The things I run over stock 302 units make about 60-70 HP at 8500-9000.
I haven't had any failures other than ones "induced" by my rather imprecise methods. They probably don't make much torque at that RPM but as HP is a function torque vs RPM,I can "get away with it" so to speak.
I "think" they'll handle alot more If you increase the "load event" time.
Practicle experience tells me that that you can exceed the calculated max load of almost anything IF you lengthen the "load event" The analogy would be the difference between "side slipping" the clutch in your car vs letting it out with the pedal to the metal. Side slipping puts an "immediate" load on the drive train where as "letting it out" lengthens the event and allows the drive train absorb and transmit the load over a longer period of time ( we're not talking seconds, more like milliseconds) I don't think a 302 foot would much like a 45 with a "hard" mechanical coupling because of the impulse load and the torque. However( if my theory is correct) if you put some sort of "absorbative" coupler in to lengthen the load event,it wouldn't surprise me too much that a 302 foot would handle far and away more torque load than anyone thinks. It also wouldn't surprise me if it would increase the life of any L/U and allow you to put way more through it than it's design parameters. It's just a theory but,logically,it makes sense to me.

Quote Originally Posted by David_L6
Make that STOCK Yamato Ron....... The PRO (hatchet) Yamato lower units don't seem to hold up all the well from what I've been hearing. D Mod seems to be the upper limit for units - anything with more torque than a 44 Merc they can't handle for long.