View Full Version : U-19

02-06-2009, 10:30 AM
This is U-19 (dubbed Waikiki Trolley) at the last Hawaii Hydrofest, in 1999. This was it's last race owned by Bob Findler. It was also one of it's best outings.
Usually a back runner, U-19 displayed it's speed in a heat race that had the crowd on it's feet and cheering, when it showed Miss Budwieser the way around Pearl Harbor from the outside lane.
Miss Budwieser came on, in the end, to win by less than 12''. Great race!
That's me playing with the engine.

Master Oil Racing Team
02-06-2009, 08:22 PM
...that's interesting Ken. It would be great to hear some inside stories. We don't get to hear some of the tales from guys like you very often.