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Master Oil Racing Team
04-18-2005, 08:58 AM
When I got back from Fredricksburg last night I had a E-mail from Ralph Donald informing me that Hans Krage had passed away. Many of you have probably already heard the news. It really bummed me out. Still am. I'm going to post some stories about Hans and I hope that others out there who knew him and raced with him will also. Many condolences to his family.

When Hans was a young man, maybe even in his teens, he raced motorcycles. He lived in East Berlin if I remember correctly. One day he needed a magneto and there was not one to be found or available in East Berlin, so he got one in West Berlin and was caught smuggling it back. It was before the wall was up. The authorities sentenced him to one year in solitary confinement. He was locked up in a little cell not much larger than an outhouse.

His family had property in East Germany and it was confiscated by the government (nothing to do with the smuggling). Communist rulers just like to take what they want. When I last saw him in Florida his family was just about to get back some propery the had on the North Sea and there was another large section with a house that they thought would also be returned. After Germany was reunited, citizens could petition to get back property that was wrongfully taken.

David Westbrook and I raced in Berlin in 1976. After the races David and his wife Fay went home and I stayed to go to a marathon at Karlshaven, W. Germany the following weekend. Walt Blankenstein, his wife and granddaugther also went to the marathon. Hans was racing the 6 cylinder OF he had won the world championship with a few months earlier.

We had to drive several hours through East Germany before getting to West Germany. Hans was driving and Walt's wife and granddaugther were in the back seat. Walt rode with Dieter Konig. We were telling stories and Hans started talking about Renato Molinari. They had had some scrapes together and Hans didn't much like him. He was telling about a race in Italy where he claims Molinari ran over him on purpose. The more he told the details, the madder he got. He was waving his hands all around, clenching his fists and punching the air. We went a long way down the autobahn without Hans touching the steering wheel. He put both hands palms up and said how he touched the bottom of Molinari's boat as it went over the top of him. When we got to the hotel, Mrs. Blankenstein called me to the side and said she didn't want to ride back in the same car if Hans was driving. She was terrified the whole time. Good thing she wasn't with us when Hans was checking out his Porsche on the Kurfurstendamm.

Dieter had high up friends at the BMW motorcyle factory. He got a couple of bike frames and Dieter rigged his up with a 350cc Konig. Hans thought that wasn't enough power. He put a 500cc Konig in his.

I don't know how many titles Hans won, but it was considerable. He was a hard driving, hard living individual who was always fun to be around.

Jeff Lytle
04-18-2005, 08:06 PM
Wayne.....Sorry to hear about the loss of your friend Hans.

He now belongs to the ages.............

When I 1st got the idea for the Konig GP Motorcycle thread, I was looking for some bio History on Hans because I know he used to race. I'll do some more digging and see what I can find.

We never met, but I believe I did see one of his boats one time. It was on top of Ralph Donald's trailer at a race I was at a long time ago.

Sounds like a man who lived for speed and the thrill of competition, whatever he drove. I'm sure Dieter and Hans are thrilled being together once again, just like they were in one of the photos above.

I tried to cheer you up by changing your signature again, hope you like it.


Master Oil Racing Team
04-18-2005, 09:07 PM
Thanks Jeff. I've got some more stuff to put up about Hans. I like the signature. Good work. BTW Joe Rome and I were talking this afternoon about the mystery driver and he said let to put your forensic talents to work on my fuzzy photo. I'm curious if anything can be done so I'll put it in reply to the other photos.


04-20-2005, 08:24 PM
Wayne, I have been thinking about Hans and all the good times we had. Hans seemed to live life to the fullest as much as any body I ever met. He always gave us a laugh and could be one of the most determined drivers in the world. It didn't make any difference whether we were in Germany, England, Italy or the USA, Hans was always an ambassador for boat racing. The picture below is at the World Championship in Phoenix.

04-20-2005, 08:31 PM
The next three pictures are from Nottingham, England World Championships.
The best picture of the following three is Hans doing the "can can" . :)

Jeff Lytle
04-21-2005, 04:28 AM
Is that Manfred Loth on the left in pic #2 ?

04-21-2005, 05:37 AM
you are right again, i have adopted son who is LT. of the texas rangers unsolved crime unit here in texas,he might have to use you. i have told wayne you have a good eye.

04-21-2005, 02:29 PM
Joe, That's me with my hand out in the first picture.

04-21-2005, 05:19 PM
Ralph, you are one of a special group - seeing Hans do the can can in living color - live!!!!! ;)

01-21-2007, 11:00 AM
:( this boat was auctioneered 2 year ago with ebay.
white not who bought it.

with friendly greeting

01-21-2007, 10:37 PM
I like it when an old thread rises to the top again, especially when I missed it the first time.

Memories of Hans are always funny. Like sitting in his favorite restaurant in Neu Köln, the one where the air conditioner drips water on you as you walked in, drinking Sambuca(sp) set on fire by Hans.

Another was getting fussed at by Hans because I drove the Kragekaperwagen into downtown Milan when I should have gone strait to the Irdroscalo. Hans woke up when I had to stab the brakes to keep from running over a Carrabinneri(sp) who was waving his arms and slapping the windshield. Hans smoothed it over real well. I could have found the place if the signs hadn't been in a foreign language or sumptin"

Here's a pic of Hans and son Peer at Lakeland.