View Full Version : John R. Woods Y-100 SPECULATION

Ron Hill
02-23-2006, 09:05 AM
Welcome John, many asked about you at the Lone Star Boat Racing Association Reunion...Here is your own THREAD....fill us in on the last 50 years....

Ron Hill
02-15-2017, 11:03 PM
John Riner Woods was a true gentleman and a billionaire. He once tried to give APBA a million dollars, when a million was a lot of money. APBA was so inept, then, as now, they could not figure out how to take the donation, so they didn't take the money.

John was killed on his 70th birthday riding his BMW motorcycle.

A/B Speedliner
02-16-2017, 06:33 PM
I have one of John's Mark 20H engines, Alan has another. They were purchased from Quincy Welding. We acquired them from Arlie Appler (Sp) by trading the last CU boat we built. I delivered the boat to the NBRA race at Rockaway Beach, MO where we also picked up the engines. The engine is like new except for some storage bruises. Both still with factory seal, Carter N carb and a nice 3.25 gal pressure fuel tank.

Ron Hill
02-16-2017, 09:26 PM
John and I always got along as if we were brothers.

I had not seen of heard from John for years. About 18 years ago, I get a call and John asked me if I wanted to go see and Angel game? I said, "When?" He said, "Saturday night." I said, "No, I'm leaving Thursday to go up north racing." I said, "Why don't you call my brother, he'd go with you." John said, "He your brother is a better friend of mine than you, but let's have dinner Thursday night at my hotel."

So, we meet for dinner, John talks about being President of the National Pepper Association.

So, I ask him, "Why are you going to an Angel game with Jackie Autry." John say, "Well, Jackie wants to give some money away, and I helper." Isay, "Why does she need you?" He says, "I'm considered rich enough that I'm good at helping people give their money away."

About this time, I talk about a Propeller Museum. John says, "You get the museum going and I'll get you endowments to support it."

About then, my then 9 year old son says to John, "John, my daddy says you are rich, is that true?" John says, "Son, I'm richer than your daddy thinks I am."