Hello to all,
My name is Chuck Kober; some of you know me as I have been a member of the Southern California Chapter of the AOMC for about a year now. I live up in Santa Barbara and have enjoyed all the meets; it's a great group!
There has not been a Southern California Chapter website for a couple of years.....and I thought that I could perhaps put one together. I feel it might help in directing potential new members to us.....and might also provide another way for current members to share what they are involved in.
Since we meet once every three months and some of us live hundreds of miles from one-another....I have been thinking that it might be beneficial for those interested to have a way to keep in touch via e-mail and the web.
The website is linked at https://tinyurl.com/SoCalAOMC
Currently the site consists of 7 pages including a photo gallery, buy/sell page, future meet schedule, links to other sites of interest....etc. Any of it or all of it can be changed depending on what you; the members....tell me you want.
It is hosted on my business server.....so there is no cost to the club of any kind.
At this time I will begin to ask for your input; please tell me what you would like as a part of the site....and please feel free to send me items of interest that you would like to see posted. This could include pictures, videos, articles about your projects.....just about anything that you feel would be of interest to the members and on-lookers from the public.
I await your comments and contributions. Please use this e-mail address for correspondence:
Looking forward to hearing from each and every one of you! I will be attending the next meet at Puddingstone Dam in San Dimas on September 16th; hope to see you there!
Chuck Kober
Member SocalAOMC
If I go, I'll take my brother's "Pumper" A and my KG-4.