View Full Version : Urgent read: Tis the Christmas Treason

Original Looper 1
12-14-2009, 08:19 PM
Tis The Christmas Treason

Posted on Monday, December 14 @ 13:37:32 EST
Topic: Americans for Legal Immigration PAC
by William Gheen
President of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC)

December 14, 2009

With most Americans dreaming of a few days respite from their work or praying for some way to feed their families and keep a roof over their heads, much less provide for Christmas, you would think that D.C. lawmakers would give us all a break and go home.

Unfortunately, many of us are waiting with a sense of dread for tomorrow, which is December 15. We are waiting for the next signal to be sent to the American people that they have been betrayed by traitors who have been placed into positions of power over us by a Global elite intent upon subjugating the American public.

We are waiting for Congressman Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) to file his Amnesty legislation bill, just as Congress heads home for Christmas, as he hopes to diminish impact of the resultant backlash from the public. We wait to respond as Obama's approval levels plummet to historic lows for any modern first term President as the public learns they have been duped into believing there was a change in power.

Gutierrez will either file his Amnesty legislation, which is fully supported by President Barack Obama, or he will risk demoralizing his large base of illegal alien supporters by backing down a third time. Public pressure and volunteer efforts of pro-immigration enforcement groups have been pushing the timeline for this Amnesty legislation back into 2010, where we feel we have a better chance of defeating this legislation for the third time.

The Gutierrez strategy is to file the bill as Congress prepares to go home for Christmas so that members of Congress are more likely not to notice the intense negative reaction and backlash from the American public.

The liberal corporate media is in the bag for the Global elites, so they can be counted on to keep the story quiet or twist it into Orwellian submission with glowing accolades from pro-Amnesty 'advocacy' groups, while those expressing the majority views of the public are excluded from coverage or besmirched by the article writers as 'anti-immigrant' groups.

This same liberal corporate media stands ready to use deceptive polls and biased reporting methods to try and convince the American public that Amnesty legislation is needed, moral, and supported by a majority of Americans, when in fact those three claims are false. We now truly live in a world where the elitist status quo manufactures consumer reality where night is day, white is black, and WAR IS PEACE.

That is why we are asking all Americans opposed to Amnesty for illegal aliens to spread the word, to prepare to take action with us, and to get every like minded American you can to join ALIPAC's e-mail alert list at www.alipac.us and to join us on Facebook, Twitters, and Myspace to support our efforts to stop Amnesty again.

It's been hard enough for the American public to actually reach lawmakers as it is with small armies of staffers paid to field all the calls, e-mails, and faxes to lawmakers, and the most the public can hope for is that someone actually tells their elected officials the pro and con statistics of their calls and letters. Was Senator X even told this morning what percentage of calls were against a piece of legislation?

We The People of America are tired of watching those in Washington do things we prefer they did not, while ignoring things we wish they would address. Even those who were enthusiastic about Obama's election are starting to realize that nothing has changed and America is still under an oppressive form of Government, where the top leadership positions have been hijacked by special interest elites with a Global agenda.

Of course, the big focus in D.C. now is the pushing of an unpopular "healthcare reform" bill, which recent polls show 61% of Americans disapprove of according to a Dec. 9 CNN Poll. The same poll found that only 36% support the bill.

Disapproval levels that bad have not been seen for legislation since the failed Amnesty bills of 2006 and 2007, when the legislation efforts led by Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA) garnered polling data showing 66-80% public opposition to the legislation!

It is not a surprise to see the American public sour on the healthcare reform bill, since so many lawmakers in Washington have made it clear they intend for illegal aliens to receive taxpayer healthcare benefits despite polls and constituent calls showing over 68% opposition to that.

Illegal immigration issues are bringing the healthcare debate into alignment with prior debates over Amnesty legislation because illegal immigration is front and center in the debate now.

And so many American are scratching their heads wondering why traitors in D.C. are trying to keep illegal immigrants covered by our tax resources? Why are illegal immigration-supporting groups in New Jersey pressing Gov. Corzine to push for in-state tuition for illegals before he leaves office. Why are NC Community Colleges meeting on Dec. 18 to push for illegal aliens to attend our colleges?

Why is the Obama Justice Department attacking Sheriff Joe Arpaio and trying to stop him from arresting illegal aliens? Why has President Obama stopped almost all significant immigration enforcement and why is Congressman Gutierrez trying to place 15 million illegal immigrants, who broke into our nation and are violating many laws, into direct competition with innocent and struggling American workers when we have 15 MILLION AMERICANS OUT OF WORK!?!?

The reason why all of these things are happening simultaneously is because each of these efforts are part of a larger plan.

Each effort to provide taxpayer paid benefits for illegal immigrants along with voting rights and citizenship in spite of existing US laws is the result of a conspiracy against the American public that is being perpetrated by Global financial and political elites.

This plan to subjugate and replace American citizens in our jobs, homes, and voting enclosures is called the 'North American Union' by those of us who have been trying to warn our fellow Americans with an accurate description of this plan. It may be a conspiracy, but it is no theory. The intentions and mechanization of this 'economic union' are on clear display for those who are merely willing to seek and understand the information.

The Obama and Gutierrez Amnesty legislation is merely a formal request for Congress to rubber stamp an Amnesty that already exists due to authoritarian and despotic actions by the Bush and Obama administrations, designed to supplant the U.S. Constitution and existing immigration laws and borders of the United States with this Globalist agenda.

These treasonous elites are quite aware that a large majority of Americans oppose amnesty, the healthcare bill, the bail out bills, and the war. Luis Gutierrez has already leaked part of their plan for the overthrow of America by indicating that the pushing through of the unpopular healthcare bill is the trial balloon for their strategy to pass Amnesty.

Obama and Gutierrez's key ally Ali Noorani, director of illegal immigration and amnesty supporting National Immigration Forum, claims there are more allies of AMNESTY disguised as reform ready to implement a three-prong strategy: “mobilize the base, win the middle, and marginalize the opposition.”

Many of us consider these actions to be an attack on the innocent citizens of the United States since We, The People have seen billions of our tax dollars stolen by illegal aliens and their supporters, millions of jobs stolen from Americans, wages artificially depressed by billions of dollars, tens of millions of Americans besmirched by subversive propaganda campaigns, and thousands of our fellow citizens killed each year by the illegal aliens.

Congressman Luis Gutierrez, Obama, the National Council of La Raza (The Race), MALDEF, LULAC, and other illegal alien supporters are not merely Americans with another point of view on laws and policies. These people and groups are traitors.

They are traitors because they support the current situation that is harming so many innocent Americans. They are traitors because they support legislation that will increase the amount of harm to American citizens. They are traitors because they are attempting to overcome a super majority of Americans, our existing laws, and the very Constitution of the United States of America which our troops and lawmakers are sworn to uphold.

The U.S. Constitution not only requires that the existing laws be enforced by the President as a fundamental requirement for American citizens to be self-governed through our representatives, but it states specifically that "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence." (Article 4, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution)

We do not have a "Republican form of government" when President Bush, and now Obama, decide to arbitrarily make law without Congress or the public being involved by changing or ignoring the intent of existing immigration laws.

Our states have not been protected from invasion as we have over 15 million invaders in our midst and an Executive Branch of our government that refuses to enforce our laws or secure our borders at the behest of special interest groups we deem as traitors.

We are not being protected from domestic violence because paramilitary illegal aliens and drug-importing gangs and cartels are kidnapping, raping, pillaging, and murdering American citizens in about every state in America every single night.

Their deadly cargo of illegal aliens, weapons, and drugs are harming us in many ways, including the lost children and young adults who the drug syndicates target for their addictive and life-destroying chemical weapons. Another American turned into a monster in our homes by cocaine or methamphetamine addictions is another job opening for an illegal alien, another perceived competitor removed from the land, and another family's inheritance gleaned from our fallen Republic.

We are called lazy, racist, and genocidal Americans by their political wing while their street level forces chemically, economically, and violently destroy our citizens and steal our land from beneath us.

So now we must be prepared to fight for our nation again against a new Amnesty bill dropped in the hopper as law makers leave D.C. for Christmas. Now, time normally focused on the holidays and our family's needs will be spent fighting the traitors in Washington once again.

We have a peaceful and political way out, if we can unify enough Americans to stop Amnesty in the next few months and elect dramatic numbers of new members of Congress who stand with the public against Amnesty in 2010.

If we can accomplish those goals, then we can then proceed to secure our borders, gradually shrink the illegal alien population in America through attrition enforcement, and ask congress for a Commission to investigate and prosecute all traitors responsible for this attempt to overthrow the American Republic.

Many of those pushing Amnesty for illegal aliens are seeking Amnesty for themselves, since so many corrupt politicians and business interests are now involved in promoting and facilitating illegal immigration. They can all be held accountable under our current laws for up to seven years after their crimes.

Every lawmaker, CEO, organization leader, and financier found to be responsible for the non-enforcement of our existing immigration laws and the resultant invasion of our nation should be investigated, prosecuted, and punished for their treason. As Americans we can accomplish these goals necessary to the security, prosperity, freedoms, and Constitutional self-governance of our people.

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2nd story:

U.S. Legislative Immigration Update December 14, 2009
Written by FAIRUS.org
Monday, 14 December 2009 12:18

Right Side News Reports from the Federation for American Immigration Reform in this December 14th, 2009 Legislative Weekly

Gutierrez to Introduce Amnesty Bill Tuesday
Has the Time Come for an Immigration Time-Out?

On Tuesday, December 15, open borders advocate Congressman Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) will introduce a bill in the U.S. House of Representatives that, if passed, would grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens in the United States.

While the specifics of the legislation will not be clear until the text becomes available later this week, Gutierrez previously outlined a set of "Core Principles for a New Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill." (Rep. Gutierrez Press Release, October 13, 2009).

These "principles" indicate that Gutierrez' bill will include three amnesty programs, including:

An amnesty for illegal alien "workers." In Gutierrez' own words: "We need a bill that says if you come here to hurt our communities, we will not support you. But if you are here to work hard - if you are here to make a better life for your family - you will have the opportunity to earn your citizenship."

The AgJOBS amnesty. This legislation would grant amnesty to millions of illegal alien agricultural workers and "reform" the H-2A temporary agricultural worker program to allow employers easier access to cheap foreign labor. (See FAIR's Legislative Analysis of AgJOBS, June 17, 2009).

The DREAM Act amnesty. (Gutierrez Press Release). Although this legislation has varied a little over the years, in general the DREAM Act: (1) grants amnesty to illegal aliens who entered the U.S. before the age of 16, have lived in the U.S. for at least 5 years, and have met certain minimal educational requirements. The Dream Act also reverses current federal law to allow states to provide taxpayer-subsidized in-state tuition to illegal aliens. (See FAIR's Legislative Analysis of the DREAM Act, March 2009).

FAIR has also learned that the Gutierrez amnesty bill will include at least a portion of the "Reuniting Families Act" (H.R. 2709), legislation sponsored by Rep. Mike Honda (D-CA). This legislation would dramatically increase legal immigration by providing for the "[r]ecapture" of what its proponents claim are "[u]nused" green cards from 1992 to date to bring in more family-based immigrants-all of whom will need jobs. The U.S. State Department has estimated that over 326,000 employment visas and more than 231,000 family visas would be made available under this provision. (U.S. State Department, Unused Family and Employment Preferences Numbers Available for Recapture, Fiscal Years 1992-2007).

The Reuniting Families Act would also provide for additional increases in legal immigration by:

Changing the classification of children and spouses of lawful permanent residents so that they would be recognized as "immediate relatives." (§102). This would allow lawful permanent resident spouses and children to immediately qualify for a visa. (Rep. Honda's Press Release, June 2, 2009).
Increasing the annual per country limits on family and employment-based visas from seven percent to ten percent. (§103). Under current law, each foreign country has a seven percent share of the total cap of visas that Congress allocates each year.

FAIR has recently released an updated report arguing that Congress has a responsibility to ensure that available jobs are filled by legal workers.

With more than 15 million Americans out of work and a nationwide unemployment rate of ten percent (Bureau of Labor Statistics, December 4, 2009), passage of the Gutierrez amnesty bill - or any amnesty legislation for that matter - would constitute a failure by Congress to live up to its basic responsibilities to the American people. (Amnesty and Joblessness).

Stay tuned to FAIR for the latest in-depth analysis of the Gutierrez amnesty bill.

12-16-2009, 07:15 PM
I used to enjoy this web site. Not anymore. To much B/S to weed thru.

See Ya.:mad: