View Full Version : Looper Distributor?
02-24-2009, 10:15 PM
HI Paul
Is this a looper distributor and if yes, how many were made?
02-25-2009, 02:28 PM
i have one of those on the bruce nicholson c looper. pretty neat little setup.
02-25-2009, 02:32 PM
do you have the strip that holds the 4 coils on the side of the block?
Gene East
02-27-2009, 07:58 PM
Interesting photo with a Quincy Looper in the foreground and a BFI trash container in the background.
I'm the only person in the world who has worked for both companies!
Please no jokes about business always picking up at BFI.
02-27-2009, 09:05 PM
From one garbage man to another, the .50 a day and all you can eat is actually half true. Made allot more than .50 a day, but, every restaraunt I ever picked up gave me free lunch, in the city,. Even had one guy tear up my bill when we the owner saw a girlfriend and I out on a date!
Gene East
02-28-2009, 06:53 AM
Did you know former F-Hydro record holder Jerry Peterson was also a garbologist? So is Jeff Lake, the 2007 NBRA D-Hydro National Champion.
I agree with you, there were some special perks in that business outside the normal jokes such as the $.50/day and all you can eat line you just referred to.
I remember the story you posted a year or so ago about you throwing a would be robber in the hopper and cycling the packer blade on him. I would loved to have seen the look on his face when the cops got there and you let him out!
I worked in Maintenance and Safety and once had an employee shot by a 4yd. dumpster. Fortunately he wasn't seriously injured, but that incident caused some excitement when I made my report to the corporate safety director!
I'll tell you more about that someday when we meet face to face. I understand you intend to make a couple of races in the Midwest this year. Keep me posted.
We used to tell rookie mechanics if they were working under a truck and something fell in their mouth to swallow it, if you spit it out and saw what it was it might make you sick!
It was honest, hard work. I was never one to say I was a "solid waste specialist". I proudly told everyone I was a garbageman.
Read with interest your post on another site encouraging boat racers who have lost their jobs due to the downturn in the economy to be willing to accept changes in how they earn a living.
There will always be something available for those willing to adapt.
02-28-2009, 07:06 AM
hi gene,
how many times have we found 'treasures' that others didn't want and considered junk. my first 'treausre' was a complete kf9 merc someone didn't want because it looked funny.
great advise about swollowing something that fell iinto your mouth. great starting the day with a laugh on a day of doing taxes.
also great advise about not being afraid to do something else in these times. mu dad always told me never be afraid to get your hands dirty.
Roy Hodges
02-28-2009, 09:48 AM
The four point set up reminds me of the ignition on a WEST BEND 80 horse 4 cyl. & the coils look like those on my old 40 horse McCULLOCH; any coincidence ?
02-28-2009, 10:19 AM
bruce's looper is going to go under the wrench soon. put on your thinking cap, what kind of points and coils were used on the quincy ignition? may have to go to the wayback machine..... anyone remember where the wayback machine came from?
Was Sherman a passenger?????????? Mr. Peabody would have loved to help track down some ignition parts............
02-28-2009, 11:29 AM
we're showing our age. mr peabody and sheman were great. will i need them for the points, condensor and coils for the looper?
03-01-2009, 06:07 AM
I beleive that the points are same as used in the Phelon mags found an Merc A and B engines plus others. The condensor looks like the old Evintude style but I'm not sure. Looking again the coils look like the Phelon coils on my A looper. I have one in an original phelon box.
03-01-2009, 08:19 AM
The breaker points (OEM # 398-174 NLA) should be still available thru Sierra . Try part number 18-5153. Last I knew they are about $10.00 per set. The condenser (OEM # 398-2203 Is a good number) also available thru Seirra #18-5212. Pick up one of each to be sure.
Ken Scoville
Boulder, CO
03-01-2009, 08:50 AM
thanks for the leads. the condensor mounting piece is 90 degrees from the one i have on the a looper i have. i'll pick up a set to see if they are the right ones.
in one of the other posts here they said the ignition had a tendency to miss and at one race they sounded like popcorn makers.
Frank Volker
03-01-2009, 09:33 AM
This is a QW ignition setup, cam and all. One of the biggest improvements in the flatheads was when we dumped the battery/points systems and went with the Merc CD/distributor setups. The battery/point setups gave us problems on every engine. If you were running one on the dyno and even thought about "brackish", the engine would start missing.
Frank V
Gene East
03-01-2009, 04:56 PM
Frank is absolutely correct with his comment about "brackish". Judging from the pictures, I'd say this engine has run in water a little more than just brackish.
By the way Frank, I drove past Front and Vermont today. It's been 4 weeks since River House closed and Kutters hasn't reopened that side yet.
Must be doing some major remodeling>
Frank Volker
03-03-2009, 07:59 AM
Must be doing some major remodeling>
Hopefully, the remodeling doesn't result in a fern bar decor with the daily special being catfish-shaped tofu.
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