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Thread: Salton Sea: Speedboats in the Desert

  1. #1
    Administrator Ron Hill's Avatar
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    Default Salton Sea: Speedboats in the Desert

    Speedboats in the Desert
    By Pat Laflin
    Reprinted from The Salton Seat; California's Overlooked Treasure, August 5, 1999
    "Low barometric pressure and greater water density make the Salton Sea the fastest body of water in the world for speedboat racing," proclaimed an article in National Motorist for January-February, 1950. The article goes on to say that during October a Speedboat Regatta, sponsored by the American Power Boat Association, is held at Desert Beach, the Sea's principal resort. That's 20 years after a Salton Sea Race Program made the front page of the Coachella Submarine of December 13, 1929. Much of the credit goes to a small group of local enthusiasts. These "dry land sailors" started racing on the sea, then took their boats to Elsinore and elsewhere, and sailors from those places started coming to the sea. There were no graded roads down to the sea, and just getting to the water was an adventure. Mecca was the "jumping off point', and Mecca farmers were called upon with regularity to pull out stalled cars. Locals also laid out the racing courses. Ted Gordon rigged up a raft with his own version of a pile driver and with two transit men on the beach to center them, the volunteer workers drove two inch pipes in water ten to fifteen feet deep to make two of the best courses in the country. The Salton Sea Boat Race of December 14, 1929 was particularly exciting because rough waters at regattas at Lake Elsinore and Long Beach that year had kept down speed and there was great expectation that records would fall at Salton Sea. Prizes included the $450 Mackay Circuit Trophy, the $400 trophies awarded by Richfield Oil Co., and the $500 Warren S. Ripple prize, offered for the first Johnson motor to make 50 miles per hour. Both days promised to be busy ones. A loud speaker truck from one of the large oil companies was to be there to announce results as soon as the boats crossed the finish line. Boy Scouts would serve refreshments. This was to be the first race in which Eastern boats and pilots had entered competition with the West, and rivalry was expected to be keen. A follow-up newspaper article of December 16 reported that about 2,000 people attended the event, "mostly outside people with not as many locals as expected. There were five new world records set at this Salton Sea event.
    Local racers were active in competition outside the valley. In the same newspaper which reported the upcoming regatta on December 14 and 15, 1929, there was a front page article entitled, "Covington Wins Famous Trophy." Mr. Covington was reported to have the coveted O.K. Hunsaker Trophy, valued at $300 on display in the window of the C.O. Murphy sporting goods store in Coachella, so that the public may look it over, and see that local yachtsmen are on the job in the outboard racing game.
    Don Pearson recalls personally the early days of boat racing on the Salton Sea in these words: "It was in the late 1920s that hydroplane racing was innovated on the Salton Sea. The low altitude was thought to be ideal for carburetion and there was talk that this was the 'fastest body of water in the world.'
    "Three local men became involved in hydroplane racing and the Salton Sea Yacht Club was organized to sponsor these races. My dad, A.L. Pearson, had his grocery store, C.L. Covington had the meat market and C.E. Murphy had a feed store. My dad named his boat the "Desert Kid", C.L. Covington was the "Diamond C" and Murphy was the "Shamrock". They raced at Lake Elsinore as well as Salton Sea.
    "There were some "monied" people traveling this circuit and it soon became apparent in 1929 that small business-men did not belong. Loretta Tumbull, whose father was a judge in Monrovia, was perhaps the first girl to receive recognition as a hydroplane racer. Rodney Pantages used to show up with his wife, driving their "Cord". Bobrich, of Bobrich's Ammonia also sponsored boats. Perhaps the most amusing race was one in which my brother, in our relatively slow boat, nearly won from two of the most noted racers. They became so intent on each other that they missed the course, but they recovered in time to correct their mistake and just beat my brother by a few yards.
    "In an attempt to break the mile straightaway record, my dad built a Sea Sled. It was rectangular in shape and very small, light and tapered in a manner that when it began planning, only the very back of the boat would be in the water. He constructed the bottom of fibre-board, which was easily shaped. The day of the testing arrived and we were on the Hwy 99 side of the Salton Sea. The only steering mechanism was the shifting of one's weight from side to side. A couple of trial runs were satisfactory, so, with stop watch in hand, he tried it for fun. It was at the half mile post, nearly in front of us, that part of the bottom came off. A geyser erupted probably 30 feet in the air. The boat began sinking almost immediately, but fortunately in shallow water. Dad jumped in and held the motor up out of the water. When we waded out to help him, his stop watch was in his mouth!
    "I recall two occasions of near tragedy on the Salton Sea. One Sunday two or three members of the Covington and Pearson families boarded the launch of Eddie Ruoff for a trip to Pelican Islands at the lower end of the sea. It was necessary to anchor the larger boat some distance from shore and commute in a small boat which was then towed behind. After visiting the sandy islands and observing the waterfowl, we started the return trip just about dark. Ray Covington and I had been riding on the prow of the boat when the wind suddenly came up. The sea became very rough and we joined the rest of the group underneath the canvas. Before we made it back, waves over 8 feet were crashing on us. It was a frightening experience.
    "On another occasion, three hydroplanes left from the south side and were going to the salt works, which could be identified by poles and other landmarks. I was riding with my dad in his boat. On the return trip, again after dark, we had no lights but Curly Murphy had a spotlight on his boat. We were ahead of Murphy and about half way back when he increased his speed to take the lead. With his spotlight on us he ran over the back of Dad's boat, on an angle, and knocked the motor loose from the transom. Dad grabbed it and when Murphy circled back with the spotlight, we were able to reconnect the motor and it still ran. Our only guess was that he was holding elsewhere when he ran us down."
    The temporary motor boat club which had been sponsoring Salton Sea events formed a permanent organization in 1929. The organizational meeting followed a dinner served at the Desert Tavern. Officers elected were C.O. Murphy, Commodore; A.L. Pearson, Vice Commodore; A.T. Sclater, Rear-Commodore; R.K. Widdecomb, Sec. Treas.; Board of Directors, C.L. Covington, L.J. Yost, T.H. Rosenberger, H.P. Shumway and H.W. Postlethwaite. Initiation fee was fixed at $5 and dues at $6 per year.
    At first the boating fraternity from elsewhere tried to get the Salton Sea disqualified as being unfair. To this, George Ames replied, "It's water, isn't it?" By the mid-thirties Kent Hitchcock from Balboa and others popularized it sufficiently to attract national attention and backing by the National Power Boat Association. Then the best boats and drivers in the country were lining up to participate.
    The 1948 Regatta was sponsored by the newly organized Desert Beach Yacht Club. It was a massive undertaking for a small club, and the files turned over to the CV Historical Society tell a remarkable story of a club with dues of $10, per year and fifty members putting on an event of national importance. M-G-M newsreel and Life Magazine and scores of other magazines and papers sent reporters. The files reveal letters to Paramount Pictures and Warner Brothers requesting the presence of their film crews, starlets, or whatever assistance they could render to lend glamour to the events. Instead of money, the prizes were trophies, and local businesses and organizations provided them. The Official Program for the 1948 Regatta, October 15-18, 1948 noted that Event 30, scheduled for 3:30 PM on October 17th, was "The Gold Cup Class." It went on to say, "Gold Cup Record: Guy Lombardo. Speed: 118.229 mph for one mile on the Salton Sea. These boats are among the fastest in the world. They are up to forty feet in length, weigh up to 2 1/2 tons, and are powered by motors developing as high as 1500 horsepower. They are temperamental, dangerous and spectacular. It is not uncommon for boats of this class to clear the water for distances of sixty to eighty feet. On these occasions, only the perfect balance and ballast of the craft, together with the driver's skill will keep them from capsizing ... Trophies by Glenn Gurley Buick, Indio."
    The trophies were called "cheap" by some of the winners. "Neither the businesses, nor the yacht club members were to blame", stated letters of apology to winners, written by Kay Olesen. He went on to explain that this was the first year the Desert Beach Yacht Club had been in charge, and they simply didn't know what was expected. A telegram saved in the yacht club files, dated October 4, 1949 reads,
    Apparently the 1949 trophies were of adequate size!
    A local newspaper reported just before the highly successful 1949 Speed Boat Regatta, "The unlimited world speedboat record tottered precariously today with the disclosure that a flock of the nation's 'hottest' Gold Cuppers were committed to the ninth annual Salton Sea Regatta October 7,8,9, and 10 at Desert Beach. Heading the announcement made at a meeting of the Desert Beach Yacht Club last night at the Indio Hotel was the news that Henry J. Kaiser, Jr. had given his assurance that his famed industrialist father would enter two great boats--'Hot Metal' and 'Aluminum I'.
    "Both of the craft are radical in design. Powered by Allison airplane engines, skilled engineers have made corrections that they hope will blast away the present world standards on the course 33 miles away from the Kaiser iron mine at Eagle Mountain. 'Aluminum' is now in Detroit, while the other craft is up at Oakland.
    "The American Power Boat Association has assured the club that automobile magnate Horace Dodge of Detroit will also have a topnotch entry in the regatta. The Dodge colors will be flown by either 'My Sweetie' or 'Delphine X'. These boats each pack two 710 horsepower Allison engines. 'My Sweetie' won both the Gold Cup and National Sweepstakes this year at Detroit and carries its propeller midships.
    "'Skip-a-long', already entered by Stanley Dollar of the Dollar Steamship Lines of San Francisco, will not appear at the regatta. The club was informed that the boat, winner of the Hamsworth trophy at Detroit, is now at the bottom of Lake Tahoe.
    "Another Lake Tahoe casualty was 'Hurricane IV,' prospective entry of Morlan Visel, multimillionaire Los Angeles attorney. It had broken many Gold Cup records. However, Visel flew down to Desert Beach in his private airplane Tuesday and said he would bring three of the new 48 cubic inch class which will run the first national championships here in competition with twelve other boats from Texas.
    "'Such Crust I' entered by Jack Schafer of Detroit holds the All-American class record of 126 MPH set at Gull Lake, Florida. Its drivers will be two brothers --Gene and Dan Arena. The Schafer entry was edged out by "Skip-a-long" for the Hamsworth Trophy this year. The American Power Boat Association has warned the Yacht Club that it must be prepared to handle 300 entries for the four-day regatta."
    Coachella Valley's own Dr. Louis Novotny was always a popular competitor and in the 1950 regatta he drove his Pacific One Design hydroplane "Cherub II" to a new five-mile competitive mark, 54.545 mph.
    The 1950 Salton Sea Regatta was sponsored by the Southern California Speedboat Club, The Los Angeles Speedboat Association, and Roy Hunter, of Desert Beach. The program states "the Regatta this year is being conducted on an emergency basis. When it appeared that cancellation of this year was certain, last minute arrangements were made to get the races on the water. The courses at Desert Beach are famed ... More records have been established here than at any other course in the world in the history of boat racing."
    The 1951 Regatta, again held at Desert Beach, called "The South Seas of the Desert" on their letterhead, resulted in 21 World Records Subsequent boat races were held at other beaches, and ultimately on the west side of sea at places like Helen Bums' Salton Sea Beach. It was not all serious, either. The Daily Enterprise of January 5, 1970 had headlines proclaiming, "Salton Sea's bathtub race turns out to be a runaway." A bathtub race it was-and according to Bill Bryan of the sponsoring Indio Jaycees, "we want to keep it loose so people can have fun." The exact number of official entries could not be determined, but the obvious winner, Danny Wegar skimmed the 25 miles to the east shore and back in one hour and four minutes. For his pains, he received a gold-plated plumber's friend and one-fourth of all entry fees. The second and third place finishers didn't come in until nearly two and one half hours later. Thirty entrants had been expected, but only nine tubs actually started. Technical difficulties plus second thoughts about actually taking a bathtub out on Salton Sea apparently took their pre-race toll!

    The Hydroplane & Raceboat Museum
    5917 South 196th Street - Kent, WA 98032
    Phone: 206.764.9453 - FAX: 206.766.962

  2. #2
    Team Member Master Oil Racing Team's Avatar
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    Very interesting reading Ron. I was wondering if one of those 48 hydros mentioned near the end was one of Dr. Tripletts from Texas.

  3. #3
    Administrator Ron Hill's Avatar
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    Default Salton Sea As I Remember it

    I don't know anything about the 48 Inboards from Texas.

    What I do know is we raced at Salton Sea from 1959-1962 at Salton City and racing was good. The problem was that the level of the sea raised 3 inches a day (Beach wise, not height). The raising sea floods the hotel, marinas, restaurant and everything. It made it impossible to lauch as streets, telephone poles, motels were in the way.

    Now that the level has dropped, I'm thinking maybe we could race there again with small boats as there are no launch ramps on the whole sea.

    "Y" boats were 48 Hydros.
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    Last edited by Ron Hill; 12-14-2014 at 11:30 PM.

  4. #4
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    Wasn't there a Kilo Trial only several years ago?
    Last edited by DeanFHobart; 12-15-2014 at 03:22 PM. Reason: Revision... Addition
    Dean Hobart

  5. #5
    Administrator Ron Hill's Avatar
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    Default 2006: 14 Kilo Records

    There were Kilos in 2006. The kilos were at the state beach on the North Shore. I didn't get on the water, but with 14 records getting broken it must have been pretty good. The smell wasn't bad, but then again I don't smell for "PRUNES". Two problems with the state beach then and now....Trains go by about every hour at night and shake the campgrounds. And with the sea level dropping there were (are) no launch ramps.

    My sister-in-law and brother-in-law live in Idaho and got tired of freezing the rear ends off, so they took a road trip. They camped at the state beach were the kilos were, six years ago. The interesting things to me are: The water in 2006 was up to where the rocks are, but now the water is like 300 yards from the rocks. But, what seems interesting, the brown stip was mud, as the bottom was muddy, but then it gets sandy. What I'm hoping is that the water's level is low enough to be back to SAND.

    In the OLD DAYS, ski boats caused waves that made racing difficult to say the least....So, May and June the water was rough. If the wind blows, you get blow out anyway...But now there are no launch ramps on the whole sea. The only boats I've seen on the water is air boats (Airplane motors propelled).
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    Last edited by Ron Hill; 01-02-2023 at 01:40 PM.

  6. #6
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    Default The Tenth Boat Is My Dad's Black DeSilva

    Counting down the beach, (In the Salton Sea Race picture) the tenth boat is a black runabout. My dad's DeSilva (Forever Amber), C-172 was quite a beauty for 1948. It was features in the LA Boat Show is the Coliseum. The numbers were silver leaf. I can't see the number for sure, but I can see the scales used to weigh the boats, in the same area (My dad water "weigh master" and "Measurer" at the time. Also, I can see what I think is my dad's 1937 Plymouth, and behind that is Harold Wick's tent. My dad borrowed Harold's tent every time we went camping and every time he went to Salton Sea. I didn't make it to Salton Sea until 1951. This has to be 1948, as my brother was racing A Hydro in 1949, and his boat isn't in the picture.
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    Default Boats Need Water

    As far as Salton Sea smelling, we'll see. When there were kilos there in 2006, I didn't notice any smells. What I noticed is there were no launch ramps and getting the larger boats in the water was a real challenge.

    I was looking at the Pro Buggy schedule for 2015. 9 races, six in SoCal, one in Chandler, NV one in Vegas and one in Sparks, Nevada. I thought "WOW". Sort a like the old days in boat racing.

    Golden Shores got flooded out in early 1974. Hansen Dam got flooded out about the same time. Puddingstone's rent was $6,500 for the weekend, but we have been kicked out of there. Carlbad Lagoon is still there, but there is no parking area for boats and pretty sure the home owners don't want to listen to noise for about two days. The San Diego River (Flood Control Channel) is filled with sand. If you wanted to rent Mission Bay you'd probably only need about $10,000 a day for the water. Marine Stadium is available, but many dollars there, also. We race at The Blue Water Resort and Casino three times a year. Lake Ming's expenses are more than we can pay or so it seems. Needles won't let us race after March 1st. We raced at Indio's Lake Caquilla for more than ten years. This was a beautiful place. But we lost it to La Quinta Country Club saying we made too much noise. Now they say we have the Quagga Mussels. Havasu Landing is 300 miles from home, ferry boat waves and general boating require we race in January or Februay. Brawley is nioce place to race, but we haven't been there in twenty years.

    So, where do we race??? Go up to Region 11 and race Salt Spring and Minden....both close to 500 miles one way.

    We raced at Salton Sea from 1959 until August, 1962. At that time the sea was coming up 3" on the shore line everyday. Once the hotels, restaurants, houses and streets were flooded there was no long a place to race. Salton sea 118 miles from my house.

    I reality, racing the Pro Buggy makes the most sense.

    At this time the sea has dropped about 500 yards from the high point, and it appears to have sandy beaches. Water is FREE there.

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    I think we should race at Salton as far as smell goes do we want no racing or a little aroma? I recall races at Fox Lake Illinois that were next to a municipal garbage dump. Many many races were held there in the 50s. And as you know, and heard for yourself Ron Lake Elsinore is dying to have us. Racing at the west end of the lake should be OK wind-wise and if I am wrong its no worse than Salton when it whips up. Anyway outboard regattas were held at Elsinore all the time in pre-war days. Drag boat races are there a couple times a year and there were PWC races there recently.

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