Ron and Ted -
Everyone talks "MOD-VP", in reference to everything and anything today.
ex: Classified ads: 22ft MOD-VP bottom...
What does "MOD-VP" really mean for the younger folks (<40) that weren't there for the evolution? These folks are the future of our loved sport!
1. There has "always" been a class that existed which promoted and sanctioned (APBA/OPC) the highest production HP outbooard available to the public on a production runabout hull. At least as far as my existence...
JP (Family J)
as the motors evolved, so did the classes and the story....
What does that mean? I don't know for sure, but you two and many others can shed the light on the evolution of the real deal...non-true tunnel boat hull classes (don't get me wrong, I love them also! - we're on the MOD-VP Forum).
I'll just start at...(exact dates?)
J-Production / Family J (73' thru ---) - 150hp - 15-16ft V bottoms
1975 - OMC released 200 V6
1977-78 - "VP" - 200hp "STOCK" - 18-20ft V bottoms (mostly OMC)
1979 - MVP - V6 "Modified" Motors (moving rules target) - 18-20ft "V" Bottoms only
1980? - Ron Hill put an outboard bracket on a center-pod jet tunnel (19 Daytona - oops it worked! The MOD-VP class (world) had suddenly changed!
1981 - St. Louis - Powerboat Mag Shootout - What a trip! Everyone had air entrapment designs, even if it was glued in PVC pipe for tunnels (sorry Howard!).
Ron - you're the teacher, tell the "real" story (with pics) and shed light on what MOD-VP really means! (and why it died) I know Ted has hundreds on photos to share as you do -- post them damnit!
If I'm off on the years (memory only), it's yours to set it straight!
Set it up and knock it's a great story that not everyone knows! If anyone can paint the picture...this group can!
We need it this type of racing was the BEST!!!!
Thanks for the memories...You're the teacher...
Now, class! "SHUT-UP" (and listen) - Thank-you!