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Ron Hill
11-30-2004, 09:34 PM
Jack Strickland sent this picture. This is Joe Johnson's dad.

"Roger Johnson getting ready for the return run. Cutless floater with aq 75 HP Evinrude" (Sacramento to Colusa Race)..

Joe J
12-01-2004, 01:21 PM

Great picture. If I could evert figure out how to use my scanner and attach pictures, I have a ton more like the one you posted.

Joe :) :) :)

Ron Hill
12-01-2004, 03:38 PM
Check this one...

Pittsburg (California) Very early 1960's 50 mile marathon Clutless Floater. Twin Scotts driven by Del Phipp's DAD....

Joe J
12-01-2004, 05:42 PM
Ron, you got the part about asking Lauren right.

I am going to try to add a picture to this post, figured oput the scanner, so this is the next step.

the picture is Dick Scherrer in I believe an 18" Glastron molinari, with my dad driving what was at that time Dick's CT-15. My dad owned the boat. to this day, it is my favorite of all the boat's he had.


Ron Hill
12-01-2004, 06:14 PM
Needles Marathon 1970 is my guess. Now than Lauren has shown you how to post, let's see a picture of her boat and her mom's boat under the Women in Boat Racing section....

Any tips on using the scanner, considering, I still haven't posted a picture from the scanner!!!!

That was Dick's 18 foot Molinari, right??? Not eh 21 footer he ran at Havasu!!!

Great picture, actually!!!!

12-02-2004, 12:47 AM
If you want to learn how to use your scanner, find someone who has Pagis or you can purchase. Very inexpensive! Once you install, it is 1-2-3. No knowledge required! If you email me, I'll send you a copy.

Joe J
12-02-2004, 01:14 PM
Actually, I figured it out myself. And it only took me about 30 minutes, with a lot of trial and error.

I will post some stuff of Teri and Lauren soon.

Now that I can do this, I will have to open up my dad's scrapbook and scan a bunch of stuff.


12-02-2004, 07:15 PM
Joe, I would like that a lot :)

Miss BK
12-04-2004, 01:21 PM
Yes, Joe, I sure would like that too!

Boy did I love your dad.

Both he and Ted May were like Uncles to me and my brother. Mike was especially close to him. I never told you, but one time in Havasu, your dad sat me down on the sidewalk outside the hotel and warned me of something he saw coming regarding my non-boat related future. But I didn't listen. And I sure paid a price for that! I will always regret that I didn't heed his advice. I'll have to fill you in sometime. ;) When it came to advice he gave me, your dad was always right.

Miss BK
12-04-2004, 01:22 PM
Roger Johnson and Ted May in Parker

Joe J
12-09-2004, 07:52 PM

It's amazing that it took me so long to figure out how street smart he was. What really sucks is that I did not figure it out till it was too late.


I never told you, but one time in Havasu, your dad sat me down on the sidewalk outside the hotel and warned me of something he saw coming regarding my non-boat related future. But I didn't listen. And I sure paid a price for that! I will always regret that I didn't heed his advice. I'll have to fill you in sometime. ;) When it came to advice he gave me, your dad was always right.[/QUOTE]

Miss BK
11-29-2007, 10:24 AM
Hey Joe,

I was just cleaning out some boxes from years ago and ran across this ink painting I did way back when I was going to community college in Kingman. I had intended to finish this and give it to your dad, but ended up moving to Texas and left it back at moms. It then disappeared and I never saw it again.

She gave me a few boxes of stuff years ago, but I never knew this painting was inside one of those boxes, folded up!

It's a pretty big painting - about 2' x 3'. I'm not sure if you'd want it or not, but if you do, I probably can figure out a way to get it to you. :)

My big regret is that I didn't get to finish it and give it to your dad. :(

A shame that it now has a fold in the middle of it too...

The second image shows you how large it is...with the standard sized CD in the corner..

11-29-2007, 11:33 AM
This is a great drawing. The nicest work I have seen. It deserves a nice frame. What a tribute to a great racer and even more remarkable person. Joe, that is a great photo of Roger in a runabout. He would be very proud of how you are doing with yours. Nice seeing you and Teri in DePue. Can you get Teri to post some history about her family? I know that my Dad knew Bob when they were racing. A great guy who was always very nice to me.

Miss BK
12-03-2007, 08:15 AM
Thanks a bunch, Alan. You know, I went to art school in Colorado with the dream of one day getting a job with Powerboat Magazine. So, whenever the instructors would give me assignment, I always tried to incorporate "race boats" into the theme so that my portfolio would look enticing to PB's then-art director John Whorral.

Eventually, this got me into a little trouble as the educators said my porfolio needed to be "more balanced" since I wouldn't want to be limited to a 'boating mag'. But the problem was that I wasn't inspired unless my subject matter was boat racing!

One final assignment was to design a "TIME LIFE BOOKS" brochure. The instructor gave us a list of TIME LIFE categories - Gardening, Cooking, Hiking, etc. But there wasn't a single nautical-themed title listed anywhere! So I went to the library and lo and behold...I discovered there indeed *WAS* a "Library of Boating" category under TIME LIFE BOOKS. :)

So when I turned in my 15-page "Boating" brochure with Jimbo McConnell on the cover, I thought the teacher was going to kick me right out of school. LOL