View Full Version : Dick Summerfeltd

Ron Hill
02-04-2022, 12:28 PM
From: Douglas Reed (dougreed28n@gmail.com)
Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2022 5:22 PM
To: tga.race7@gmail.com
Subject: sorry to hear of Dicks passing certainly tried many different venture.

I do remember the name Dick Summerfeldt and remember seeing him race back in the 1960’s. I met him again a few years back when he introduced himself to me when we had the hydroplane displays at the Picton Ontario Airport.

He explained to me that he was recently spending a lot of time photographing racing cars.

From: Mark Rotharmel

Having raced across several continents, Dick brought style, colour and commitment to Outboard Powerboat Racing. As his many friends will tell you, he enjoyed, and succeeded in, multiple careers... always having a story (or stories!) to tell. Charming and confident, this photo says it all."

From: Ron Hill

I won the 500 CC John Ward Trophy Race in Valleyfield,1967. Dick was third with a Cresent (Hauenstein and I ran 1-2 with the the new VC Konigs. I really didn't meet Dick at Valleyfield.

My next encounter with Dick was August '67 at Essex, Maryland. He came up to me and asked if I had any D Runabout props for sale. I said, I brought two with me as I've been on the road since June, but I would see one. I told him $150 right now or $200 after you test it. Dick came back with $150. I said,
"Did you run it?" He smiled and said, "Yes". I need the prop of $200. I got second in D Runabout, Dick got third.

I did not see Dick til the 1968 Nationals in Seattle. He told me he has a Sea Jay Boat (May have been Don Pontius's 1967 winning boat). He did say, "He was running my prop". We had a bad accident at the start of D Runabout that took Pontius out. I ran a hard race and finished second. Dick was on my *** for third.

Dick and I had developed a friendship. We discussed OPC racing as I was doing a lot of it. At the time, I really had no idea where he got his money.

I'm not sure where I was when he told me about losing his leg because of blowing a Molinari over in Italy. At the time, I figured that was the end of his racing. I was wrong as he went on to big wins in OPC.

I think it was '71 when I was leading the single engine class at Havasu, when a patrol boat cut in front of me, causing me to blow over. I talked to the patrol boat people later, they said, "This guy was in the water with one leg, we thought he was hurt bad."

Dick and I lost track of each other til the internet came along. (The last time I emailed him was 10/15/2021).

We carried on for years. When his daughter lived in Carlsbad, California, Dick and I talked about getting together. We often discussed a picture of the start at Valleyfield, 1967, where 12 boats hit the line perfect. I saw the picture, Dick saw the picture, but neither knew where it came from or went.

Dick's passing, makes me sad. I'm sure he many friends, but he and I seemed to have a bond somewhat like brothers.

Rest in peace my friend.

1st picture is the start of D Runabout 1968

Third picture Johnny Sander and Rotegen is South Africa.

02-06-2022, 09:20 AM
The first race I won was at Fishers Landing NY in the fall. The Club could afford to put the race on but were a bit short for trophies. Dick Summerfeld and Ted Abel donated all the trophy plaques an I got one for AU.

It was always interesting to see the Mod Teck trailer. One race he would have 2 Casta's. The next time , 2 Sids then 2 Marchettis a while later. It didn't matter much, he ran well with any boat.