View Full Version : Doug Creech by Russ Hill

Ron Hill
08-20-2006, 10:08 PM
Doug Creech.

Last night while at brother Ron's house getting ready to go to dinner, he showed me an article in the Propeller magazine. Doug Creech had passed away. That was slightly moving, but then I saw it was written by Bud Wiget.

Well, I've probably made fewer than a dozen social phone calls in my life (truly). But I thought about Doug and Bud. Doug was 95 when he died in September. He was 7 days older than my father. Bud's 89.

So I called old Bud today. We talked about a race in 1952 where the three of us ran, plus Donald Eldridge. Don and I had talked about that race about 10 years ago at an APBA annual meeting when Ron (Hill) was inducted into the APBA Honor Squadron.

Bud Wiget (and this is not an eulogy, Bud's still alive) was the ultimate gentleman of boat racing. I told him so. I also told him I was always thrilled to be on the water when he was.

Doug was an amazing competitor. Only raced against him once. He beat me. He was a pilot. Once in a National high point race, he had two sets of equipment and raced one place in the morning and flew to the other and raced again. (Won 'em all).

Of the hundred of guys who raced 50 or more years ago, a few of them still stand out. Doug Creech was and Bud Wiget is two of them.

Also, Maizy (Ethyl) Bud's wife since 1939 is well. I've raced A Alky with her.

Tim Weber
08-21-2006, 04:51 AM

I am sorry to say that both Bud and his wife are both gone. I know this because RC Hawie has Bud's prized PR " Baby " in his living room in Florida.
Bud gave it to him not long before he died.


Ron Hill
08-21-2006, 07:21 AM
I posted my brother's post off SAF, as I wanted some info on DOUG..It was written a few years back.

GREAT TO HEAR YOU DID WELL AT DEPUE... When are you going to post some pictures of your grandpa, Bill Leutner??

01-04-2008, 07:42 PM
I thought I'd pass some more info on Doug Creech and bring this thread back.

Doug was a very successful Harley mechanic, dealer, and racer.



The photo of Doug below was taken in 1978 or 79 in Camden SC by a friend of mine. He bought this plane, a 1934 Monocoupe D145, in 1935 from the original owner, and raced it successfully for a few years. In 1966, my dad ended up with it and we restored it back to flying condition. This is when Doug, a man my dad knew of all his life in the Charlotte area, made contact with him about the D145. When Dad and Doug got together, not only did air racing conversation ensue, but boat racing too, since Dad was active in it for a while in the early fifties. After my dad died, Doug wanted it back, and did a complete restoration on it again, flying it for several years- he even painted to nearly match it's original scheme. Doug had his own airstrip on his estate in south Charlotte, too. He was really a cool guy.

01-05-2008, 12:41 AM
My dad and Doug were pretty good aquaintences. They raced together a few times, but living on opposite coast made it pretty difficult if you didn't have money to burn.

I only meant and saw Doug on one occassion, and that was the Alky Nationals held in Long Beach Marine Stadium. I think that was around 1955? I was just a young kid a year or two from reaching those all important 'teen' years.

He was one of a kind. Both he and Bud Wiget took me to the refreshment stand and treated me to a hot dog and coke for some reason. Cleaning plugs, holding the boat or something.

If their is a heaven, I surely hope that they all get together up there!