Listen up folks!

The ONLY way we the people can defeat the 15 % ethanol crap is NOT to buy it! The forces of greed combined with the enviro-whackos are against us, but there still is a way out. To wit:

Cars built before 2012 are not designed for 15 %, and manufacturers have warned that warrantees will not be honored if it is used. That means every gas station MUST also sell the 10 % crap.

So here's the deal: If no one buys 15 %, the tanks at gas stations around the country will be filled with gas they can't sell. It won't be long before the gas station owners (and gas suppliers) are SCREAMING at the SOBs in Washington that stuck us with this crap. And that is how we will get rid of it.

The plan is this: If you have a 2012 or newer car, and can buy 15 %...DON'T!! If your car is on fumes, and there's no other alternative, put in the minimum you need to get to the next station. Then buy 10 %.
If we all stick together on this, WE will win!


PS: Please pass this on to all your intelligent friends