But who was the man behind the Charleton boats, where was his shop (oops, Flyer says Ft. Lauderdale), when and how did he get started, when did he stop building, etc., etc.?? And is he still with us? I just think we ought to have stories on these guys while a few still remember.

Gotta remember (duhh) to call Bob Rhoades, who hasn't been involved in a long time, and see if he will come here and tell his story. Bob's boats, most of which were built with the assistance of his brother-in-law and fellow C/DSH racer Jim Daniels, were some of the best-handling, best-turning hydros of their day, as were those of another Seattle builder, Ed Karelsen. Maybe we can locate Larry Goff, too, whose hydros were so beautiful they should have gone straight into art galleries and museums. I don't know anything about any of the local builders of recent decades, so at some point maybe the younger crowd will tell us about them.