View Full Version : gas tank size formula?????

11-15-2005, 01:40 PM
how do you figure out the total capacity of a fuel tank by measurements? What I am trying to figure out, is the measurements of a tank I want built to fit my CSR to hold about 1gal of gas......

Ed Hatch
11-15-2005, 01:56 PM
There are 231 cubic inches in a gallon.

Master Oil Racing Team
11-15-2005, 09:21 PM
Hey Daren...get a plastic jug of water and see how it fits. Squash it around a little & take measurments.

11-15-2005, 09:51 PM
Hey Daren...get a plastic jug of water and see how it fits. Squash it around a little & take measurments.

I guess I better make some chocolate chip cookies now, cause I got lots of milk to drink tonight!!!!:D

11-16-2005, 12:04 AM
lol enjoy them . btw a little worthless bit of info fuel volume ie barrels or gal. is measured @ something like 60 deg. F.
not that it really matters

11-16-2005, 07:38 AM

I saw this one time. An old boy took a 1 gl. paint thinner can and welded
a fitting in one cornner for the vent and a pick up tube with fitting in the
screw on lid.. Then made a wood pockit attach to the side of the boat to
set the can in.. work real good.. Cost all of 1.00 maybe..

11-16-2005, 12:05 PM
Stan....That guy you were referring to that used a 1 gal empty can to convert to a fuel tank must not value his *** any. Can you imagine the thin metal in those disposable cans....the stress and vibration and shock in a kneel down in race conditions.....ruptured can and the gas is down the back of your shorts.. Not a pretty thought!!! Also the danger of gas in the boat itself.

I think he maybe "cut corners" a bit too much JMHO

Kepp it dry


Ron Hill
11-16-2005, 12:41 PM
I may have a pictgure or two, but because I weighed 235 pounds and wanted to run C Runabout we built our own boat...The cockpit was very narrow at the back... When I kneeled in the boat my size 13 D's left littlle room for a tank...

As we dropped the 30-H on her, my dad asked where I had planned to put the tank??? I said, "I had,'t planned."... The Old Man said, "Hmmmm."

Well, when I got back for Orange Coast College that day, the Old Man had made a gas tank out of a one gallon paint thinner can with a Snap on lid... He had sodered a copper tube through the can, and he explained he had heated the copper tube and then "QUINCHED" it to soften the copper...as my dad said copper will crank from viberation and he didn't want the line to break. The Old Man was amazing...He had also sodered a screen in the end of the copper line and made a vent from a oil can "Pop Up" lid...

The tank worked great....at first, I thought it was totally Mickey Mouse, but I could see my dad believed in it and had worked has *** off on it....What was cool, we tied the tank in with the thinner can handle with just a small nylon rope and it worked perfect....

Later, we use the gallon and a quater plact cans all the time....Tied the to the clamp brackets with rope...Then, I got Dick Fickett tanks..and fill all my motors with water until I learned how to vent the DAMN TANKS!!!

11-16-2005, 03:39 PM
Invention and innovation, you gotta love it... Best tanks i found years ago
were the oil tanks that the bass boats use for iol.. They hold about 2.5 gl
and most marine dealers have them just laying around in the junk..they'll
give them to you..

11-16-2005, 05:46 PM
Invention and innovation, you gotta love it... Best tanks i found years ago
were the oil tanks that the bass boats use for iol.. They hold about 2.5 gl
and most marine dealers have them just laying around in the junk..they'll
give them to you..

that's what I use in my Cmod hydro and had used in my CMR, although too big and bulky for a C boat. As to dealers giving them away.......not the dealers I have worked for. Although, I did get mine while we were doing year end inventory last year at the dealership, as we were no longer an OMC dealer and had no need for it...............still, way too big for a CSR rig.....

thanks for the input guys!!!!!;)

bill boyes
11-16-2005, 06:53 PM
how do you figure out the total capacity of a fuel tank by measurements? What I am trying to figure out, is the measurements of a tank I want built to fit my CSR to hold about 1gal of gas......why so much gas? so you don't run out beween heats?

12-07-2005, 01:40 PM
Height X Length X Width = 231 ci

1 cubic foot of water = 7.48 gallons, so 1 gal would equal 231 ci. I would imagine a gallon of water should be about the same as gasoline. Maybe someone else knows??

Please tell me somebody else saw this. A gallon of gas and a gallon of water are the same. A gallon of syrup and a gallon of acid are the same. Its like that old saying which one is heavier, a ton of feathers of a ton of bricks?

12-07-2005, 02:49 PM
What was I thinking? It seemed to make sense when I was thinking about it. Oh well, trying to make it more complicated than it is :confused:

12-07-2005, 03:54 PM
Dont worry Sean. We all make mistakes. I just think its funny how it went unnoticed for so long. Or at least nobody saying anything about it.

12-07-2005, 04:25 PM
Thinking about weight and writing about volume. Two different things. Got to laugh about it :D