View Full Version : Boat Racing Monopoly

10-12-2006, 11:24 AM
Hey all!

I am currently taking a graphic design class at my university, and our recent project is to re design a monopoly board on any topic or subject we choose. for those of you that know me, know that I chose to do my monopoly board on boatracing. This is what I have so far:

1.the expensive boats like boardwalk could be unlimited
2. the green could be offshore
3. yellow could be champs,120's,60's,45's and so on.
4. red could be inboards
5. orange could be drag boats
6. purple Stock/mod/pro
7. blue could be superlight tunnel
8. dark purple could be J

I don't know really the exact order or what boats to focus on, I guess that is where I need some feedback

Instead of railroads I was going to have race sponsors like amsoil,
hooters, bud light, but need some feedback on this as well

Instead of utilities I was going to have racing fuels or boat builders

Passing Go would give you $200 for a local sponsor

Free parking would be a good starting position or skip inspection

Go to Jail would be an inspection violation or disqualify

Luxury tax would be an additional entry fee or local fuel assessment

Community chest cards could be things like giving money to special
kids or breast cancer or etc

Chance could be move up a position and collect more money bc of a dq higher up
Dq for missing a buoy etc.

That is all I have so far:) I would appreciate any help that I can get! I also need high quality photos. I do have quite a few in stock, and tunnel but any help in other categories to mix it up a bit would greatly appreciated:)

Amanda Hagerl

Andrew 4CE
10-12-2006, 12:10 PM
Cool idea Amanda!!

I can't remember how many space there are, but don't forget Jet River if there is space

You could also have chance cards that are like
Trailer tire blows out... Pay $100
Prop throws a blade... pay $100
Interviewed for TV spot/newspaper... collect $100

Rails roads could maybe be famous race sites? Dayton Hydrobowl, that race park in Arizona, Firebird Raceway? Maybe a florida place and northwest location to cover the 4 corners.

just ideas... Good luck!

If you end up with this as a illustrator file or something or clear photo of what you finish I'd love to get a copy so I could print out a full size copy make my own board when you are done!!


10-12-2006, 01:27 PM
Thanks for the help Andrew:) I espcially like the railroads being famous race sites, and the cards work well.

I am using Illustrator, so it can be arranged to get you a copy:)


Ron Hill
10-13-2006, 08:16 AM
Sam LaBanco, Jr. is working on a video game and has some very cool looking boats....Maybe, the two of you could get together on the board design.....

My question might be, does anyone play REGULAR MONOPOLY anymore....??

Some thoughts:

Broadwalk could be Valleyfield
Park Place Blue Water Casino

Bearing away (Spelled wrong): Go back FIVE SPACES
Mised bouy: Go back three spaces....
Gearcase didn't pass specs, go directly to JAIL.....
Fuel didn't pass the meter....go directly to Jail, do not pass GO!!!
Cloudly day, SOLAR MOTOR didn't run. Lose one turn...
Missed driver's meeting, work in patrol boat for two turns...
Worked in Patrol Boat, gain and EXTRA TURN....

Keep GO and JAIL......
Pass GO, collect $2,000.

Hell, why would we need a broad game, we play this game every weekend..

Good Luck...

10-13-2006, 09:09 AM
Remember Ron, for a couple of months every year it gets cold in some places of the country.


10-13-2006, 09:18 AM
Doesn't everyone race year round like California and Florida? JK!!!! Enjoy the early frost! See ya in the thaw!

10-13-2006, 09:59 AM
Ron, I love the ideas:) thanks.

..and yes there are areas that don't race year round:) We are already getting snow storms/bliazzards at home! and its not november yet! It's crazy..The pict is from two days ago on the first fall..

10-13-2006, 11:15 AM
Wow. I thought I had it bad here.

Where is that at?

I will bet that we've got everyone beat on the amount of wind here. It just won't give up!


10-13-2006, 11:35 AM
That is by Pellston Michigan..It was picture my friend sent me because I am ever farther north in the Upper Penninsula. Wind is horrible here too..Its about 30 degrees out right now..if not colder with the wind..

10-13-2006, 02:05 PM
And to think there is going to be a boat race in little falls minnesota on october 21, and 22nd. I call it the pack a parka regetta.

10-13-2006, 04:09 PM
We used to river race up until the first crusts of ice formed on the river. Downside.....Trying to out run two of the local Cessena sea planes and getting too close. Not only does the planes prop grab water and add 100MPH to the droplet speed, when the water is 32-40° it plain out feels like someone is tossing nails at you....

Most insane dangerous thing I ever paticipated in....... Down hard on the hammer, catching the plane fast, and, sliding under the pontoons just about the time they got high enough for the boat to pass under....Now that I think of it, it reminded me of the time when dad and Bobby Switzer were in a Shooting Star with a 110 Merc on Pistakee Lake....There was this cabin cruiser that would drift toward, and pull taugh from an anchoring buoy...Bobby times the boat to pass when the cruiser is closest to the buoy so the gearcase would ride over the anchor rope....

Dad said that black rubber trim Switzercraft used could be seen smeared on the buoy at just about the hieght the boat would have been aired out at....

Heck Boat Monopoly sounds fun but ya gotta put some crazy death defying feats in there. Make one work, you get money. Fail at one and get anything from a crash and loose turns, to being carried out on a slab.....

Ron Hill
10-13-2006, 04:59 PM
I was going to look at the Solar Powered Race boats at Long Beach Poly...

I was going to find a nice Pollo Loco and have a bean burrito, but found McDonald's instead and had a double Big Mac by accident...

Anyway, this was my DIET COKE cup...

I guess, when you think about it, we do race year around....

October is Bakersfield and The Blue Water Enduro at Parker.

November is the Annual Parker race..

January we race at Tito's Lake....Some call it Lake Havasu, but they just don't know who Tito Smith is......

March it is Bakersfield

April back to Parker....

May is Indio

June is Chowchilla...

July is ..................Nor Cal....something...Burley Idaho (Late June).....

August is Long Beach Sprint Nationals

September is San Diego and for us Salt Springs (45 and kneelers)...

Gn's run a six race series...Western Formula Lites run 5-6....Super Stocks, because they run with the drags run about ten races...

Ok, maybe we do race year around....

If mcDonald's thinks people can play board games...who am I to argue???

10-13-2006, 05:17 PM
What no Puddingston in Jan.?

10-16-2006, 06:44 AM
What I want to know is when do you fix all of your stuff??

Ron Hill
10-16-2006, 08:55 AM
Puddingstone now charges $1,500 a day plus $8.00 a car plus something to launch your RACE BOAT... Too PRICEY... Of course, two weeks ago, there were three PWC's on the whole lake...

Jacob...I've often felt that California has suffered because there is no time to repair stuff or there is no time to save up money to race...

SoCal must race whenwe have water...

Consider this:

1. GN's only race six races.
2. SCSC runs, Bakersfield (2), Parker (2), Long Beach (1)
3. San Diego is Unlimiteds and 45 SS
4. Indio and Tito's Lake is Stocks and 45...

We only have 45 tunnels in OPC, Region 12...Now Region 11 had 9 yesterday.... (Region 11 runs about 13 races between March and October) Too many races, I feel, but I don't live there...

Ross the Boss has promoted the SCSC races and Western Formula Lites... (One race is in NorCal, that is Chowchilla)...Kneelers don't go to Long Beach, they go to their Nationals and blow all their money... (My opinion)...

When we came back to racing, we said we'd only run the Western Formula Lites Series races....but we added Parker and Indio.....

If our MOD VP motor lives through Parker...Pat will run that rig in Nostalgia in 2007 (Five races), Chad and Broc will run the five WFLS races plus Indio and Tito's race....7 races....ain't that bad...