Quote Originally Posted by Rex Hall Jr. View Post

You say it is hard to try to design a Euro boat without having one to copy, but I sent you complete drawings and dimensions for a Moestes 250/350 hydro. If you cannot build one to blueprints without adding something extra that you think might work, that may be why it costs so much to develop new boats. The Euro boat works for ALL racing, jetty starts, clock starts, short course, long course, etc. The Revolution boat that came apart at the World Championships was built off the same drawings that I sent you, and the boat ran very good. The problem was the boat was not assembled very well and the top separated from the bottom. Giuseppe Rossi drove the boat and said it ran and turned just like his Moestes hydro. So we can make them without having a boat here to copy. Chris Hellsten has shown that he can win in 250 and 350 on any Title Series course with a Euro boat. All I am saying is the European drivers completely dominate us when they run against American designed boats, and in most cases, they will lap us in 8 laps. We need to wake up and get on the band wagon if we are to compete at the highest levels of Pro racing. American drivers are just as good, and can be just as fast with the same equipment.

Rex Hall
Rex, Yes I can build a boat from prints.... I was the only designer in boat racing to sell CAD generated plans all over the world but I could not use the print you sent to me because they were too old from the Mostis they were taken off of. Also, those dimensions were missing quite a bit of information as well, even after you plug all the dimensions in CAD. It is not as simple as taking dimensions and making a boat that works.....That concept does not work when you actually have formulas for making these boats that require much more dimensioning that was on a print that was passed around by yourself.

I have had lengthly chats with Trombetta, Rossi and others from europe that have in-depth knowledge about these boats. Copying the prints that you passed around would not be a wise move to design and build a euro style boat from. The Betta boat is quite diffferent than the Mostis in many areas, if you know what you are looking for. The TEC boat would be the closest to the Mostis but still different than the Betta boat.

The cost is the time that it takes to develop a successful model, build the master plug, make the molds off the master plug and then build the composite boat. That is all money that is not recovered from selling boats until you sell many, many boats from those molds.

I think you need to actually read what I posted..... I was making the point that critics that have no clue about how these euro boats work or how to build them should keep their opinions to themselves and allow people to try to make successful products. With critics out there bashing any and every attempt being made for USA Euro style boats being developed, why would any boat builder want to make any boats at all?

Point being Rex that everyone needs to encourage the building and designing of these boats and not expand upon the failures of the people trying...........