run pro with a setup like this he could enter OSY400. I think most guys running OSY400 are using Y102's and 302's. I'm sure you can find some races in your area. Just check out the APBA site as they list most everything. You would be in region 15, and I'm sure they list the clubs for your area as well. You could contact them and get info on stuff local in your area. good luck!!

Dan M
11-06-2005, 11:51 AM

I think the best start up class in Pro right now is the 125cc hydro. Tim Small has been very instrumental in promoting the class. At the USTS races last season, we had eliminations at every race. The speeds are in the mid 70's. Rossi and VRP have purpose built motors available. Others run "homebuilts". There is also a 125 runabout class. There is some equipment available out there. For some reason, the 125 classes have not taken off in the Northwest.

250 hydro is probably a little much for entry level. They are running in the low to mid 90's. 350's are running "99.99mph";) ;) . Beyond that, you're into the capsules.

This coming season, the RB class is being replaced by a 175cc hydro only class. Tim Small won the 175 worlds at Depue last year. Rossi and VRP are both offering 175cc motors. Speeds should be in the low to mid 80's. 125 boats may be a little small for the 175's.

Ask Denny H. if there is any activity in Texas. I know he tries to make the Title Series races, most of which are in the midwest. I believe that there are some Mod races down closer to you. How about it Mod guy's!

Things haven't really changed that much since you left racing. I took a 20 year hiatus, and have my 18 yr old son now running the 125 hydro. The Great people of the sport will help anyone that shows interest. All you have to do is show up at a race and start asking questions. Next thing you know......

Hope this helps,


Composite Specialties
11-06-2005, 12:08 PM
I'll build you a composite 125c hydro Wayne, just let me know.

11-06-2005, 12:16 PM
I'll pass on the little I know. Sure there are ready to go rigs out there. I just picked up a Dawecraft that I'm going to run 20SSH and CSH next season. These are stock classes and will be my first races. I also picked up a Y80. The boat is completely equipped ready to go - I paid $2350 for the setup, which I think I got a great deal.

If a guy wanted to run pro with a setup like this he could enter OSY400. I think most guys running OSY400 are using Y102's and 302's. I'm sure you can find some races in your area. Just check out the APBA site as they list most everything. You would be in region 15, and I'm sure they list the clubs for your area as well. You could contact them and get info on stuff local in your area. good luck!!

hey Sean, I think Wayne is probably one of the most experienced and dominant drivers there ever was in the ProDivision some time ago. I could not even hold a stick, compared to him in racing. I think Wayne is refering to the Y80, as it was used in the RBH class, but that class has now been deleted, in favor of the Pro175 class. "If" I was to enter a "REAL" Pro class (OSY is my mind is not a "real" Pro class), it would definately be the new 175 class. Seems that motor would also work great on a DMH, so you could run DMH and 175 with the same boat. Heck, with the new Tietze tower setup, all you would basically have to do, is swap powerheads (along with their fuel system) and lower units and pull the weight you might have in the boat for DMH......I know it is more entailed that that, but that was just a thought.....

heck, if their were people interested in running 175H in Cali, I would go for it, giving up 20SSH. In fact, my new DMH is being built so that I "can" run 175H, if the chance comes up. The boat is being built with more composites and carbon fiber, to save some weight.

Wayne, you could show me how to drive a Pro hydro and win!!!!

Master Oil Racing Team
11-06-2005, 12:23 PM
I thought 125's were a little faster than that. Could be a possibility. I was originally thinking 125 hydro, but then thought maybe Formula 350 would be better. My son Andrew will turn 16 in a couple of weeks. Since some neighbors complained to the cops about his dirt bike, he is off the street now and devoted all his attention to guitars and drums. He is really getting pretty good, but the bands he likes have some self destructive habits. I want him to have other things to focus on. You know how the influences are at that age.

I have been thinking for some time about getting him involved in boat racing, but time and distance is the limiting factor. I don't know of any active Pro clubs in Texas. Denny checks in every couple of weeks so I hope he can fill me in. Artie Lund is still involved in racing, especially with his granddaughter, but he doesn't run Pro anymore I don't think.

Marc, could you send me some info on your boats? My address is

Wayne Baldwin
716 Co Rd 372
Sandia, Texas 78383

Master Oil Racing Team
11-06-2005, 12:32 PM
You slipped on the inside of me while I was responding to the three previous posts. I'm not sure about teaching you to win. There is a particular lesson in Ron's driving school that I frequently violated. And yes, I did win a lot of races that way, but it also cost me 3 national championships.

I appreciate you guys helping me out here.

11-06-2005, 12:57 PM
hey Sean, I think Wayne is probably one of the most experienced and dominant drivers there ever was in the ProDivision some time ago. I could not even hold a stick, compared to him in racing. I think Wayne is refering to the Y80, as it was used in the RBH class, but that class has now been deleted, in favor of the Pro175 class. "If" I was to enter a "REAL" Pro class (OSY is my mind is not a "real" Pro class), it would definately be the new 175 class. Seems that motor would also work great on a DMH, so you could run DMH and 175 with the same boat. Heck, with the new Tietze tower setup, all you would basically have to do, is swap powerheads (along with their fuel system) and lower units and pull the weight you might have in the boat for DMH......I know it is more entailed that that, but that was just a thought.....

heck, if their were people interested in running 175H in Cali, I would go for it, giving up 20SSH. In fact, my new DMH is being built so that I "can" run 175H, if the chance comes up. The boat is being built with more composites and carbon fiber, to save some weight.

Wayne, you could show me how to drive a Pro hydro and win!!!!

Thanks Daren, and sorry Wayne. Didn't mean to step in where I shouldn't have. Still learning a ton right now.

Master Oil Racing Team
11-06-2005, 02:09 PM
Nothing to be sorry about Sean. You didn't step in where you shouldn't have. I asked and you responded and I appreciate your input. I have a ton to learn too.

11-06-2005, 03:12 PM
Thanks Daren, and sorry Wayne. Didn't mean to step in where I shouldn't have. Still learning a ton right now.

heck Sean, you are learning more and faster tha I ever did, when I got
started!!!! Now, I am going to have to worry about racing against you on the
race course in 20SSH or CSH........you might just beat me! Damn, wouldn't
that suck for me..........getting beat by a rig I used to own!!!!!!:eek: I
also have to worry about my other old Dawe 20SSH/CSH I sold to another Wash
guy last year! Now, the odds are building against me, of geting beat by rigs
I used to own........:eek:

this is the 2003 Dawe I sold to Dave Tristo (I think Tyler Echols drives it
now) last year........they also have the Dawe CSH I could not keep from
blowing over in 2003......

11-06-2005, 03:14 PM
You slipped on the inside of me while I was responding to the three previous posts. I'm not sure about teaching you to win. There is a particular lesson in Ron's driving school that I frequently violated. And yes, I did win a lot of races that way, but it also cost me 3 national championships.

I appreciate you guys helping me out here.

so I know what to do correctly....;)

Dan M
11-06-2005, 03:31 PM

Show up at any Title Series race and we can get a ride for your son in a 125.:D You may just have to give it a few laps yourself. I'm sure there would be an opportunity for a faster ride for you also.


Ted March
11-06-2005, 05:51 PM
like you have a plan. I'd love to see it. When's the date?

Master Oil Racing Team
11-06-2005, 06:18 PM
After I defrag my computer I'll respond to your questions Daren and Dan, but Ted I can handle yours now. You're DQ'd for jumping the gun. After the feasabilty study you'll be the first to know after my wife, driver and pit crew. BTW Daren, do you play pool?

11-06-2005, 06:33 PM
After I defrag my computer I'll respond to your questions Daren and Dan, but Ted I can handle yours now. You're DQ'd for jumping the gun. After the feasabilty study you'll be the first to know after my wife, driver and pit crew. BTW Daren, do you play pool?

yep, I play pool, although not as god as I used to. In fact, I have a pool table in my dining room versus the standard dinner table............I suppose this is part of my first lesson??;)

let's see, I have my classic B runabout hanging in the living room, pool table in the dining room and a KG4G resting next to my bedroom dresser (along with a MERCURY RACING banner on the wall) and my (2) incomplete 44mod powerheads in my walk in bedroom closet..............yep, I am single!!:eek: :D ;)

11-07-2005, 09:24 AM
I'll try to bring you up to speed on Texas.. The pro racing died in med 80's..
completly.. I quit pro in 84..This is when they started the title series..
Like you, i'm a long way from the known world here in DEL Rio on the border..
I thought i was finished with racingg but i had aa boy , like you and in 86 he
ask me if we were going to race anymore.. Well, i said we had blowed up
the "B" yamato at the nationals in 84 and had no engine.. Actually i had a
motor form my gas and oil days, an E-mod merc.. He pointed this motor out
and said there's a motor.. Well, hell the boy had me.. He's 12 yr's old and
want's to do something.. So, we are back in the game.. We loaded up the thing and went to the lake.. I didn't know if the old motor would even start, but it pop right off..I put him in front and made a few lap's and give it to him..
almost unable to get him out of it..That was the best thing i ever done.. The
start of a great learning between father and son..
We started with AOF.. Racing in east texas and olk, la. Most racing was in
east texas and la. 10-12 race's a yr.. Not as fast a pro, but lot's of fun.. i
was not in it for the speed anyway, i was back in for the relationship with my
son.. Fast forward.... In the late 90's people in the south got pissed at AOF
and formed the NBRA.. We stop racing around 2001-02.. My son got mairred
started have babies and his job did not allow being off on weekend.. Racing
got slower and slower in texas and the travel got farther and farther..I haven't stayed up with what NBRA is doing in texas.. Artie Lund could fill you
in and bring you up date..NBRA has a Web site..
I sure miss the racing.. Cat fishing is fun,but not like racing.. I don't know what i'll do after Dec. when i retire.. Lately reading BRF i've got my blood up..
maybe i'll get back in, can't drive anymore but i enjoy building my own stuff
and watch it run.. If i can help just holler..
Stan Henderson

Master Oil Racing Team
11-07-2005, 02:26 PM
....12 boats you start in lane 8. 7 boats on the left 4 on the right. Do not start on the inside. Gun jumpers will get you if you do. This has been proven true. However I have also gotten in trouble in lane 8 a few times. One memorable one at Alexandria.

Daren, The pool question was to smoke you out. Thought I detected some sandbagging. seems like most pool player have a little bit of hustler in them. So I have to remind myself to never challenge you in pool or a hometown race course.

Hey Stanley thanks for the story and info. I haven't heard from Artie in a while. If I did have to go with mods, I would have to bring a can of sterno filled with methanol and a splash of castor oil for the correct atmosphere. Hey, they wouldn't let us run Master Oil in the fuel would they?

11-07-2005, 02:56 PM
You can use any oil you want. Put castor in the gas and you got the same
smell.. Gas and oil boys drink the alky they don't wast it in the motor..never
could understand why we was puting perfactly good drinking hooch in the engine.. I had fun in pro but the racing got to far from me.. i think Denny will
tell you most pro today is up north and east coast.. i wish we could bring back those good old days to Texas but i just don't beleave it's going to happen.. If you get your feet wet again i know where there's a bran new
Butts "A" hydro.. Never been in the water or had an engine on it..Tim built
it in 88..Still like new..

Master Oil Racing Team
11-07-2005, 03:41 PM
I'm interested Stanley.

David Weaver
11-07-2005, 05:45 PM
Might make for a good 175cc boat today. Run about 85mph with potential for a little more.;)


I believe that Mal Hardin still has his world championship 250, Butts Aerowing and single-pipe Konig. Saw him run it maybe 10 years go at Camden, NC. Came on Friday, ran for a while and then went home.

11-07-2005, 06:13 PM
....12 boats you start in lane 8. 7 boats on the left 4 on the right. Do not start on the inside. Gun jumpers will get you if you do. This has been proven true. However I have also gotten in trouble in lane 8 a few times. One memorable one at Alexandria.

Daren, The pool question was to smoke you out. Thought I detected some sandbagging. seems like most pool player have a little bit of hustler in them. So I have to remind myself to never challenge you in pool or a hometown race course.

Hey Stanley thanks for the story and info. I haven't heard from Artie in a while. If I did have to go with mods, I would have to bring a can of sterno filled with methanol and a splash of castor oil for the correct atmosphere. Hey, they wouldn't let us run Master Oil in the fuel would they?

Sandbagging????? Definately not me! As to beating me on a "hometown" race course...well, everyone else does!!!!!!:(

Joe J
11-07-2005, 08:27 PM

Let's get the class going. I have a boat hanging in the rafters that would be perfect. If 175 gets going, I would get a VRP from Litzell and put Teri in the boat.


11-07-2005, 10:45 PM

Let's get the class going. I have a boat hanging in the rafters that would be perfect. If 175 gets going, I would get a VRP from Litzell and put Teri in the boat.


we would have to get (2) more 175H's, before I get a motor. It would be boring (and frustrating) for me, getting beat by Teri every time!!:D Tony L. showed some interest, but do not know if I want to run with him in 175, since he loves to chop you off........right Tony????

my newly coming Darneille DMH would work good with that VRP175!;)

Master Oil Racing Team
11-08-2005, 06:28 AM
What about 125's are any of those fixing to come on the market?

11-08-2005, 06:48 AM
I can't find a pic of a 175, but they don't look much different from a 250, just one cylinder instead of 2

Master Oil Racing Team
11-08-2005, 06:59 AM
What about the tower housing and lower unit? Do they make them also or do you have to go to specialty shops?

Dan M
11-08-2005, 07:34 AM

Right now Rex Hall is the distributor for Rossi engines. Rossi has a single cylinder 175 that Rex helped put together. Steve Litzell is the distributor for VRP motors. The VRP 175 is a twin cylinder. Ralph Donald and Buddy Tennell ran them at DePue last season. Dean Hobart had a couple of Rossi 125's for sale and a Rossi 175 that Rex built. Don't know if he sold them or not.The USTS web site (ustitleseries.org)has contact info for both Rex and Steve.


11-08-2005, 08:31 AM
What about the tower housing and lower unit? Do they make them also or do you have to go to specialty shops?

Lee makes one of the best tower assy's I have ever seen and is also working on a lower unit...........

David Weaver
11-08-2005, 09:00 AM
I believe that you can get Rossi's and VRP's as complete race ready assemblies from either Rossi or VRP. Not sure where Sam's photo of the 250 VRP came from, but those carbs would be a little dated. The 175 VRP is a 2-cylinder engine and it runs very smoothly. The Rossi 175 showed a lot of punch at DePue, but a I think it had a bit more vibration than the 2-cylinder.

125cc classes are required to have a single cylinder. Both Rossi's and VRP's are competitive (as they are in 250 and 350 as well). Rossi and Konny has 11:15 units available. Rossi also has some other gear combinations (11:16 and 11:17). I have run both gear cases under the 250 and found them comparable in terms of handling and longevity.

The 125 class has become well established and is popular with the up and comers (young drivers) and the established (older) drivers. Just a great all around class that offers reasonable speeds, affordability and strong competition.

We will have to see where the 175 class heads. The VRP 175 is sure a beautiful engine and the speed of about 80 to 85 mph is one that the category needs. I am considering a 175 or a 250 runabout as a second class. Either way, it is another boat and another engine and another lower unit.:confused:

denny henderson
11-08-2005, 09:01 AM
Yesterday, I spent a couple of hours at work (off and on) writing my thoughts regarding current boats and engines and what might be the best place for you to get started again. I thought I sent it about 4:45, but apparently the brf system had logged me out.
In PRO racing, there are lots of choices for boats and engines. And as always, there are lots of great folks willing to help in any way they can. I think that this is a great time to get started racing again, mainly because of what I saw in '05. Most classes are growing in participation and compitition. The US Title Series is a top shelf organization made up of first class people and I expect it to continue to grow and improve.
I'd love to talk to you about boats and engines, please give me a call anytime at home during the week, I still live in Garland. Or, on the weekend after deer season is over. Thanks for all the great pictures and stories you have given to all of us.

David Weaver
11-08-2005, 09:14 AM
With the crazies in France causing unrest, the dollar is gaining on the Euro which should make these Italian engines less expensive. About a 15% premium today on the Euro, but let's hope it continues to fall.

Joe Silvestri 36-S
11-08-2005, 12:04 PM
I have seen the 125's run a couple of times and I am very impressed with them. However, I've talked to a couple of the guys who race them and they said that once you fire the engine, you can't back off the throttle, milling, racing, going for the start, etc... and wondered if it is due to their set-up or if the motor is just that touchy.

David Weaver
11-08-2005, 01:46 PM
This touchiness can be caused by too much fuel (jetting) or too much prop. Also, a little inexperience with the sliding pipe can cause a good running engine to burble and belch. Correct jetting comes with practice and good notes (also a little carb maintenance between races helps). Prop selection, well that comes with practice, but someone in 125 will always err on the side of too much prop, because if you catch the start just right......you are off to the races out front and it will be hard to run you down. But if you are in the inside and not to the first turn first, well it will be a long heat. The pipe requires a little finese. Slamming it forward will kill the RPM's. Generally, you have to work it forward steadily.

Oh, all of the above applies to the 250's also, you just a little more margin for error!!

Tim Brinkman
11-08-2005, 01:49 PM

I think Dean Hobart still has my old 125 hydro for sale. It was built in 2003 by Mike Krier and was designed by Denny. It was a great boat and I still have the VRP that I won the worlds with on the same boat for sale. We would throw my 125 runabout in real cheap if you wanted the engine.

Master Oil Racing Team
11-08-2005, 02:10 PM
There are some really good comments coming out of this. I am interested Tim. The one question I had about 125's was the peakiness. And Denny, it would not be me with the kneepads and throttle. It would be my son Andrew. With absolutely no experience, we would just have to go with a smaller prop for learning. The number one factor in all of this though is where will we race besides DePue? If we have to go 1000+ one way miles for racing it won't work. Can't do that. We need something at least within 500-600 one way. Preferably some 300 or less, but I don't see that. It may be that there's nothing out there for us in the Pro division. Unless, we bunk at Charley Bradley's and race out of Florida;)

My potential driver

David Weaver
11-08-2005, 02:58 PM
..and we will get it to a lot of the races for you. What an offer!! I sometimes have an open bunk and plenty of others here do as well. With a concentration of races in and around DePue with the USTS, a lot of the equipment "summers" in Depue under the watch of the first City of Alky racing.

But there are not any races close to you. Yet?? First thing you need are racers. The races will follow next.

mark johnson
11-08-2005, 03:09 PM
Wayne I think the title series would come back to Alexandria. It just makes sense. Maybe you could help lobby for this. I still have my 125 hydro and some sponsorship money waiting for the asking. The U S title series is a first class organization and I am sure they would welcome the opportunity to race at the best lake for racing anywhere!!


David Weaver
11-08-2005, 06:58 PM
2005 National Champion Brandon Thirlby. Photo by Teri Ziemer.

David Weaver
11-08-2005, 06:59 PM
Brian Payne in a 125 R wins the Nationals. Photo by Teri Ziemer.

David Weaver
11-08-2005, 07:01 PM
Paulie Bosnich and Buddy Tennell hit the start in 125 hydro at the Nationals. I believe that Buddy took second and Paulie took third. Photo by Teri Ziemer.

David Weaver
11-08-2005, 07:03 PM
Ralph Donald's beautiful 175 hydroplane with a VRP engine and Pugh hydroplane. Immaculate. Photo by Teri Ziemer.

Master Oil Racing Team
11-08-2005, 08:24 PM
Thanks David and Mark. My mechanic Jack Chance taught me if you run into a problem that can't be fixed the normal way, just look at it from another angle. And one of my Dad's favorite saying's was "there ain't no such word a cain't".

I can't mention this project to my son Andrew because when he thought he could possibly start racing jet ski's, it fell through. One of our neighbors son's had done real well. Had a sponsorship, and had a good run at Havasu. His Dad has been gone so long now working at, or somewhere around Antiqua that he didn't make a race this year.

We would need to get in a LOT of testing first, but I am going to keep an open mind about possibilities.

Joe Silvestri 36-S
11-10-2005, 12:23 PM
Out of curiosity, what does a 250, 175, 125 Rossi or VRP go for, turn key?

David Weaver
11-10-2005, 02:09 PM
Out of curiosity, what does a 250, 175, 125 Rossi or VRP go for, turn key?

I have not priced one complete in some time. My guees is that a 125 complete would run $3,500 to $4,000 (including lower unit, tower, carbs). The 175 and 250 might be in the range of $4,500 to $5,500.

There are a number of variables here. The exhange rate favors the Euro presently and this tacks on about a 15% to 18% premium today. If the exchange rate continues to move in our favor.....the cost could come down some. Shipping charges can very some from Italy to the US, depends on the sizes of orders and economies of scale.

Choice of lower unit could affect the cost. Konny units are a little less than Rossi units, I believe.

A lot of people choose to build their own towers for the engines or prchase from somebdy the builds these (Lee in Washington for instance).

There seems to be a number of 125's for sale at any given time. Fewer 250's. The 175's are all new..

Master Oil Racing Team
11-10-2005, 02:20 PM
Mark and David, I'm just guessing, but any race courses from Alexandria west and southwest back toward Texas would be AOF? If there are any, where are they?

mark johnson
11-10-2005, 02:37 PM
Wayne the NBRA (Stock and Mod) usually has races scheduled in Texas as well as Alexandria. Also the NBRA Nationals will be in Okmulgee, Oklahoma sometime in August, 2006. Also the APBA Winter Nationals (Stock and Mod) are scheduled for Alexandria for March, 2006 and it sounds like it will be a big event.


Master Oil Racing Team
11-10-2005, 03:10 PM
Thanks Mark. Joe Rome told me about the March races in Alexandria. We are planning on making that one. Where are the closest NBRA races in Texas and Louisiana.

Master Oil Racing Team
11-10-2005, 03:10 PM
Thanks Mark. Joe Rome told me about the March races in Alexandria. We are planning on making that one. Where are the closest NBRA races in Texas and Louisiana.

Master Oil Racing Team
11-21-2005, 08:07 PM
I was offered a ride in a 500 sprint at DePue,:eek: but what I really want is a few race courses within a reasonable distance to get my son involved. Bill Van Steenwyk gave me Dudley Malone's phone number for some ideas. Maybe Connie can post some firmed up AOF dates for next year. Don't know. Still researching. (who knows,....DePue is tempting).;)

Master Oil Racing Team
12-03-2005, 11:49 AM
It is Fred's Cafe orange:cool: But what about that membership card? That's not racing colors. It looks like something for Martha Stewart.

David Weaver
12-03-2005, 08:37 PM

First Happy Birthday.

Second, I may know of an outstanding 250 hydro that will be coming to market. Would have to check with the owner, but the class age is still 16, I believe. New engines are readily available.

The research could over quickly.


Rex Hall Jr.
12-04-2005, 02:12 PM

Hi, this is Rex Hall and I am the distributor in the U.S. for the Rossi motors. The 125 hydros will run about 82 to 83 mph and are a good staring point for a new driver. The 250 class will run in the 91 to 95 mph range and has a lot more power. If you would like, send me your E-mail address and I will send you prices for anything you want. Long time, no talk, would like to get you back into boatracing.


Master Oil Racing Team
12-04-2005, 07:16 PM
Glad to see you post some stuff here. I still have plenty more photos of you to put up so stay tuned. My E-mail address is MORT73@direcway.com.

Prop Rider
03-01-2006, 09:12 PM
Hi Wayne,
If you really want to have fun in pro racing you need a 700cc capsule Hydro.They are fast and the safest class going.Have size for sponser advertizing.If you want more info. on capsule`s let me know i have costs ect.I`m sure you know that Denny and i are working together.

Kay Harrison

Master Oil Racing Team
03-02-2006, 07:18 AM
Hi Kay, Good to hear from you.

I was actually looking for any classes within a 200-300 mile radius, plus nationals to get my son started. Sadly, it is dead down here. I would love to take a ride in a 700cc capsule hydro just to see what it feels like. You need to post some stories here Kay. And post some stuff on your family's long contribution to the sport. I am sure you have a ton of things we would all like to see posted.

PS I knew you and Denny were working together. And I am sorry I missed out on the USTS series. That is type of series that my Dad, Marshall Grant, Tim Butts, Jerry Waldman and myself were working toward. You guys have done a great job with that.

Prop Rider
03-02-2006, 08:37 AM
Hi Wayne,
I can get you a ride in a 700 at any USTS race. You can get the race dates on the USTS website. There isn`t much racing in Texas but you do have denny and he tries to make most of the USTS races maybee you could team up with him and make it fun and thats what it`s all about.The USTS is the best racing out there with the best people like always.If you get intrested i would go with 125 hydro to start with. I think the 125 VRP that Tim Brinkman won the 2004 nat`s with is still around outdated but Denny & i could make it just like his 250 also think i know of a boat. Just thought i`d pass this info on. I will try to post some more history i guess i`ll have to figure out how to use my scanner.Great hearing from you hope to see this summer . Well i got 30 hungry horses to feed.


Master Oil Racing Team
03-03-2006, 07:35 AM
This summer is looking less and less like one for racing. We're having to go to a couple of other sources for equipment as our manufacturer can't keep up. I hope to make Alex, but DePue is out.

I was sorry to hear you lost racing stuff in a flood. That's a real bummer. You probably don't have that copy of the photo from Golden Shores trophy presentation at Needles in 1969. I will send two copies--one for you to keep and the other for you to sign and return. I had one for Ron to sign at the reunion, but I forgot to take it.

Learn to use that scanner. It won't take long and we are looking forward to your posts.