View Full Version : Au Start 56 Nats Cambridge Md

1-D 1-US
08-23-2009, 08:48 AM
Ron I was reading a post btween u & kg4 on screem/fly..think this was the race u were tlking about..some fast company..I think I'm next to Chenowith @ the inside..couldnt run with you guys thou..Dion

Ron Hill
08-26-2009, 12:48 PM
These three pictures hung on my dad's garage from about 1956 til 1997.

The first picture is my dad at Long Beach, C-172, before the war, circa 1935, 19-C is me in Maryland. My brother is C-6 in the third picture


Jerry Combs
08-27-2009, 05:58 AM

I remember those pictures hanging in your dad's garage, thank you for posting them!
