yes it makes sense what you have written.
Not much but anyway.
just watched todays vids.
that boat is running very very good, sounds very good too, nice crisp 2 stroke sound.
Soon be needing to find something to race against, hunt for a V6 on a 19ft .
can you show us a bit more about the prop you use and how you modified it from being a normal prop.
this seems to be giving you some very good results.
that looks very good.
been alter in lots of ways, nothing like an srx now.
what is wrong with the hub ? it is not all the way in , should be level with hub face !!!! is there a reason for this ?
Did you have a new hub put in this prop ? was it a v6 prop re-hubbed. ?
anymore updates on how the engine is now ?
is everything still good ?
Havent tried bigger carbs yet. Been playing with prop, back&forth. Made those waterholes on the block,wich i enlarged before, smaller today. Going to run it tomorrow to see of i can make temperature behave like i want.
Waters getting warmer now, affect speeds by decreasing it.
Btw went 85km and 30l gas. Not much i think.
85 kilometres distance = 52 miles.
30 litres of fuel = 6.6 gallons. depends on how long it took to get there ? if it took 1 hour then thats about right.
it works out roughly every 10hp - 1 gallon per hour, so 60hp = 6 gallons per hour, 100hp =10 gallons per hour.
so your doing fine on the fuel side.
We old geezers grew up with that mpg estimating technique, and it's still good today.
"We live at the bottom of an ocean of air." - General Marvage Slatington
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