View Full Version : The Vintage Culture..

Ron Hill
12-29-2004, 08:09 PM
of Outboard Racing by Peter Hunn.....

I find myself reading it every night..there is some great stuff there....I don't want to come off negative..but the picture of Ivan Harris on page 55 says,
"Why is Harris smiling?"....516-S was the winner...

Well, why is he smiling? Ivan had just won the D Hydro Nationals for the second year in a row...He's won in Oakland, 1952, and my dad had inspected...

In JUne of 1953, my dad, inspected the Winnebagoland Marathon, and ended up disqualifying Bobby Switzer for raised reed stops, even though the engine had a factory seal...and my dad didn't believe raised reed stops helped...

Anyway, Ivan won his second Nationals, and had been CLEARED from inspection, when they said they were disqualifying someone for rasied reed stops...Ivan was carrying his "CHIRSTMAS TREE" (Crank, rods, pistons)...in his arms, and ASKED the inspector to check his reeds.....(His new Mark 40 had a factory seal, so, they basically had glanced at it)...When the inspector measured the reed stops, he said they were too high, and the DQ's Ivan....

So, why was he smiling in this pictures??? He's just won his second Nationals...

Now, you know the whole story!!!