Thread: Ron Hill Family: Hill Marine and Signature Propellers

  1. #211
    Administrator Ron Hill's Avatar
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    Default Signature Propellers Made by Hill Marine

    Perfection in Every Rotation

    For almost 75 years the Hill family has played an active role in the power boating industry. In
    1935, Russ Hill Sr. started outboard racing. His love for boat racing lasted 62 years. During
    the early years, Russ spent many hours modifying his engines and they were always well
    In 1949 Russ Hill Jr., won the William Randolph Hearst Regatta where there were 32 “A” Hydros
    in the race. Right after the Hearst Regatta, Russ dropped the lid of his prop box on his best
    BRASS propeller and bent one blade. He decided to straighten this blade over the trailer hitch
    ball. The trailing edges were very thin, so he bent a little “KINK” (now known as cup) in the
    trailing edge to strengthen the blade. Fearing he might have ruined the prop, he did not touch
    the other blade. To Russ’ surprise winning that day’s race was easy.
    While testing at Lake Elsinore, California the next weekend, Russ Hill Sr. realized his best prop
    was now two miles an hour faster than it had ever been. Over the next few years, Russ, Sr. and
    Russ Jr. pounded on many propellers. Russ Jr. spent many hours at Dr. Wayne R. Ingles home
    pounding on Stannis “C” racing propellers on pitch blocks that were rumored to have caused at
    least two divorces.
    It wasn’t until Russ Jr. returned from the U.S. Army in 1955 and started racing STOCK Mercury
    motors, that Russ Sr. really got away from modifying motors and started modifying propellers.
    From 1952 until probably late 1970 Russ Hill Sr. built 95% of the outboard racing motors in
    Southern California.
    In 1960, Salton City was paying boat racers to race. The races were only on Sunday, making
    Saturday a practice day. Ted May and Russ Hill decided to smear lipstick on the front of a prop
    and see what lipstick was missing and what the blades would look like after testing. Ted and
    Russ had hammered on, ground on and bent many propellers but were never sure why they
    ended up going faster or slower.
    Ron, ten years younger than his brother Russ, always tried to win every race and especially
    wanted to out do his older brother. After finishing second in the 1959 Nationals, Ron wanted to
    win the 1960 Nationals. On a January day, 1960, the Hill Family learned a lot about props. The
    family also learned that putting non-smear lipstick on props never wore off…Russ Hill, Sr. with
    the help of Ted May, worked on Ron Hill’s “D” Propeller all day. They gained six miles per
    hour just by hammering on the blades and looking at the lipstick trail. That day changed the Hill
    family forever.
    Ron, started racing in 1955 at age 11. Team Evinrude sponsored him starting in 1966. Ron
    was 22 years old and already had more than 20 APBA and World titles. While Ron traveled
    he'd sell his race props that he no longer needed or used. In 1969, Ron started Ron Hill
    Propellers and most of his customers were old friends who had bought props from him as he
    travel the world racing boats.
    Besides being a nationally known boat racer, Russ Hill Sr. spent a lifetime building motors and
    propellers seldom charging much if anything. His contributions and commitment to powerboat
    racing placed him into the APBA Honor Squadron, APBA’s highest award, in 1973. Ron was
    also selected to the APBA Honor Squadron in 1997. There aren’t too many fathers and sons in
    the Honor Squadron.
    Chad Hill was born in 1977 and at one week old attended his first Natioanl Championship boat
    race. Chad won his first Winter Nationals at the age of 10. Later, at 19, Chad was the
    youngest Formula One Tunnel boat driver ever. Chad has really been the one keeping the
    family business moving ahead. His recent improvements for dual prop drive propellers, his
    stainless steel gimbel rings, stainless steel bell housing , his Weedless Mud Motor Propellers,
    his improved manufacturing techniques and a lifelong love of EXCELLENT propellers has
    made Signature Propellers a world renown product.
    Chad has always built his own motors, from J Stock to Formula One, just like his
    GRANDFATHER taught him (One good piece at a time. Good things take time and love).
    Chad developed the new Signature Dual Prop, The Four By Four the same was his
    grandfather developed his father’s race props…hard work and lipstick. Chad over sees every
    propeller manufactured by Signature Propellers. All Signature Propellers are manufactured in
    the USA and we are proud of that fact.
    Last edited by Ron Hill; 01-30-2012 at 04:48 PM.

  2. #212
    Administrator Ron Hill's Avatar
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    Default Teddy Johnson John Alden

    At Long Beach, 1958, Teddy Johnson, son of OJ Propellers, ran his B Alky Hydro through the 1/2 mile trials at Long Beach, on Monday after the the Divisionals.

    Teddy ran over Bud Cowdery's waves and crashed "Big Time". I drew this picture f John Aldens' and Teddy Johnson's B Hydro, as they were team mates after this crash.

    My brother said they had a Hot Rod gearcase. I said it was a Mercury. My picture that I drew in 8th grade, was a Champion on a Mercury Quicksilver gearcase.
    Last edited by Ron Hill; 03-02-2014 at 11:35 PM.

  3. #213
    Administrator Ron Hill's Avatar
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    Default Prineville, Oregon 1966

    After the 1965 Nationals, my dad and I decided to build an F Runabout. We built the boat before we had a motor. After we finished the boat, we tried hard to find an F Motor. In June, the Marathon Nationals came and went, I won CU and DU.

    By August, we just loaded up and went to the APBA Stock Nationals in Prineville, Oregon. Some of the Massachusetts drivers were late for the driver's meeting, they said their was a cattle stampede and the road was closed. Seems it wasn't a real stampede but a cattle drive and the cattle did hold up traffic.

    I ran second to Clark Maloof in D Hydro and I won D Runabout with my 14'4" F runabout. Here's the first place "AGATE" trophy. I'm about to toss it out.
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  4. #214
    Administrator Ron Hill's Avatar
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    Default New Polishing Machine for Hill Marine: January 30, 2012

    I really don't know how it works, but it is suppose to polish propellers. I know one thing, it looks expensive. It weighs 10,000 pounds. Hill Marine makes Signature Propellers, this new polishing machine should help speed up production.
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  5. #215
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    Just scanned this, wasn't sure if it was in here or not!
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  6. #216
    Administrator Ron Hill's Avatar
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    Default Thanks, David, Parker 1978!

    That's Fred at the wheel.

    Chad was about Jake's age. This is Chad and Corey's baby, Jake Hill...His first BOAT SHOW, February 9-12, 2012....Jake didn't get too excited...though!
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  7. #217
    Burgess/Evinrude F1 V8 Lars Strom's Avatar
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    Default Olle Terjesen and Ron Hill in Chicago..!!

    Ron Hill is a humoristic guy.
    When he sells a racing prop he gives it his famous 30/30 warranty.
    30 feet or 30 seconds whatever comes first when prop is put in water...
    Lars Strom

    Life is good

    Check my own racing history at BRF...

    My racing web site

  8. #218
    Administrator Ron Hill's Avatar
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    Default At Least I Have a Guarantee!

    Some companies don't guarantee their race props at all...

    Probably, Lars, you never heard that my '59 Chevy had a Roll 2-80 air conditioner. You'd roll down two windows and DO 80!

    You probably never knew I ACTUALLY had a Rolls. Not a Roll Royce, but a Rolls Could Hardly. It would roll down one hill and could hardly make it up the next....(Really, it was a '59 Chevy and it had a "Strong Arm" heater, too.....When, it got cold, I'd put my "Strong Arm" around my "HONEY"....Worked for me...

  9. #219
    Burgess/Evinrude F1 V8 Lars Strom's Avatar
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    I remember a few OE props you sold to me Ron and the "guarantee was a race win"..!!!!!!!!!!!

    Pretty good guarantee when it became reality..
    Thank you..
    Lars Strom

    Life is good

    Check my own racing history at BRF...

    My racing web site
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  10. #220
    Administrator Ron Hill's Avatar
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    Default Thanks for the Kind Words, Lars

    You build enough props, somebody wins with yours! Those were great years, those OE props, that you are talking about were almost all purchased by Paul Kalb with OMC's money.!

    I would love to just make race props again, but NOT REALLY....I'm too old, eyes aren't any good.......The world is 2/3 water, we need to be on the water 2 out of thee days!

    I'm in management, now days......Little grandson, Jake, will be helping soon!

    That big machine, which we have purchased two of, will polish 4 props an hour.......

    I know you didn't race at DePue, but many would love to see you this summer, 2012, at the Boat Racer's Reunion. I know I'd be glad to see your wife......Did I just say that??? Yes, I did, love to see both of you there!

    Sometime, I think of Hill Marine and that country song about Luganbach, Texas....Where is says, "We've got a four car garage and we're still building on."...

    Life is good, though...
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    Last edited by Ron Hill; 11-24-2013 at 08:02 PM.

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