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Thread: Dennis Johnson "Trafficade" Racing

  1. #1
    Administrator Ron Hill's Avatar
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    Default Dennis Johnson "Trafficade" Racing

    Jeff Conant and Steven Dawe have been running under the banner of Trafficade for th past several years....I'd been told that Dennie had an inboard hydro that he ran on the east coast and I often wonder how a giuy like this sponsored kneeldowners, OPC tunnels and and inboard hydro or two....Maybe not "HOW" but "WHY"...would he do this???

    Well, Jeff told my I could leave the Lavey Craft I had sold to a gentleman in Texas, in Trafficad's buld until after Thanksgiving...So, when I get there, yesterday, 11/3/06, Jeff introduces me to Dennis......First thing I see on the all is a BU...Come to find out, he raced in Michigan, in the 1960's we me...Vic Brinkman, Chris Whit, Max McPeek, Big Nick Buccarestein, and Ray Link. In fact, Dennis siad Ray Link use to sign his entries for him as Dennis's dad didn't want him racing...

    Cool pictures he memories of boat racing....He's supporting Boat Racing TODAY becasue of a life lone love of Boat racing...His first engine waws a KG-7... He bought Jeff' Conant's 102 Yamato from me....the one I use to let Rod Zapf use, before Rod got too old to drive...and all!!!

    Anyway, here' a few pictures froman Ex Michigander.....Dennis's Unlimited Light or Whatever this hydro is, didn win the 2006 World Championships....

    Thanks for SUPPORTING BOAT RACING and especailly for the support of our YOUNGER DRIVERS...
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  2. #2
    - Skoontz's Avatar
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    I also want to say thank you to Jeff for hooking my daughter up in that C boat the thunderboat wekeend. I've had several conversations with Jeff since then, and look forward to getting to know him and all the racing folks as my daughter gets more and more involved. Very cool pictures Ron!

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