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Thread: The demise of OMC

  1. #31
    Administrator Ron Hill's Avatar
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    Default February 2001

    Bombardier sure seems to have made a serious turn around in their engines, in what I had forgotten to be a short time...

    Thanks, Skoontz, for your history lesson.....amazing how this whole thing played out.....

    When Greenmarine bought OMC they didn't really want it, they wanted to make money one their stock...They were convinced Roger "GOD" Penske wanted OMC and would "pony up" another 200 million for OMC....Which the Green Group would have made off the inflated OMC stock...When Roger balked at the "BUMP" in price, he was quoted as saying, "I don't mind spending $200 million, but I want it in machines, not stock."

    I often wonder "IF" Roger Penske would have bought OMC....He had stated publicly that "He'd support Boat Racing."

    It was at about this time when I had written Roger a letter telling him I wanted him to run for President of the USA...
    Last edited by Ron Hill; 09-25-2006 at 09:42 PM.

  2. #32
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    Default Evinrude by BRP

    Quote Originally Posted by RonHill
    Bombardier sure seems to have made a serious turn around in their engines, in what I had forgotten to be a short time...

    Thanks, Skoontz, for your history lesson.....amazing how this whole thing played out.....

    When Greenmarine bought OMC they didn't really want it, they wanted to make money one their stock...They were convinced Roger "GOD" Penske wanted OMC and would "pony up" another 200 million for OMC....Which the Green Group would have made off the inflated OMC stock...When Roger balked at the "BUMP" in price, he was quoted as saying, "I don't mind spending $200 million, but I want it in machines, not stock."

    I often wonder "IF" Roger Penske would have bought OMC....He had stated publicly that "He'd support Boat Racing."

    It was at about this time when I had written Roger a letter telling him I wanted him to run for President of the USA...
    Hey Ron, for those that haven't heard Bombardier Corporation no longer owns Evinrude Johnson. A couple of years ago private investors including the Bombardier family formed Bombardier Recreational Products (BRP)

    BPR purchased original OMC Johnson Evinrude outboards along with Sea Doo, Ski Doo and ATV assets from parent Bombardier Corporation.

    BPR reported last week retail sales are up more than 70% over prior year. BPR no longer sells large 4-stroke motors supplied by Suzuki and carbureted 2-strokes for USA are discontinued.

    Direct injection 2-strokes, such as the E-TECH have superior running quality, fuel economy, oil injection as well as low emmissions. E-TECH full throttle RPM is not restricted as Ficht models were.

    Let's hope we see more direct injected competition in boat racing.

  3. #33
    Administrator Ron Hill's Avatar
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    Default Sure Seems Like the E-Tec

    Why is the E-Tec so clean? Seems to me it is basically a two stroke but all the oil is in the crankcase, but how do they oil the rings and such???

    Seems to me that it is better than all them cams and valves, and stuff in a four stroke...

    What gives? Why does it work? Or how does it work???

    Michael J., Jim Nerstrom??? You guys can always tell me how the clock works when I ask what time is it....

  4. #34
    Team JDS Jeff Akers's Avatar
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    Default from BRP website

    This gives some general info on he subject

    There is some good stuff on there website..If you can read between all the sales pitch lingo

    If you get a chance to run one of them do it!...They are amazing engines

    I'm rigging a boat with a 2007 115 E Tec this week. Maybe I'll post some info on it once she's up and running.
    Jeff 93-C

  5. #35
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    My personal view is one the environmental mentals won't like. It's all a bunch of crap. Evironmentalists make their cases more often than not by adding and subtracting criteria as necessary to prove the case they need made.

    Every statisitc or test they use is proven numerically, and there in comes the lie used, because I can make a case for any side for any arguement using math.

    My personal recommendation would be for the environmental mentals to get into a room with an old gas and oil mixed two stroke and time how long it would be until they pass out. Then do the same with with a 4 stroke.

    I'm betting they pass out in the same amount of time with either engine. These same morons are the types who move next to a drag strip and begin griping about the noise of the fuel cars running the track every Sunday.

    Said all the emotional stuff, before looking at stats saying ficht engines or direct injection pollute less, show me every criteria used to make the results. As with the small engine pollution scare, something will be there or not, that would change the result necessary to create what whoever wanted to prove needed to.

  6. #36
    Team Member Master Oil Racing Team's Avatar
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    Default You got it right Skoontz

    I have seen it personally in a situation where environmentalists helped put us out of business.

    Going back to the thirties, it was a legal and a regulated practice to dispose of produced saltwater into bays from wells in the vicinity so long as no oil or grease was released. Most of the produced water had approximately the same salinity of the bay. Some a little higher like the Gulf. In the early 90's the State of Texas and City of Corpus Christi made a push to eliminate tidal disposals in Nueces Bay to help in their PR effort that they were losing.

    The City of Corpus Christi initially fought water releases from Lake Corpus Christi, but after a little extortion from the feds on grant money their lawyers switched sides. But, they were losing the PR battle against the public. The permit called for 151,000 acre feet per year be released into the bays. There was a huge public outcry. So then they said they "Modified" the release requirments and from now on only 91,000 acre feet needed to be released. What they DIDN'T SAY was that the 60,000 acre feet that had been returning to the bays from industry such as cooling water from refineries and powerplants as well as treated effluent from water treatment plants and stormwater runoff was credited against that 151,000 acre feet. There was absolutely NO CHANGE.

    They installed ONE salinity monitor in the Bay and the normal salinity in that vacinity ran around 30 ppt(parts per thousand). So they started reporting the salinty as 30,000 ppm (parts per million) Same thing, but reporting it in ppm sounds much worse doesn't it. I personally checked salinity levels 1/4 mile down from our discharge and it consistenty measured 12,000 ppm. Our discharge averaged 18,000 ppm so by the time it got to where I took measurements, it was already diluted. But then, we were only discharging about 1,000 bbl per day and tides changed bay water twice a day.

    The environmentalists were not getting the results they wanted so they installed about a dozen salinity monitors around the bay and after a bunch of PR hype and the so called hypersalinity of Nueces Bay the results started coming in. I didn't know how to use a computer very well back then and I chalked my inability to find the well advertised Texas A&M Blucher Institute studies on my computer. I have looked for them since then and they aren't there. The fact that the results never appeared in the newspaper or TV and you can't pull them up tells me the environmentalists blew hundreds of thousands of dollars on a project that mother nature erased twice a day.

    There are many documented cases where environmentalists play with the numbers for desired results. When they go looking for toxic materials in an area they want for themselves and don't find it, they get someone to invent ways to find ever smaller amounts of substances. So now you hear of toxic substances measured in ppb (parts per billion.)

    They blamed the oil and gas industry for the Tarpon decline. When we were fighting the environmentalists and anti business agencies in the state I did a lot of research in Austin. At the time we were shut down, all the oil companies in the area were disposing of 60,000 barrels PER MONTH. Back when Ernest Hemminway and Franklin D. Roosevelt were catching Tarpon in the day and spending the night at the Tarpon Inn at Port Aransas, the discharges amounted to 60,000 barrels PER Day. If you just look at cause and effect in a narrow, manipulative way you could conclude that the oil and gas industry caused the demise of Tarpon because they weren't feeding enough produced water into the bays.

    Sorry to get off of outboards, but this is first hand evidence of the way those people bend the facts.

  7. #37
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    Default The sad part is most people are either too dumb or too lazy to read between the lines

    That EXACTLY what I'm talking about that they do Master Oil.

    In the small engine scare, they used media outlets to imply that by running any small engine such as a lawn mower or fishing outboard, you were part of creating 10% of the worlds air pollution. So, having all the engines they claim effected the air, I peeled back a layer or two of the onion and examined what it was they used to make their cases.

    In the small engine scare, think about this a minute..... The enviro-mentals claimed 10% of the worlds air pollution was caused by small engines. So, the average family having two cars, even at the tiniest, has an engine 4 times the size of a lawn mower or fishing boat motor. The car runs on average, 2 hours a day during the week. The lawn mower runs an hour a week at best and the outboard may not run all year!!!!!!

    10% of the pollution?????? As I looked at this study, I see they could not make this claim on the original whacko push. That's right, they set the criteria THEY felt necessary to create enough sound bite blips that the American people would take notice. So, they began increasing horsepower and cubic inch sizes and adding all those engines into the classification they called "Small Engines" Thier study, the one claiming 10% of the worlds pollution, includes engines under 100 BHP....I have 3 Caterpillar D-3 bulldozers all using an engine of 93 HP...May I ask, would ANYONE call this a small engine?

    In this study are engines under 100 HP in the marine applications....Would anyone of sane mind classify a 1000PB Merc, or an X115 OMC, or even a 3 banger SST-60 or even an SST-45 as a SMALL engine???????

    That's how they got their numbers. And I'll say it one last time....The average American is too busy, too stupid, does not care enough, or way too lazy to dive into how the enviro-mentals got their numbers, and chose to believe the lie. Offensive at this may sound, I almost got into a fist fight at a Kiwanas meeting when one of the leftus loonies began his spewage and could not support what he believed....

    Anyway, like it or not, now that they are here, I'm afraid direct injection is here to stay....

  8. #38
    Team Member Master Oil Racing Team's Avatar
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    Default If they weren't so dangerous.... could laugh at them. For instance one time a volcanoe had dark billowing clouds blowing and spewing ashes, gases, and natural products more than 30,000 feet in the air. The REAL SCIENTISTS were explaining how that has a direct and true effect on our atmosphere rather than anything man could make. Al Gore asked how that volcano puke could get all the way to the ozone hole. Well, Al, HOW THE HELL can a pipsqueak freon leak get there if a supercharged blowhole can't do it....Huh?

    The average American still watches too much CNN.

  9. #39
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    There are two things that would straighten everyone out....Watching 3 hours a day of the 3 stooges will enlighten the mind and broaden the tunnel of vision, so, I declare all politicians watch an hour a day of Moe, Larry, and Curly. Second, all enviro-mentals should hook a set of reins up to the dashboard of a Switzer Hugger powered by a 99 cubic inch 140 HP Johnson.

    Then, air the boat out while steering from top the motor. When they get off, once again, they will understand why it is so important to stop wrecking good engines by installing worthless unnecessary crap that costs too much to repair.

    If the new president of OMC did the about the time they opted into the boat building business, the best outboard motor company the world has ever known would still be the best outboard motor company the world ever knew.

  10. #40
    Administrator Ron Hill's Avatar
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    Default First Thing I Learned

    The first thing I learned as a school teacher was how LOW average is....

    Here's an example...I drive a V-8 Ford truck to the river, burn 25 gallons of gas both ways, and I use my 2 stroke 15 HP outboard to go fishing for two hours....I burn a 1/2 gallon of gas in the 50:1 oil mix.....My new four stroke didn't burn any oil????? While I was there I drove to Laughlin twice and Havasu once...Man did that new four stroke cut down on pollution...

    YOU ARE SO right ABOUT CNN. I was walking through the Denver airport and CNN was on every channel, I thought Home Land Security would haul me off, as I made such a stink about putting Fox News on at least one TV!!!!

    When I stgarted teaching 40 years ago, most in Orange County were Republicans, when I retired two years ago, I was the last Republican in the district...

    Spent three days with my 17 year old last weekend, just us, by Sunday, we were lsiting to the radio, and hearing how the average Russian nuclear scientist makes $150 a month, BROC started expalining how the free market worked....but on Thursday night he'd started telling how taxes were good...

    Too many CNN watchers for sure!!!

    ADD: Glad Evinrude work well and they got great cowlings...

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