
I'm sure you remember your Dad was so upset that he at first said "Mr. Seebold has died". My first thoughts were of Bill Sr. and possibly a heart attack. Then Baldy regained his composure and told us the sad news about Gerry.
Ron Hill has posted a picture of Gerry talking to Phil Wagner. This is one of your pictures and I'm sure you've already seen the post, but for those who haven't seen it, check it out.
Some of those reading this never knew Gerry, but this picture will tell you a lot about the man.
The picture shows Gerry as being a small man. What it doesn't show however, is the fact that although he was small in size. he had a heart and spirit as big as "Andre the Giant".
The picture also shows him smiling. That's what I remember most, that ever-present smile. Gerry was one of the most positive, optimistic people I ever met. You hardly ever saw him without a smile.
Ron descibes Gerry's death as "The day the music died".
That sums it up very well.