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09-23-2007, 11:27 AM
As of 10/4/07

Div. I P24 ThornhillCBox Greg Falconer Jerry Ross
Div. I 8 Fibertic Lee Buchanan Lee Buchanan
Div. I 500 Avenger Brad Menet Brad Menet
Div. I 36 Sleekcraft Steve McElroy Brad Cooper
Div. I E12 Unlimited Marine Ken Bewick Stephen Bewick
Div. I 819 Eliminator Al James Bill James
Div. I CJ72 Sanger Jim Rich Jim Rich
Div. II 145 Rayson Craft James Best John Best
Div. II 17 Schiada Gary Hairbedian John Franklin
Div. II 24 Rayson Craft Ted Kolby Joey Cucci
Div. II 7 Rayson Craft Bill Wheeler Bill Wheeler
Div. II 69 Hallet Dave Daer Tyler Stevenson
Div. II 67 Mandella Eddie McPheeters Casey Porter
Div. III 93 Liberator Quemene Perea Daniel Smith
Div. IV 151 Jones/Schiada Ben Marrone Ben Marrone
Div. IV 7 Laser Pat Bowman Pat Bowman
Div. IV 51 Hallet Tom Melton Tom Melton
Div. V 140 Eliminator Gary Ewing Gary Ewing
Div. V 918 Stoker SST Stephen Rains Stephen Rains
Div. V 312 Stoker Randy Lewis Randy Lewis
Div. V 373 Nordic Ross Wilson Randy Davis
Div. V 191 Nordic Ross Wilson Randy Davis
Div. V 45 Stoker Roger Martin Jim La Ricca

I am still waiting for 10-15 more entries from those that called me or emailed me, so get them in.

Now, if anyone knows anyone that want's to be a part of the show an has a boat that is not racing and want's to be a tow boat please have them email me (rossdbos26@yahoo.com) or call me. Without tow boats the race doesn't happen. So far I have 5-6 committed tow boats and need 15-18 so any help will be much appreciated.
Thank you!
Ross Wallach, RPM RACING ENT.

09-23-2007, 01:42 PM
Hey Ross, Bill James in #819 should be Div. 1. Thanks

09-23-2007, 08:49 PM
I will be mailing out Pat Bowman's entry form in the morning so you should have it by Tuesday. It is coming from Fullerton.

09-23-2007, 09:54 PM
Looks like we are a long way from the 35 required boats that Ross needs for this race! I still have not heard from CODE BLUE. I thought we were friends but I am beginning to think the jet boat blue is all smoke!:( Rod

09-23-2007, 10:00 PM
Where are all those GN boats that are supposed to run in Division II? Ted Kolby says that there are going to be at least 7 of them. At this point I think he is smoking something cause I don't see any of those so called endurance class boats coming out of the woodwork. I took his rudder out to get it worked so that Joey can hang unto the wheel a little longer this year. I think our two "ace" drivers have scared off the fleet. Ted says his Body Snatcher will be so far out front when it is my turn to get behind the wheel that he can pull two plug wires and we can coast to the finish:D Rod
PS if you guys have any idea of racing this year, better kick it in the butt!It is absolutely stupid for a few of us to have to shake the trees like we are doing to get a few nuts to fall off the branches. Are you guys racers or talk'n pukes. You either get your entries in, call Ross and make arrangements or forget ever running the Parker Enduro again-I've had it with you bunch of talkers.

09-24-2007, 02:58 PM
Looks like we are a long way from the 35 required boats that Ross needs for this race! I still have not heard from CODE BLUE. I thought we were friends but I am beginning to think the jet boat blue is all smoke!:( Rod

Damn Rod !:eek: Sorry I have been real busy after our exhibition race with the NJBA a little over a week ago. I hit and injested a MudHen or two with the pump. I will send my entry in myself without payment at this time being funds are tight, and I have been forced to hold off. I am sorry this may be an inconvenence but it is the best I can do. I will have the funds at the race as I am committed to race the Parker 300 and have been for the last 3 years. I am getting ready for our season finale at Bakersfield and that is were my attention is right now.

09-24-2007, 04:50 PM
Jury duty forces me to postpone the deadline to 9/26 -Wednesday.
Please fax all pre-registrations to (562) 633-8789 for those that will be mailing the completed so I can add you to the list or just sign in to this thread.
Deadline is a 'comin!
Ross Wallach, RPM RACING ENT.

09-24-2007, 06:12 PM
Ross' deadline is just 2 days away--What can I say. He has bent over back wards. He is not asking for money, he is not asking for a completed registration form, all he is asking for is a name to add to the registration list so that he can count to 35. A NAME POSTED ON THIS WEB SITE. I have tried to stir you guys by calling you names, calling you out, literally screaming at all of you to PLEASE GET YOUR ENTRIES IN. Maybe I can get Ross to extend his deadline UNTIL the Bakersfield race. I know this isn't fair to you guys who have already sent your entries in but I know that you, like me, want to race this Enduro. THIS POST DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN EXTENSION OF THE DEADLINE!!!! It is simply a request that I am making. It is an appeal made only to save this race and not an excuse for you lame and lazy ducks that have not had the courage to commit in the last SIX MONTHS!:mad: ROD

09-24-2007, 06:19 PM
CODE BLUE--how about the rest of your squirt boats? How many are going to Bakersfield. Are you in contact with them, can you call them, are any of them willing to compete after we gave them a healthy pad by starting them first? Aren't you the leader of the class (and I'm using the word class loosely here). You and I have been real honest with each other up to now and I hate to get nasty, but we are in fact about to lose this race--GET ON THE PHONE EVERYBODY OR KISS IT GOODBYE!:mad: ROD
Damn Rod !:eek: Sorry I have been real busy after our exhibition race with the NJBA a little over a week ago. I hit and injested a MudHen or two with the pump. I will send my entry in myself without payment at this time being funds are tight, and I have been forced to hold off. I am sorry this may be an inconvenence but it is the best I can do. I will have the funds at the race as I am committed to race the Parker 300 and have been for the last 3 years. I am getting ready for our season finale at Bakersfield and that is were my attention is right now.

09-24-2007, 07:01 PM
CODE BLUE--how about the rest of your squirt boats? How many are going to Bakersfield. Are you in contact with them, can you call them, are any of them willing to compete after we gave them a healthy pad by starting them first? Aren't you the leader of the class (and I'm using the word class loosely here). You and I have been real honest with each other up to now and I hate to get nasty, but we are in fact about to lose this race--GET ON THE PHONE EVERYBODY OR KISS IT GOODBYE!:mad: ROD

Damn Rod it looks like we will have 8 - 9 jets at Bakersfield. I have no control or input on this class anymore. But I will say this the Jets may possibly be invited to race at the NJBA event Oct. 20 & 21. So that will cut allot of them out. I have already comitted to this race. So please count me in. I will hit up more guys as well. I have put up over 100 posters, I mean every road trip I go on I take them with me as well as a roll of tape. You know I have almost given my life to this race and plan on somehow being there at the end this year. I honestly don't want to loose this race, it is a very important part of Boatracing.

09-24-2007, 07:03 PM
Div. I P24 ThornhillCBox Greg Falconer (not paid)
Div. I 8 Fibertic Lee Buchanan
Div. I 819 Al James, Bill James
Div. I cj72 Sanger Custom Sprint Jim Rich (not paid) Div. II 145 Rayson Craft James Best
Div. II 24 Rayson Craft Ted Kolby
Div. VI 17 Schiada Gary Hairbedian
Div IV 151 Jones/Schiada Ben Marrone/Paul Grichar
Div V 373 Randy Davis, Ross Wilson, Raymond Brennan
Div V 191 Randy Davis, Ross Wilson, Raymond Brennan
Div. V 045 Stoker Jim LaRicca
Div. V 140 Eliminator Gary Ewing
Div. V 918 Stoker SST Stephen Rains
Div. V 312 Stoker Randy Lewis

09-24-2007, 08:40 PM
Thank you James for getting your Div. I boat on the list. Can you get on the phone and get a few more of your jet boats on the roster? I can't believe a NJBA race could bother a race like the Parker 300 Enduro. Now I have a hard time wondering about the Hill Racing Team. I bet that half the boats already registered are running Hill Props. What does this mean? It means that you of all people should have your registration in to Ross! So where is it and what is the hold-up. shame! And Tim Thibadaux, I know you are busy getting ready for Orange, but you promised and now I wonder if a promise means anything in Texas:( Rod

09-24-2007, 09:56 PM
TED KOLBY (I really hate to get after "the boss" but here goes!) You are the big man! the head of the ENDUROS, the ruler of the GN BOATS, the macho macho boats of Endurance Racing and where are they? I see one GN boat running in Div. II. Well, that is one way of winning your Division but I know that is not the way you want to win it. If you don't get behind this push and find out why the boats who are supposed to be Endurance Racers aren't registering, there won't be any winners, only losers and that will encompass all of us because we will never see another Parker 300. What are your boats, 20 lap or bust boats? Can't anyone put an inboard engine together that will last for 4 hours? or is it the drivers, 20 max laps and just can't go no farther. Maybe there are too many kids driving and its like the story of the old bull and the young bull. Get on the phone and find out if "YOUR" racers can fill the shoes of an endurance racer. and Fred B, where are you. You practically stole a boat from a driver that is already registered so that you, and I believe your son, could race the race you ran so many years ago. I heard why you aren't running and it doesn't fly! You are punishing yourself, not the people you want to get back at and you are punishing a whole lot more people who want to continue the Parker Enduro. I think you owe it to yourself and a lot of people who have supported your racing team throughout the years to run this race. St. Louis is behind you, don't let ego spoil the fun you had planned for Oct. 20th. C'mon boys let's get with it! Sorry if it sounds like I am a raving maniac but I am having a tough time with everybody who has talked this game but just can't cut the mustard and walk the walk. EXCUSES ARE JUST ANOTHER WAY OF FEEDING AN OVERSIZE EGO! Ted, if this costs me my ride in GN-24 I can only say I am doing what I can to save the Parker 300 and the sport. If you guys would all get mad with me we might be able to move forward and run this race. :mad: Rod

09-25-2007, 11:11 AM
With that said, I guess I will run this year. With all the trash talk going on I wasn’t sure it would be worth it. It looks to me like a couple guys already have this race won!!!!

Rod, I think you are a little out of line. Fred has done an enormous amount for the sport of boat racing so much that in my personal opinion makes him a great candidate for the APBA Honor Squad. Singling one person out isn’t going to grow the race. Getting the guys that talk all the trash on OSO and scream and cry and don’t really have a clue. These are the guys that need to step up or shut up. Guys like Fred have pages of proof that shows they are winners. Keyboard jockeys only have pages of typed BS from the message boards they hide behind.

Ross, I will be getting my entry in soon. I am still not sure on what I am going to run this year. I think I will save that information for the day of the race….

09-25-2007, 03:01 PM
Chad, what don't you understand about dead lines? Just get your entry in and worry about the class you are running later! and as far as calling out individuals, why not, it takes 35 of them to make a race, every single one counts! Rod

09-26-2007, 03:49 AM
With that said, I guess I will run this year. With all the trash talk going on I wasn’t sure it would be worth it. It looks to me like a couple guys already have this race won!!!!

Rod, I think you are a little out of line. Fred has done an enormous amount for the sport of boat racing so much that in my personal opinion makes him a great candidate for the APBA Honor Squad. Singling one person out isn’t going to grow the race. Getting the guys that talk all the trash on OSO and scream and cry and don’t really have a clue. These are the guys that need to step up or shut up. Guys like Fred have pages of proof that shows they are winners. Keyboard jockeys only have pages of typed BS from the message boards they hide behind.

Ross, I will be getting my entry in soon. I am still not sure on what I am going to run this year. I think I will save that information for the day of the race….

Chad... are you fluffing your last years sponser??? All those accomplishments & a dime wont buy a cup of coffee.... What matters is the today & tomorrow etc...:confused:

steve sr.
09-26-2007, 06:30 AM
I dont see Bowden or Stoker on that list either. Are they going to show up or not. I owe Bowden a wipping from years back when he finished third overall and I was right behind him...on a windy monday....

I got my son started in this in the 80's now he's bringning me in to let me co drive his rig (a pretty little Stoker with a Johnrude V8 on it) Like always we will be doing last minute things like painting numbers on in the parking lot....

Come on guys give an old man a break....this may be my last chance to do this race...as my good friend Dick Shereer would have said put up or shut up its boat racing time folks...

Knuckle Head
09-26-2007, 09:40 AM
Just spoke to Ross and our money is in the mail. We have no idea what type of boat we will be running but we will be there :rolleyes:

09-26-2007, 10:13 AM
Ben… No fluffing, only facts. First or last, you make sure the beer is cold for me after the race. I will be looking for you. It is tough to find a cold beer after a long race, all you inboarders break so early all the beer is drank by then.:D

09-26-2007, 03:48 PM
Ben… No fluffing, only facts. First or last, you make sure the beer is cold for me after the race. I will be looking for you. It is tough to find a cold beer after a long race, all you inboarders break so early all the beer is drank by then.:D

YEP!:D We ain't as dumb as we look! Besides I don't drink beer... I like vodka with a twist! I'll be waiting.... at the finish line!!!!!!!!!!:D

JSR Motorsports
09-26-2007, 09:49 PM
Count me in. Div IV. Bringing the boat back from Bullhead on Sunday so I can Stare at it for the next few weeks.Might even wash it. BAKER RAMPAGE Powered by 200 Mercury.

09-27-2007, 11:43 PM
Is this the Black tail ridin tunnel Hull ?

I should be testing tomarrow around 4 - 5pm at Rotory Park, stop by if you are in the area.

09-30-2007, 08:44 PM
Well Rod,

We dont know who else is driving with me, but the Hill Racing Laser is Registered and Paid!!!! You called me out now get Ted to get you a boat that will last the whole race, cause I hope to be able to pass you a lot. :D Chad may have is own boat maybe drive with me, I owe him that since he let me drive his for the last two years. Chad your are welcome to race with me if you like if funds are tight.(you guys should see his house, it is really coming along but i am surprised he is not in divoce court) Rod sometimes you catch more flys with honey not vinger. Just a thought.

To the rest of you, Good luck, be safe, and lets go racing!!!!!


steve sr.
10-01-2007, 04:57 AM
Fred You Got The Wrong Guy. I Was The One Calling You Out (steve Sr.). Amd We Are Registered Also (918 Boat Stoker With A Johnrude V8). I Ran Against You Years Ago In The 80s Both In Ski Racing And Mod Vp In Boat 647, A Daytona Out Of Sherrer Marine. It Was Dicks Old 148 Boat. There Was One Windy Year When We Ran The Race On A Monday. I Think You Finished Third Over All And 2nd In Mod Vp. We Were Right Behind You In 4th And 3rd.

Looking Forward To Seeing You Again....in Ski Racing We Hung Out With The Chuck Stearns Crowd Pulling His Nephue In The Marathons. For That We Used A 20' Hawiian (#187pc) With An Ed Lane 200). Boat Ran Good It Was Heavy Enough To The Knock Down The Water At Mead And Havasu...we Also Ran The 647 Boat Which Was A Howard With Bottom By Sherrer And The 20 Daytona....

There Was A Rumor That Stoker Was Going To Co Drive For You..any Truth To That????

10-01-2007, 07:26 AM
Well Rod,

We dont know who else is driving with me, but the Hill Racing Laser is Registered and Paid!!!! You called me out now get Ted to get you a boat that will last the whole race, cause I hope to be able to pass you a lot. :D Chad may have is own boat maybe drive with me, I owe him that since he let me drive his for the last two years. Chad your are welcome to race with me if you like if funds are tight.(you guys should see his house, it is really coming along but i am surprised he is not in divoce court) Rod sometimes you catch more flys with honey not vinger. Just a thought.

To the rest of you, Good luck, be safe, and lets go racing!!!!!


Your boat is going to look silly with wiskers jammed up your transom!:D My little old skool buddy!;)

10-01-2007, 05:39 PM
Fred You Got The Wrong Guy. I Was The One Calling You Out (steve Sr.). Amd We Are Registered Also (918 Boat Stoker With A Johnrude V8). I Ran Against You Years Ago In The 80s Both In Ski Racing And Mod Vp In Boat 647, A Daytona Out Of Sherrer Marine. It Was Dicks Old 148 Boat. There Was One Windy Year When We Ran The Race On A Monday. I Think You Finished Third Over All And 2nd In Mod Vp. We Were Right Behind You In 4th And 3rd.

Looking Forward To Seeing You Again....in Ski Racing We Hung Out With The Chuck Stearns Crowd Pulling His Nephue In The Marathons. For That We Used A 20' Hawiian (#187pc) With An Ed Lane 200). Boat Ran Good It Was Heavy Enough To The Knock Down The Water At Mead And Havasu...we Also Ran The 647 Boat Which Was A Howard With Bottom By Sherrer And The 20 Daytona....

There Was A Rumor That Stoker Was Going To Co Drive For You..any Truth To That????

Two things:

(1) Have you figured out yet that the person you replied to isn't the person that you thought it was???

(2) You are spouting an awful lot of crapola for someone driving my boat, particularly when you consider that IT ISN'T RUNNING YET!!! :eek:

steve sr.
10-01-2007, 07:17 PM
I Guess Fred Bowden Dosent Read These Things....sorry To Mr Bowman For The Confusion.....i Was Looking For The Driver Of 34 (34x) From The Old Days....i Understood That He Was Signed Up But I Dont See His Name On The List....and To My Son, Who "owens" The Boat I Have Been Invited To Co-drive My Appologies For The Thinking The Boat Was Fast Enough That I Could Spout Some Crapola....let Me Know When The Taunting Can Begin


10-01-2007, 09:04 PM
Hey Ross, how are we doing on registration numbers?

10-02-2007, 03:24 AM
I know of another divison 2 boat that will be testing today at Irvine with us, & will be signing asap! Fingers crossed they will just keep trickling in....:)

10-02-2007, 09:15 AM
Well it would be nice if people would not answer the Fax line at 12:30 am so a fax could go through, it sure makes it tough to officially enter. I will try again in a bit.

Fax Ser # 000A7J783126 @ 10:42am

Fast Fred
10-03-2007, 06:59 AM
hows it lookin? the Race, the count, that stuff,?:cool:

10-03-2007, 08:24 AM
Hey there Mr. "Pussy"cat wiskeres man, thats the only way you are going to get by is sabatage, no worries the good new is when you break, you just have longer to chill the vodka and pour me a victory drink:D

As for Steve yes my name is Bowman, but Fred Bowden sponsored Chad hill and I in the enduro last year and we used the #34. So yes I drove with Chad the #34 but just for the last two years in the enduro only. The Bowden Champ boat is driven by his son Todd and Shawn Trente.


10-03-2007, 09:41 AM
Where do I sign up for the drinkin when I go flyin by? I didn't realize I only had to give that Laser a ten minute head start! Piece 'o cake! :D

I've been trying to avoid the trash talk so far, but I'm all for everyone buying the winner a drink! ;)

Ron Hill
10-03-2007, 09:43 AM
Fred Bowden is one of Boat Racing greatest supporters.....He's a little ANGRY right now about a race in St. Louis. But, as I recall talking to a motorcycle racer with a National number of like 5, he said, "I've quit this sport more times than most of those guys have ever raced...." Fred has quit racing now and so has his son, Todd.........

BUT, they'll be back...because Boat Racing is WHO FRED BOWDEN IS!!!!

Fred will be in Hill Racing pits at the Blue Water Resort and Casino 300 again this year....He's backing two boats. #7 Old School driven by Pat Bowman and #34, BMB Storage of Parker, driven by Chad Hill.....

steve sr.
10-03-2007, 12:13 PM
Sorry I mixed you guys up. My son says I'm not allowed to trash talk yet, since there is no lower unit on the Johnrude....but I might be interested in some of that free booze at the trophy presentation (if our boat is fast enough). If you talk to Fred tell him I'll be looking forward to seeing him in the pits....Shame he's to old to still drive, but then he was no spring chicken when I ran against him in the 80's....

And as for you Mr. Bowman see you on the course. I think we have the same starting time (both div 5). I guess I'll wait tell the checkered flag for the trash talk:

10-03-2007, 03:28 PM
Pat, its going to be a long race if you don't change the steering:confused:

10-03-2007, 03:31 PM
I am division IV I am a v-bottom and I think you are a mod-VP so that makes you V. Like I think it is your "son" said just 10 min. The Laser should do 90ish so it should be faster than it looks. Have a stering problem now and can't get it over 80, but it is not a hull or motor issue, so we will see. I am using Bakersfield as a test.


Ron Hill
10-03-2007, 04:09 PM
Not sure Greg will sell the V-8 gearcase...but might be worth talking to him... He told me, "No the other day.." When I asked if the gearcase was for sale.

10-03-2007, 06:52 PM
Doesn't Stoker have a v-8 case? Someone has to have one.

10-03-2007, 06:54 PM

Good luck with the steering thing... Of all the problems to have, that wouldn't be high on the list of my favorites!!! I was hoping to get to Bakersfield to test also, but that's not going to happen now... I want to track you down at Parker and talk about the Nostalgia thing though... I'd be willing to drive over from Phoenix for some (or all) of the races... It would be nice if we could get a retro Mod-VP thing going, although I like having the breakout speed to keep it from getting out of control like it did before...

I'm pretty sure that 10 minute head start will be too much for me to catch you, but I'll have fun trying!!! And, for the record, I am willing to buy a round if I don't catch up...

You guys have targets on your boats by virtue of being defending champs!


10-03-2007, 06:57 PM
I'm waiting for the lower drive shaft, I already have everything else... It should have been here earlier this week, but I haven't had a chance to call and follow up... I'm hoping the stinkin thing will be together this week so I can break it in gently!!! :rolleyes:

10-08-2007, 08:20 PM
Well we would love to have you in the class. Come by in Parker we will be there testing all day Friday.

For the record will will be on the winners side, that is oppisite of Ben and his Cat Fish thing. (although truth be told I was not able to run this weekend due to stering problems and "wiskers" looked great) I think it may even last 10 laps:D


Ron Hill
10-08-2007, 09:16 PM
Fred told Chad, today, October 8, 2007, that his MOD VP will be racing at Parker and he's looking for a driver....

BMB Storage, 2006 winning sponsor will again sponsor Chad Hill and Pat Bowman......

The race can't be as exciting as watching Amada Rich coming at me in her J Hydro...not knowing if whe was going to stop......I was thinking of jumping one way, but my heart was jumping around insdie me like a CATFIsH is a wet gunny sack and I couldn't move...

Amada, like usual, slowed down, stopped perfectedly and kind of said, "What's wrong, Ron??"...

I can see it now....women will be driving all the race boats and MEN will be doing all the cooking, cleaning and watching!!!

Anyone interested, email fred at BDI (Bowden Development Inc.)...

steve sr.
10-09-2007, 08:30 AM
Does anybody know if lifeline will be at the race with vest and helmet rentals. or an e-mail address or phone number for them. Would like to put this detail behind me soon.....Don't want to own either item just rent them for the race. If all goes well we should be in Parker on thursday a.m. and start testing asap. We will be staying at the Harbour Inn. Probably test up on Havasu the first day and then on the river friday....

Dont know if i can still fly a boat or not, something about old age and brains.

steve sr.
co-driver and crew 918Boat

10-09-2007, 09:09 AM
I'll be begging a ride from Fred if I don't get this put together soon!

10-09-2007, 10:43 AM
Lifeline Info is in this post: http://www.boatracingfacts.com/forums/showthread.php?p=41930&posted=1#post41930

steve sr. wrote: "Dont know if i can still fly a boat or not, something about old age and brains."

It's not the size of the "brains" I'm worried about... :D

steve sr.
10-09-2007, 11:45 AM
its not me were looking for the superduper extra large vest for i'm back down to 190....all i have to do to loose ten more is eat alot of sugar then let the diabetes do the rest. why arnt you on the phone looking for a driveshaft...do i have to do everything......


steve sr.
10-09-2007, 12:00 PM
just got off the phone with lifeline, call me on my cell

10-09-2007, 05:45 PM
I love it when Ron gets us money!!!!!:D

And Chad for that matter, I think Chad was the one who got it.


10-11-2007, 04:18 PM
Div. I 8 Fibertic Lee Buchanan Lee Buchanan
Div. I 500 Avenger Brad Menet Brad Menet
Div. I 36 Sleekcraft Steve McElroy Brad Cooper
Div. I E12 Unlimited Marine Ken Bewick Stephen Bewick
Div. I 819 Eliminator Al James Bill James Al James
Div. I CJ 72 Sanger Jim Rich Jim Rich
Div. I CJ 288 Finney Roger Finney David Carrasco Toby Clark
Div. I 402 Advantage Mark Moyle Don Moyle Richard Hammond
Div. II 145 Rayson Craft James Best John Best
Div. II 24 Rayson Craft Ted Kolby Joey Cucci Rod Zapf Tony Scarlata
Div. II 7 Rayson Craft Bill Wheeler Bill Wheeler
Div. II 69 Hallet Dave Daer Tyler Stevenson
Div. II 67 Mandella Eddie McPheeters Casey Porter
Div. II 98 Rayson Craft John Bonnici John Bonnici Dave Sammons
Div. II 44 Rayson Craft Chuck Sousamian Chuck Sousamian Aaron Siroonian
Div. II 00 Hallett John Raptis Steve Yoder
Div. III 93 Liberator Quemene Perea Daniel Smith Steve Dennison
Div. IV 151 Jones/Schiada Ben Marrone Ben Marrone Paul Grichar
Div. IV 7 Laser Pat Bowman Pat Bowman
Div. IV 51 Hallet Tom Melton Tom Melton Robert Alexander
Div. V 140 Eliminator Gary Ewing Gary Ewing Bob Williams
Div. V 918 Stoker SST Stephen Rains Stephen Rains
Div. V 312 Stoker Randy Lewis Randy Lewis Bob R. Kitchens
Div. V 373 Nordic Ross Wilson Randy Davis Raymond Brennan
Div. V 191 Nordic Ross Wilson Randy Davis Raymond Brennan
Div. V 45 Stoker Roger Martin Jim La Ricca Barry Black
Div. VI 17 Schiada Gary Hairbedian John Franklin

Here's a partial of those that have called in their pre-registration:
Div. IV 19 Mark Durham,
Div. VI 2 Doug Peters
Div. V 48 John Roth John Lane
Div. IV 9 Chad Hill
Div IV ? Jason Miller
Div. ? Alan Stoker/Fred Bowden
Div. ? Doug Normandon (sp?)
Div. ? Danny Halyak (sp?) and Bill Reiter Jr.? - are you guys in?
Div. ? Chris & Tyson Lloyd
Div. ? Steve Sr. ?(sorry don't have your last name)
Div. ? He's pre-registered but asked me to keep it off the boards as he doesn't want his wife to know, so for now anonymous.

For those that haven't called in their pre-registration, please email me your name, boat # and owners/drivers to rossdbos26@yahoo.com

10-12-2007, 02:23 PM
THE PARKER 300 ENDURO RULES state that the entry fee for the BWRC 300 Enduro is $300.00 & the registration must be postmarked by Sept. 30, 2007. All entries postmarked after Sept. 30, 2007 shall be $350.00. The rules committee graciously extended the registration & fee. After a meeting of the committee this morning it was decided that the enforcement of this rule was fast becoming necessary. Thus the ruling will come into effect at 10:00 tomorrow morning, Oct. 13, 2007, exactly one week from the start of the Parker 300. You have until 10:00 tomorrow morning to contact Ross Wallach (310) 318-4012 concerning your registration or you may pay the $350.00 entry fee at the race site. (it would be a good thing to re-read the rules at this time, & print out a copy of these rules, if you have a copy of the rules in your possession at the drivers meeting and have no questions, it may earn you an "EARLY OUT".)
Under the rule concerning minimum FIELD as described in DEFINITIONS: a minimum of 4 boats shall be considered a field. If there are less than 4 boats registered for a division start the required "FIELD" shall not be met and the boats qualified for this division shall be placed in the next faster division forfeiting their start/handicap times. The "FIELD" SHALL BE SET AT THE DRIVERS MEETING on Friday, October 19th prior to the race. The DIVISIONS currently in jeapardy of losing their start/handicap times are Division III (1 BOAT) and Division IV(3 BOATS). Division VI shall run in place regardless of the number of boats in their field. Pay out for individual classes shall be based on the number of entries. Pay-out to a field of 4 boats shall be thru 2nd place. A field of 5 or more shall receive prize money through 3rd place. OVERALL PRIZE MONEY shall be paid through 10th place. At least 30 laps must have been completed to be eligible for any prize money.:) :) :) See you next week at the Parker 300, the Indianapolis of Boat Racing and our version of the AUSTRALIAN PURSUIT!!! Rod

10-12-2007, 03:21 PM
Hey.... is this some kind of a new rule???:cool: Sounds like the divison 2 boats have paid somebody off to back off the III & IV boats for more time??? Smells like Ted Kolby is sneaking around here somewhere??? Rod you said it would take more than 50 bucks to pursued you of some secondary implemented rule changes...:rolleyes: Now I gotta install the nitrous!:D

Ron Hill
10-12-2007, 03:52 PM
Just talked to Chad. He said he gave Ann Hoban his entry for Division III at Bakerfield, with either boat number 9 or 34... He DID NOT give her a check, but turned in an entry...

10-12-2007, 05:04 PM
Go for the laughing gas Ben. I wouldn't cheat or give anyone an unfair advantage for any money! This race means more to me than you can imagine, I just want it to be a fun race and a return to the days when we all helped each other, then drank beer til the sun came up the next day. I believe in the "spirit of the race" and getting boats and drivers wet that haven't seen the water in years. A place for new drivers to get their feet wet. My motto has been "Let no boat be left behind, unless it can't make 60 mph." I had to add the 60 mph cause Ross said anything less than that was unsafe! Ben, you gonna invite me into your camp for a beer after the race? This year the inboards will live~!:) Rod PS: Chad may say he registered, but Ann is the wrong person to contact--Ross is the man and he keeps his own records. Better have Chad complete his homework and call Ross --Right now.

10-12-2007, 06:52 PM
Ron they are welcome to shoot up here and I will help them anyway I can.

BTW- I am more than willing to work day and night to get them on the water.

10-12-2007, 09:38 PM
Registering is the easiest part of getting ready for the race. It is not that difficult to call Ross, tell him you are prepping for the race and you plan to run Division whatever. Why do you racers make such a simple thing as registering so difficult? It doesn't take 10 minutes and if that is enough to keep you home, you are in the wrong business--nuff said on this subject! Rod

10-14-2007, 10:46 AM
If there is one or more of the D'cucci boats at Parker, I will drive over a day early (Wednesday) and help them in any way I can! Jim Rich has also offered to help and I am certain that anyone around will pitch in to get one or all of the D'cucci Division I boats running. If someone knows the cell phone or exact whereabouts of the person trying to get these boats running I will contact them! I will also appeal to Ross to drop the 50 dollar penalty for late registration or pay it myself if it makes the difference. :) Rod

10-15-2007, 09:31 AM
I will be running Div III that will make two. Is anyone else running Div III?:confused:

10-15-2007, 09:46 PM
Ron they are welcome to shoot up here and I will help them anyway I can.

BTW- I am more than willing to work day and night to get them on the water.

Jim, I plan on Parker Friday noonish, willing to help..........Ray

10-16-2007, 06:05 AM
I will be running Div III that will make two. Is anyone else running Div III?:confused:

I think you need to come up to divison 4 and share the love with Pat & myself... I can't catch you as it is so I might as well follow you around...:D

steve sr.
10-16-2007, 07:26 AM
Hey we're running in Div 5 with a family ski boat we would be more then happy to drop down to Div 4 or 3 just to help make a full field. Haven't seen an updated entry list lately.. Are there even enough boats out there to make a race?

Anybody out there got a helmet they want to loan a poor old man. Save me from buying one for one race. If not I know of somone who will have one forsale after the race.....

Counting the hours until we leave for Parker. We should arrive somtime early thur morn. Staying at the Harbour Inn.....

Steve Sr.
TEAM 647/918

10-16-2007, 05:20 PM
Getting better, and if I have missed anyone please PM me asap -rossdbos26@yahoo.com

Div. I 8 Fibertic Lee Buchanan Lee Buchanan
Div. I 500 Avenger Brad Menet Brad Menet
Div. I 36 Sleekcraft Steve McElroy Brad Cooper
Div. I E12 Unlimited Marine Ken Bewick Stephen Bewick
Div. I 819 Eliminator Al James Bill James Al James
Div. I CJ 72 Sanger Jim Rich Jim Rich
Div. I CJ 288 Finney Roger Finney David Carrasco Toby Clark
Div. I 402 Advantage Mark Moyle Don Moyle Richard Hammond
Div. II 145 Rayson Craft James Best John Best
Div. II 24 Rayson Craft Ted Kolby Joey Cucci Rod Zapf Tony Scarlata
Div. II 7 Rayson Craft Bill Wheeler Bill Wheeler
Div. II 69 Hallet Dave Daer Tyler Stevenson
Div. II 67 Mandella Eddie McPheeters Casey Porter
Div. II 98 Rayson Craft John Bonnici John Bonnici Dave Sammons
Div. II 44 Rayson Craft Chuck Sousamian Chuck Sousamian Aaron Siroonian
Div. II 00 Hallett John Raptis Steve Yoder
Div. III 93 Liberator Quemene Perea Daniel Smith Steve Dennison
Div. IV 151 Jones/Schiada Ben Marrone Ben Marrone Paul Grichar
Div. IV 7 Laser Pat Bowman Pat Bowman
Div. IV 51 Hallet Tom Melton Tom Melton Robert Alexander
Div. V 140 Eliminator Gary Ewing Gary Ewing Bob Williams
Div. V 918 Stoker SST Stephen Rains Stephen Rains
Div. V 312 Stoker Randy Lewis Randy Lewis Bob R. Kitchens
Div. V 373 Nordic Ross Wilson Randy Davis Raymond Brennan
Div. V 191 Nordic Ross Wilson Randy Davis Raymond Brennan
Div. V 45 Stoker Roger Martin Jim La Ricca Barry Black
Div. VI 17 Schiada Gary Hairbedian John Franklin

Here's a partial of those that have called in their pre-registration:
Div. II (?) 369 Larry Dalhoff
Div. II 10 Jerry Cotter, Brad Stellman
Div. IV 19 Mark Durham
Div. IV Joe Shulman
Div. VI 2 Doug Peters
Div. V 48 John Roth John Lane
Div. III 9 Chad Hill
Div IV ? Jason Miller
Div. #55 Alan Stoker/Fred Bowden
Div. ? Doug Normandon (sp?)
Div. ? Danny Donahue, Bill Reiter Jr, Mark Halyak
Div. ? Chris & Tyson Lloyd
Div. I #555 He's pre-registered but asked me to keep it off the boards as he doesn't want his wife to know, so for now anonymous.

For those that haven't called in their pre-registration, please email me your name, boat # and owners/drivers to rossdbos26@yahoo.com

10-16-2007, 08:51 PM

I faxed my entry two x's. You still don't have it????

10-16-2007, 09:33 PM
I think you need to come up to divison 4 and share the love with Pat & myself... I can't catch you as it is so I might as well follow you around...:D


I have a better idea…. We will throw a different lower-unit on Pat’s boat and he can run Div 3 with me. Then, you will have to chase the two of us. Just what us whackers like to do… “Run and never look back”:cool:

Knuckle Head
10-16-2007, 10:31 PM
Div. ? Danny Halyak (sp?) and Bill Reiter Jr.? - are you guys in?

It will be Danny Donahue, Bill Reiter Jr, Mark Halyak

I wish I knew if we were in or not. The Motor will be on the Dyno tomarrow AM after that (If everything checks out) it just needs to be dropped in and we are ready:cool:

10-17-2007, 05:39 AM

I have a better idea…. We will throw a different lower-unit on Pat’s boat and he can run Div 3 with me. Then, you will have to chase the two of us. Just what us whackers like to do… “Run and never look back”:cool:

That might be nice for pat... however I worked very hard on that damn fin of his so he better run that pig!:D Just make sure to move over when I lap your *** so I don't accidently chew you up in my trick 4 blade... I would feel bad having you fix it for me while you are laid up in bed...;)

steve sr.
10-17-2007, 09:15 AM
There seems to be some confusion I am already entered with the 918 team I'm the co-driver with my son...Sorry if you were counting me as an extra boat. We're running the Stoker SST with the V-8 Johnrude in Div 5

10-17-2007, 11:09 AM
Steve it is now corrected.

Next, does anyone know the status of the following racers that called but I haven't gotten an email nor a pre-registration from:

Ryan Prior
Steve Rankin
Kelly Oliver
Rob Devine
Mike Avila
John Soares

Could be close to 50 entries by race day!!!

Ross Wallach, RPM RACING ENT.

Ron Hill
10-17-2007, 02:28 PM
John is thrashing trying to make it...Talked to him today, says, he'll be there...and hopes he doesn't have to pay the last fee, as money has been why he isn't ready!!!!

10-17-2007, 04:04 PM
Steve it is now corrected.

Next, does anyone know the status of the following racers that called but I haven't gotten an email nor a pre-registration from:

Ryan Prior
Steve Rankin
Kelly Oliver
Rob Devine
Mike Avila
John Soares

Could be close to 50 entries by race day!!!

Ross Wallach, RPM RACING ENT.

Ryan Pryor will not be making it.

10-17-2007, 05:03 PM
Steve it is now corrected.

Next, does anyone know the status of the following racers that called but I haven't gotten an email nor a pre-registration from:

Ryan Prior
Steve Rankin
Kelly Oliver
Rob Devine
Mike Avila
John Soares

Could be close to 50 entries by race day!!!

Ross Wallach, RPM RACING ENT.

Mike Avila was in San Diego for the US Open WaterSki races with both boats.
One blew a trans and the other had motor problems. He said he was going to try to make it.

10-17-2007, 05:06 PM
Mike Avila was in San Diego for the US Open WaterSki races with both boats.
One blew a trans and the other had motor problems. He said he was going to try to make it.

I got this message:

If all goes well this week, Warpath will be there throwing down a few 120 MPH laps. Lots of work to be done before that happens though. Keep your fingers crossed.

10-17-2007, 07:43 PM
Yes we will be there with the Warpath this weekend for sure. Just got done taking one of the motors out of the boat and finding the culprit of our small problem in Diego. We will be out there in full force. Hope nothing breaks!!:D


10-18-2007, 08:08 AM
I just thought about it and have heard from Kenny Wilcoxsen and Jim Louis?