
Could not find the exact title you posted this on, however, I remember you mentioned a Merc looper from the late 60's, early 70's your dad made for one of the hot shots at Merc out of an 8HP? engine.... You mentioned it was at a car show last year out here in the land of fruits and nuts....

Well, guess what I found????? It's still in the land of fruits and nuts....It was bought by a guy who thought it looked neat...It was stuck, and faded black, and no one could ever figure out what the hell a car buff wanted with it.....He can't figure out what he could ever do with it, and, he needs more room in his garage, because God forbid, these geniuses would ever put a basement in the houses here....

I'm going to look at it the first week of March, out in some high dessert hell hole like the ones you pass on the way to Parker. So, I'll keep you posted....