Hi all! I wholeheartedly agree with and support the Dave Mason camp regarding the 850cc front cover modifications. I understand the points/counterpoints, but fail to see any upside for the FE class in terms of; 1) attracting new drivers to FE, 2) retaining present drivers, 3) minimizing our insurance costs, 4) overall costs to drivers to remain competitive, 5) safety, 6) competitive racing fields from a spectators' standpoint, 7) etc..etc... That said, I applaud the efforts of those in their quest for additional speed and competitive advantage. Personally, I believe this particular modification goes over the top and violates the spirit/intent of APBA Modified Outboard Racing rules. Clearly, this modification is based on a loophole within the technical rules. I cannot be critical of those who discovered and exploit the loophole, that is simply racing. Admittedly, I have not raced in APBA for a number of years. So, I don't have a vote or say in APBA rules. As an active NBRA SEH driver, however, I would never support this modification being adopted in our organization. Good luck to all in '10...John Kincaid 54-V