Here is the October 1973 edition , inside you will find the results from the Mod Nationals held in Decatur Al and the UIM Worlds from Alexanderia LA. Here are pages 1-10.
Here is the October 1973 edition , inside you will find the results from the Mod Nationals held in Decatur Al and the UIM Worlds from Alexanderia LA. Here are pages 1-10.
Here are pages 1-10 of the November 1973 edition which contains the recap of the Stock Nationals which were held at Willard Utah.
Pages 11-20
As I had mentioned in an earlier post, my Dad Baldy had talked Carl Rylee into getting an APBA sanction for Alex, including three UIM World Championships....OA, OD and OF. There were possibly some outboard UIM races held in the 50's or earlier, but in the modern post war era when engines and boats were rapidly gaining horsepower and speed, this was the first UIM Outboard World Championship races to be held in the United States. We wanted everything to go smoothly so we had to get to Alex early to help Carl. There was no way we could race at the Nationals at DePue and then get back to Alex in time, so we didn't make DePue in 1973.
A funny side note: Notice Baldy's real first name on the back page of the November issue...Eval. His name was Eual, but the way he wrote, the U came out like V a lot of the time. Baldy did not type, nor did he do cursive. He printed out his letters longhand, mostly on legal paper. The faster he wrote the harder it was to read his writing. Only myself and a couple of secretaries could decipher the hard to read stuff. Eval was most likely from his handwritten APBA membership form. Somehow, that's the same name the IRS used. Eval E. Baldwin. My Dad always got a kick out of this, because somewhere in the IRS his name was correct, but Eval is what they used in their correspondence and he never tried to correct them. He liked it that way. He would tell people,"I want them to think I'm Eval (evil)", and then he would laugh.
Here is the Decemeber 1973 issue which will be split in 3 different post , here are pages 1-8.
Pages 17-24
HHHMMMMM , page 23 middle column middle of the page . Marshall Grant selling B,C and D motors , I wonder how long they stayed on the market ??
More or less half a year Dale. Don't know who got the B. Steve Ketzer, Sr. got "Ring of Fire", last one, and I believe at least one C Service motor. Steve Jr. can tell us about that. The boats, the twin 500 Konig F motor or the double rotary valve F were not in the ad. Sometime between this ad and the 1974 season Marshall had decided he had to make a clean break. If he had any alky stuff left, he would buy something else to work on to make it faster. After Billy Seebold left to drive full time in the OPC division, he had Jerry Simison drive his runabout stuff at Alex, and Billy Hulgan from Alabama drive his hydros. Charlie Bailey had driven for him at Lakeland, Florida earlier in the year, and Dan Kirts drove Marshall's equipment at the Jerry Waldman Memorial race at Hot Springs, also earlier in the year.
Jack Chance and I stopped to visit with Marshall and Etta on the way to the Eastern Divisionals at Winona, Minnesota in 1974. We picked up the very fast D, which is the subject of "An Amazing Story" here on BRF and the double rotary valve F motor. Dan Kirts ended up with the 8 cylinder F Konig and the Butt's experimental boat we called "Hondo" that Baldy gave to Marshall.
I never looked at the ads, but I well check the upcoming editions to see if Marshall added to the list. Marshall and Baldy talked all the time, so they may have come to a deal apart from the ad. I know the D and F were extremely fast, but I don't remember anything about the C, so maybe that's why Baldy wanted just these two. No interest in the 8 cylinder. Was just too much to work with.
ADD: Been busy going to semi arid Texas and back today, & got to thinking. I didn't look back at Steve Ketzer's posts from a couple of years ago, but I think I was probably wrong. Think Steve will chime in soon and correct us. They may have bought Ring of Fire, Jr. And I think Marshall told Joe and I that he sold a lot of his C Service stuff to the Johnson's---Jim, Walt and Duke. They were close, and Marshall helped them.
ADD AGAIN: I didn't have a lot of time to spend, but I went back to see if I could find mention of Marshall's stuff and there is too much to look at to skim. I know Steve told me, but I think he also posted it. Nevertheless, I am going to go back and read the Ketzer Racing Team thread again from beginning to end. It is one of the finest threads here complete with stories, photos and lots of history regarding friends, pit crews, etc. Anyone who has not read this thread is missing a great trip through some of the finest outboard racing history that has been posted. Steve is a gifted writer and puts you back in the pits with memories of those days, plus the family history of his Dad Steve, SR. and his WWII and other flying experiences. It is an excellent story told by a kid who grew up into boat racing at a very exciting time.
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