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Thread: I have a bit of history

  1. #1
    Team Member
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    Default I have a bit of history

    Hi my name is Mike Trevett. My family has been involed in the boat buiness since 1954. Im the 3rd gereration of Trevetts in the bussiness Im only 60 years old but my health isnt good. My kids dont want to contuine in the bussiness I hoping that maybe my grandkids might. I cant leave it to my kids they would just blow it off and a **** pot of history would be lost Im looking for some one that interested in telling a story. You can go to my previous post Mike Trevett photos in the history section. I,m the real deal and have a lot of knowlage but Im not very good with computers and at this point in my life I dont want to learn. This is not a I knew a guy who knew a guy I was envolved anyone interested in telling a storey Ill write it send ya pictures

  2. #2
    Administrator Ron Hill's Avatar
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    Default Post Away...You've Got My Interest!

    Pictures always help tell any story!

    Let's hear what you've got to say!

  3. #3
    Team Member hydroc888's Avatar
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    Hi Mike . I , like you have, a lot of boat racing history . I have told mine and it is somewhere in BRF , but it is there for future generations to find.Please post your stuff for the boat racers of the future that "care" about the past. My history and pictures are there as well as yours should be. It is all we have now [ history ].

  4. #4
    Team Member Powercat's Avatar
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    I saw your post on the other thread also, sure would like to see the photos you have, if you can email them to me, I will gladly post them here for you..
    My email address is
    Danny Leger
    Austin, Texas
    Quote Originally Posted by Doubleeagle View Post
    Hi my name is Mike Trevett. My family has been involed in the boat buiness since 1954. Im the 3rd gereration of Trevetts in the bussiness Im only 60 years old but my health isnt good. My kids dont want to contuine in the bussiness I hoping that maybe my grandkids might. I cant leave it to my kids they would just blow it off and a **** pot of history would be lost Im looking for some one that interested in telling a story. You can go to my previous post Mike Trevett photos in the history section. I,m the real deal and have a lot of knowlage but Im not very good with computers and at this point in my life I dont want to learn. This is not a I knew a guy who knew a guy I was envolved anyone interested in telling a storey Ill write it send ya pictures

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