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Here is the May 1961 Propeller edition.
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Been away from these for way to long so its time to get back to it. Here is the June 1961 edition of Propeller.
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All three posts are duplicates and end in June 1961 page 13, need to delete 2 and add the ones that continue with June page 14.
Thanks for posting
" Three may keep a secret if two of them are dead" Ben Franklin
" ------- well Doctor what have we got a Republic or Monarchy? A Republic he replies if you can keep it"
Benjamin Franklin, 1787 Constitutional Convention, as recorded by signer James McHenry's in his diary at the Library of Congress
Location: SW Orlando, Fl
For some reason the 3rd post of the June 61 Propeller did not post in the correct order , all pages are there. Posting these can be very tedious as they don't always want to post in order. Scanning and resizing the pages is the easy part , at times in can take over an hour just to post them. I contacted Ron and he contacted the webmaster but there is no fix for this issue. Sometimes they post in order and other times it is very frustrating.
Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. Its the racing offseason so its time to get back into the posting of racing history. Here we go with the 1961 editions of Propeller. I last posted the June edition so here is the July 1961 Propeller edition.
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