I have been wanting to put on a GRASS ROOTS ENDURO for Mini Boats...I've wanted to do this for many years. Ross has agreed that he'll work with us to do it.
Here's what I'm thinking.....Help me out all you want...
1. Three Hours
2. Two mile course
3. 2 manitory ten minute pit stops
4. No capsuled boats
5. Red Zones like the Blue Casino 300 Enduro
Division I
Any Legal "C" Stock Runabout APBA.
Mini GT (Tunnel with 25 HP, Aluminum prop)...
Any vee, flat bottom wooden boat up to 44 cubic inch, shifter gearcase, kneel or sit down.
Any Addictor, Schiada or Vee hull with up to 35 HP motor, any prop.
Division II
Legal Sport C
Division III
Fat C
Division IV
Any 3 cyclinder on a vee bottom hull
Division V
Super Light Tunnel: Legal APBA (What ever those rules are)...
Any interest in running this Enduro the weekend before Thanksgiving, 2006???...You could stay around and race at the Annual Thanksgiving Regatta at Blue Water Casino...
Give me feedback about the classes...this is just a rough plan...Start all the same time, each Division winner to get trophy and money...