as posted here....
April 8, 2010
Dear RV Participants,

Thanks for your past support of San Diego Bayfair! It’s only through the long term development of our team in San Diego we’ve been able to produce such a high quality family festival for so many great people…since 1964. It’s very much a San Diego family tradition, and one we’re working diligently to continue and improve.

In our first letter we indicated “Planned” attractions, which included the unlimited hydroplanes (H1). At that time, we believed there were some potential sponsors with enough significant interest we could include them as planned….but not confirmed. We held up mailing our RV renewals as long as possible, but finally we simply had to get them in the mail….many of you asking for them, and wanting an update.

Again, as many of you are aware, all forms of motorsports have changed, including boat racing…in some cases there are fewer categories, and less boats; but more importantly less sponsors. And, without high quality sponsors, we simply are unable to book certain classes. That’s the case for the H1 series and Drag Boats….the previous business model has not been working and as it stands today there is no funding available to include them. Combined with increased event expenses, city, fencing, support services, etc., the financial equation is at best challenging.

So….what does that mean for the Bayfair’s future. Well, our intent is to re-build a magnificent San Diego tradition, one block at a time….and our first emphasis is on the family festival elements….motorhomers, fun zones for kids, beer gardens, special events during the weekend, etc….followed by attracting those racing classes allowed within our budget. We will of course continue to pursue financial partners and as we do, add more fun ‘blocks’ to the Festival.

Thus, we’ll see joining us the following boat racing categories: Off-Shore Racers, Limited Class Hydroplanes, other APBA Powerboat Racing classes….and more as we can add them. But, because of our reformatting, you have to make a decision, and that’s to support our long term vision or not….and of course we hope you’ll choose to stay with us, encourage your friends to come….and if anyone knows of potential sponsors wanting additional visibility to the public, pass their names and contact information to us…and we’ll chase after them. Bottom line, there will be “Thunder” on the Bay in 2010 with your help and support.

Again, we appreciate your past support…but more than that we appreciate your future support. Anyone already signed up (with a deposit) wanting a refund, please contact us and we’ll return your deposit immediately. For those wanting to be there in 2010…..let’s make it happen and have a great time. You have until Friday, April 23rd to finalize your 2010 reservation with an appropriate deposit. After that time, we’ll open up sales to others on our waiting list, and believe it or not, we have one…people are anxious to enjoy a beautiful weekend in Mission Bay Park, knowing it’s the only opportunity during the year to do so. For those of you deciding to confirm your reservation by April 23rd, we’ll add one 3-day pass to your package (and that means for those of you already reserved, you’ll be receiving the pass also). We promise you we’re diligently working to provide the best Bayfair experience possible, and are committed to growing and improving the event each year…taking a long term vision.

We look forward to hearing from you,

Jeff Thomas
Chairman of the Board