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Thread: Libyan Facts...

  1. #1
    Administrator Ron Hill's Avatar
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    Default Libyan Facts...

    Maybe, I'll rename this site to Political Facts... Are these facts true about Libya????

    FACT: All loans were issued by the Libyan government at 0% interest.
    FACT: Libya is the country in all Africa with the highest OIL reserves, and the cost of producing a barrel of oil is 100 times more cheap than in the rest of the world
    FACT: In the 1950's, Libya was the poorest country in the world. Before the NATO invasion, Libya had become the country with the best quality of life in all Africa thanks to Gaddafi.
    FACT: although controlled media disinformation, Libya is a country that, beyond oil, 144 tons of gold in the vaults of the Central Bank of true Government of Libya, a country that offers its people free medical services and quality education system and a 100% subsidized by the state, a country that offers interest-free loans to its citizens, a country that has !!no debts to the IMF!!!, World Bank or other financial institutions around the world and finally a country which, for all these, is a rich country, sovereign and independent
    FACT: When marrying, young couples receive 60,000 Libyan dinars (about 50,000 US dollars
    FACT: Libya State Pays 50% When you buy a CAR, YES 50%!!
    FACT: Did you also know Libya had no foreign debt, that's right NO FOREIGN DEBT. No money was owed to world? bank or any other money lender
    FACT: Libya government gives FREE School( College) even if they go outside of the Libya the government will pay for all there needs even housing, food, plus extra to live ,Free Health care, Also the Student gets extra 2,500 every month for needs.
    FACT: in libya its a HUMAN Right for every single person to own there own home free of CHARGE YES FREE!
    FACT: When marrying couples have a child they receive 5,000 Libyan dinars from the government for all the child's needs.
    FACT: In the 1950's, Libya was the poorest country in the world. Before the NATO invasion, Libya had become the country with the best quality of life in all Africa thanks to Gaddafi.
    FACT: The rebels have already made a deal with oil companies to let them loot Libyan resources, and also made deals to allow a central bank run by Rothschild Family to be implemented in the country. Rothschild Family is a group of bankers that own all western banks, and are estimated to own over half the worlds wealth.
    FACT: A few months before this invasion, Gaddafi announced he was implementing a new currency, alongside most African countries. This would mean Africa would stop selling resources in Dollars and Euros, and would also mean a new powerful currency would get into the market, allowing progress for 3rd world countries in Africa. This of course, is not convenient for the powerful millionaires of the west.
    FACT: Gaddafi Handed down ALL his power to the Libyan people in 1977.
    invasion Libyans enjoyed the highest standards of living in Africa, & Ahead of Russia,Brazil & Saudi Arabia.
    FACT: electricity is free to ALL people.
    FACT: Before Qaddafi, less than 1/5th of all Libyans were literate, now education is FREE & high quality & the literacy rate is 83%.
    FACT: On 1st July 2011, 2.1 Million people assembled in green square,Tripoli to show defiance against the NATO bombing of the Libyan civilians. This represented around 95% of the population of Tripoli
    FACT: The Libyan central bank is the state owned & unlike ALL banks in the west..The Libyan central bank is not owned by Rothschild & issues debt FREE money!
    FACT: Gaddafi had never acted like the police of the world has never invaded another country or has never attacked one all his time in power with his people.
    FACT: A son of Gaddafi quote '' Without the tyranny of the Rothschild control over the issuance of the money, we could all live as free and wealthy people. ''
    FACT: Gaddafi has made the world biggest river to make the desert of Libya green and to supply millions with water and many other country's in Africa. He made the river so he didn't have to reply on any other country (USA) so his people can feed them self's. Also he didn't spend all his time/money killing other country's and making nukes cough cough like some he actually helped every Libyan.

    I find these facts more than interesting....

  2. #2
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    Default What is the soujrce of these "facts" and how documented


    I think the survivors of the folks that died on the Pan Am flight that he basically admitted he was responsible for by backing the people that placed the bomb on board. would argue at least one of these points, i.e. he never attacked another nation. Pan Am was a US flag carrier.

    I think it has been proven several times over that this act, plus the bombing of a resturant that acommodated US personnel,and killed many ( located in Germany I believe) was his way of striking back at the US for perceived injustices against him by the US. Maybe not attacks against us on US soil, but certainly against US property, citizens, and interests where ever he was able. He welcomed the person found responsible for the Pan Am bombing back home with open arms and praise for his actions, when he was released by the British a couple of years ago on humanitarian grounds because he had cancer.

    In addition he bragged many times about furnishing money and equipment to other terrorists so they could carry out the same type attacks. He finally got the message he was on the wrong side several years ago and struck a deal with the US to come off the list of nations that supported terrorism, in return for sanctions being lifted against him by the US and other nations. He also supposedly gave up some nuclear material he had received from either N. Korea or Pakistan that was being used to try to build a weapon.

    Certainly NOT the epitome of the world's greatest citizen and it looks as though lots of folks are happy he is not around anymore..


  3. #3
    Administrator Ron Hill's Avatar
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    Default Free Interest on Loans


    everything your wrote I ad heard before and knew about.........Just what they told me on TV....These facts, if they are true, sure shed a different point of view of what we were told on TV!

    $50 grand to get married!!! Wonder what they pay for a divorce???

  4. #4
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    Default He must have not been appreciated by the electorate...

    I guess to get to the true facts about what was posted about him, a vote would have to be taken by his constituents......

    Most any citizen of most any country would be happy and very satisfied to live in a country where the head man provided everything credited to him and his government in that list of facts.

    It seems they just had an referendum on his policies and they voted him out, permanently!!

    As one of our politicians one said, "you can't please all the people, all of the time". The Libyans must be real ingrates. Sure would not want to run for anything over there!!

  5. #5
    Team Member Master Oil Racing Team's Avatar
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    WOW RON! Interesting facts.

    I think though that Bahgdad Bob maybe fled to Libya and was Minister of Information.

    FACT: If everyone got all that stuff, why did the guys who caught him shove a rifle barrel up his A$$, then shoot him in the chest and head after prior disabling him with a couple shots in his legs? This is all hearsay though since none of us were there to witness it, but it is also been reported that his body was put on the hood of a vehicle and driven all around town to display it. That's what we used to do in the old days with a trophy buck until everyone figured out the meat would taste better if you would go ahead and process it and put it in the freezer.

    When Osama became room temperature, the Americans pulled out all stops to get him on a ship and body dumped at sea before sunrise the next day according to muslim tradition. Seems like the people he adorned all this stuff on did not feel so compelled to give him the same treatment. Is is because the U.S. had ahold of Osama's body and it had to be released or the muslims that carted Quadaffi around were proud to drive him all around the neighborhood to show that he was finally exterminated, then freeze him for a few days for more people to come by and view the body for proof AND excitement that he was gone.

    If all the facts were true.....WE the American taxpayers paid a big chunk of his protection, but that couldn't hold back the tide of resentment that was unleashed when the people of Libya finally had the numbers to go against him. They put the shoe on his face...and buried him in the sand...days after muslim tradition suggested. They wanted no monument erected over his burial place. Hardly a remembrance of one who so lovingly embraced and took care of its. citizens.

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