Yes, Kristi it is Henry. HP Shakeshaft II

Also Dale Sellers and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Grupe--a famous engine builder from Dallas area.

OK Charley here is the trivia. DePue 1972 I had qualified my A D and F hydros. On the back straight of the first lap of C hydro I had a good lead with Billy Seebold chasing me when I did one of those tree topping blowovers. The only time I ever blew over in my career. They were going to haul me in to get checked out, but we still had one more qualifying heat and if I went to the hospital I would miss it. Your Dad, Doc Bradley, said he would check me out. He did, so they let me stay. I won my qualifying heat of B Hydro, but Billy Seebold said I wouldn't be able to race in the finals. He was right. I was so stove up the next day I couldn't even move my neck and one of the little floating ribs was moving around.