View Full Version : 12/20/2021 One Year Ago Was My Open Heart Surgery!

Ron Hill
12-20-2022, 12:41 PM
One year ago today, I had open heart surgery (12/20/2021). It was a six hour surgery. I had two valves replaced, a net put around my aorta and one by-pass.

When you are my age, you wonder how long are you supposed to live.

My doctors were all wonderful and so was all their assisting personnel. I spent ten days in the hospital.

My wife, Laurie, has been my "Cheer Leader' and care taker since I came home. I love you very much, Laurie.

I did go back to work, four weeks later and have worked ever sense.

I wrote my doctors a personal note telling them THANK YOU

Ron Hill
12-20-2022, 03:17 PM

Me a year ago, me today!

12-22-2022, 03:35 PM
WOW….That’s great… talk to you soon.