Bill Ban and Jeff have correctly identified the people. It is Bill Rucker Jr in the runabout at San Antonio 1978. The photo of Marshall Grant was taken at Hot Springs in 1972 before Billy Seebold arrived. Marshall was doing some testing himself. It is Bill Seebold with his back to the camera.

Bill holding the prop is what I believe to be inside a limited hydro van. He was looking at props. I may be wrong on that, but I could look at some old contact sheets to find out.

The photo of Jerry Waldman is what I believe the last pit shot of him. It was the day before the race in which he was killed. He just got in from testing his F hydro and my Dad asked him "How was it?" Jerry replied "It's got good top speed, but..."looking down and spreading his arms " would have to measure the acceleration with a calendar."

It is indeed Tom Kirts at Hinton in 1977. He blew over at the start disintegrating that new DeSilva.