Going through some old pictures from the late 1960's. The first one is of Dick Scopinich from Long Island in his BOH Quincy Looper on a (I think) Sid Son hydro. Dick went on to run 500 Hydro using Konig/Butts rigs. The second picture is a typical view of the pits at a local Eastern Outboard Racing Club event. The club had a field of 50 + boats back then on a typical Sunday afternoon. Almost every type of engins/boat combinations ran in (Salt Water). Konig's, Loopers, 460's , Speeditwin's, Mercury's, Hot Rods's etc. all with open exhaust. Shown is a good example of Jack Gosman's Chrysler powered hydroplane. The club still has 4 local races in a season but the field of boats is small and have to run closed exhaust. I guess they call this progress?...Bob N-96