Hey Wayne, could you post the PRO Crash Bash??
Hey Wayne, could you post the PRO Crash Bash??
Wayne, Powerboat Magazine has given Boatracingfacts.com express permission to post from back issues with the following conditions:
Give Powerboat Magazine credit, post the entire article and all pictures, do not post the entire magazine issue; only use issues more than 10 years old.
We ask that others that wish to post scans of exerpts from Powerboat follow these guidelines to keep us in good with Powerboat. If anyone posts less than a full article I think we can put in what is originally left out and be cool. Other sites are basically getting away under the "fair use" clause. As far as I know, BRF is the only website with official permission from Powerboat Magazine.
Since 1925, about 150 different racing outboards have been made.
I can do that Jeff. Thanks Sam. I wasn't sure & I didn't want to cause any problems. I had seen an article someone posted I did on Tim Butts here so I put up the 1974 article, but no more until I had confirmation.
As far as giving Powerboat credit....I give them all the credit for what I have been able to do with my pictures. Harry Echols in Houston, Texas had a regional racing tabloid called Motorsport Magazine. He gave Joe Rome and myself pit access to stock cars, motorcyles, etc... the boats we had covered. Problem was...after the publication folded...I had no place for my pictures. I decided I would have to write an article and then have photos to accompany and enhance the article to get my photos published. The first one I submitted was the Pro Nationals DePue Illinois 1974. I found out that my story was accepted when I opened the mailbox and found a check from PowerBoat Magazine.
Bob Brown was editor then and sorry to say I have never met him in person. I met the next editor Mark Spencer at Phoenix in 1976 and I think it was shortly before he became editor. He was still there in 1993 when I asked if he would be interested in a story on the UIM World Championships at Lakeland. He said yes, but I blew it. The company my Dad started in 1946 was finished, and I had to take care of some stuff. I had the story finished but never finished developing all the film. Of course you all know there's not much time to get that stuff out so I didn't make the deadline on that last one.
My Dad and I knew Bob Nordskog and thought he had a great vision for APBA. At a time when OPEC was causing problems for a second time, he spent a lot of time and money with a diesel powered tunnel. Him and Ted May I guess raced them all over the place.
So Yes,.... I'm glad to know that I can post some of the Powerboat stuff. They're a good bunch of folks.
The following is a copy of the article I wrote about the Pro Nationals in Hinton, West Virginia in 1977 entitled "The Pro Crash Bash". It was published in POWERBOAT Magazine Voume 10 number 3, October 1977.
Thanks again Wayne for installing another great flashback from the past, Duke
I scanned these over a week ago then had to go out. Forgot which race & they're too small to tell until I post them.
Originally Posted by Master Oil Racing Team
Are you going to be able to post any of the Stock Nats coverage that
is featured on the cover ?
Ron--Unless I hear otherwise---I suppose so. As long as I stick to the guidelines should be no problem. Give me a little time though. The "Pro Crash Bash" was handy as I had it in my album. I have to go through my stuff & it isn't quite organized yet. BRF has caused quite an upset in my study. I'm having to finally get around to finish my darkroom and put things back in order.
Here you go Ron. Looks like a who's who edition. This is from Volume 10. Number 3. October 1977 edition of Powerboat Magazine.
I've been looking everywhere for that issue for the past 10 years.
In the pic showing Ted May patching Eric Nordskog's boat, that person standing to the left is Don Johnston - who went on to race the "ARCADIAN" Formula One boat for Jim Hauenstien.
We were pitted right next to them at this race. I had just been sent off to fetch something - but if I hadn't, I might have been in that shot too.![]()
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